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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Flatten image with CTRL + SHIFT + F Use color picker to select the pixel you want Undo with CTRL + Z to 'unflatten'
  2. If you mean one of the paint.net windows - try pressing F5, F6, F7 & F8 to toggle then off or on. If you mean a dialog that a plugin generates then just grab it by the title bar and shift it (same as any other window).
  3. Yes. Download the plugin pack, unzip it and copy across only the DLL(s) that you require.
  4. Hi FORD1972, welcome to the forum. This thread is not a good place to ask supplementary questions, because the original topic wanders off-topic. You are best to repost your question as a new thread (i.e. 'Start New Topic') in the Paint.net Discussion & Questions section. Then you'll get replies directly to your question. Aside > my first car was a 1972 ford cortina (Mk2)! But that's another story...,
  5. The Pictorium ( http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/16-the-pictorium/ ) would be the place to ask for critique of your work. There is even a thread called Advanced Critique ( ) if you think your image/questions aren't suited to the Image Hospital ( ). You would be best to repost in either of those threads. I'll lock this thread just to keep things tidy. <locked>
  6. Please ask questions about a specific plugin in the thread related to that plugin. This helps keep all the discussion of the plugin in one place. Thanks. <closed>
  7. When you have the line tool active, look in the toolbar for this icon: Change it to This icon controls the rasterization (anti-aliasing) of the drawing tools. More >> http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/Toolbar.html
  8. Also consider the angle you're taking the photo from. Slightly low camera angle with the subject facing ahead, but looking down, gives a haughty/superior aspect (think of subject "looking down her nose" at you). This is the experssion you want if you're going to associate her with evil. While I'm on the subject of angles, if the photo subject tucks her chin in and peers slightly upwards at the camera (like over the top of imaginary eyeglasses) the expression is coquettish. (I suspect this is why lots of young men have crushes on their female teachers - it's teacher peering over the top of their glasses at the impressionable young things! )
  9. This will help you to figure out the settings: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21134-how-can-i-create-a-shape-and-recolor-it/page__view__findpost__p__348884
  10. It is working correctly - you just need to work out how to use it. This thread might help explain: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21134-how-can-i-create-a-shape-and-recolor-it/page__view__findpost__p__348884 You can find many plugins in the Plugin Index (link in my sig), or here http://searchpaint.net/
  11. Give her some teeth like in this tutorial : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15319-vampire-teeth-this-one-is-really-long-sorry-xd/ Darken her skin tone with Conditional Hue & Saturation Change the eye color with this tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14116-colouring-the-eyes/ Then give her your credit card
  12. Paint.net is, after all, developed by one guy - not a team of developers. Features are therefore prioritized and developed as and when, or if, Rick wishes. Furthermore, paint.net is supplied free so grumbling about a perceived lack of features/tools is not really going to endear you to anyone. As pdnnoob explained, there are workarounds. Let's hope we can convince you that not every tool you're used to seeing is always necessary.
  13. Sounds like your file associations are messed up. IE shouldn't be associated with a ZIPped file. This link may help: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307859 (XP - I took a guess ).
  14. Old, old, old topic Balnce. Treat it like it was locked (it now is) and post your request in a new thread. Thanks. <locked>
  15. Posting a link is fine if your image is larger than 800 pixels.
  16. Is it a zipped file? If so you will need to unzip it. These instructions might be clearer: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php
  17. Paint.net can handle all the plugins, but installing all of them is a waste of time and effort unless you're going to actually use them. Install the ones you actually use. Yes installing all of them will slow the load time.
  18. @AwesomeDude: Please read the forum rules, specifically #29 which refers to posting large images. I've replaced your image in post #14 with a link.
  19. Welcome to the forum! I think you're looking for the resize function. Look in the Image menu. Image > Resize. Tick 'by percentage'. Type in 200% in the box. more info: http://www.getpaint..../ImageMenu.html Settings for printing (dots per inch = DPI) can also be found in that dialog.
  20. I think you may have originally downloaded from the first link. I'm glad we managed to sort it out for you. This forum works on the general principle that a plugin is released in it's own thread. So the first post is always the place to look for the download (when you follow a link to a thread, it generally defaults to the first post - so that's where most users find stuff they are looking for). When updates are posted for a plugin, we find it best to replace the download in the first post - rather than bury the update in the middle of the thread. This keeps ONE download relevant. Don't worry - you'll get used to how we work here!
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