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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. There is no magnetic lasso. The selection tools you see are what you get, although there are many options available: Try the CTRL key to add selections. There are also five selection 'modes' that you can play with (find them in the toolbar with a selection tool active).
  2. Appreciate you're trying to help johoe, but providing a step-by-step guide to copyright violation is frowned upon. The watermarks are there for a reason - please respect this.
  3. Isolate Lineart is found under the Adjustments menu.
  4. @iSaad: Please read through with the Forum Rules, particularly #29 concerning the size of posted images. I've replaced your images with links to the same so we're all cool this time
  5. July update Three plugins added: Highlight - @Red ochre Creates the twinkly highlights you find in a photo that is taken towards the sun, highlights on water or metallic text. XNB format - @r2d2rigo Filetype. Loads XNA 4 uncompressed Texture2D & XNBs compiled for Windows or Windows Phone. No save option. Tweak Transparency - @Red ochre Thicken outlines, set transparency minima & maxima, bevels & shadow/halo effects
  6. Are you developing a new plugin or trying to install exisiting plugins? If you're trying to get a new plugin working, try posting your problem (in detail) in this forum: http://forums.getpai...lopers-central/ If you are having provblems installing an exisiting plugin, try here: http://www.boltbait....lingEffects.asp
  7. Don't worry about the age of the previous post. That rule is not applicable to tutorials, so you're welcome to chime in anytime. If we think that a tutorial has had it's day, then we'll close or delete it. That way we keep the forum pure. Like your posted image! It's a great idea to apply this tutorial to create a water effect. Good thinking!
  8. It has always been my belief that the dialog shouldn't appear every time, just when it's actually needed:
  9. @Dorrie, I swapped your image for a link to the same because the image was very large (we have a limit for posted images of 800 pixels maximum). By posting a link users can choose to view the image or not, and that saves bandwidth.
  10. Keep persevering! Custom Brushes is worth the effort
  11. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20205-convert-photoshop-brushes-to-paintnet-brushes/ third post down
  12. The website doesn't want you to use the previews, hence the watermarks. Regardless of the purpose you're putting them to (personal/commercial) you should NOT use them without paying for them. It is unacceptable to claim 'personal use'. E.g. "Can I take your car for a joyride? You locked it, but I want it for personal use so breaking the lock should be OK". Its not OK, its theft. Edit: (University of Melbourne): http://www.unimelb.edu.au/copyright/information/overview.html - a fairly good explanation of what you can and can't do.
  13. Hold SHIFT down to constrain the line to 15 degree increments. Makes drawing straight lines much easier when you use the mouse!
  14. It's under "Normal Map" (two words). There is also NormalMap 1.1 and the updated NormalMapPlus v1.0
  15. Your line is being antialiased when drawn. This means that there is a blend going on to soften the edges and remove the jagged (or stepped) appearance. Your problem is that the fill tool is not filling these 'marginal' areas. Try increasing the tolerance slider in the toolbar by around 10% and try the fill tool again. You may need to fine tune the tolerance increase several times to get the coverage you require. A quick way of undoing a 'fill' (or any other action) is the CTRL + Z keyboard shortcut.
  16. I'd read through this thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21916-paint-a-archway-with-paintnet-shape3d/ You can create the basic shapes using the same method.
  17. Hi Necrophine, welcome to the forum. Please take the time to read our Forum Rules, especially #6 - thread titles must be descriptive. You'll see that your thread title "Hello" is one of the ones that are specifically forbidden. The reason for this rule is that users use the thread title to find information on the forum. "Hello" tells us nothing about the content of the thread, so it's useless as a search term. Tell you what: I'll rename the thread title for you, IF you promise to read the rules. Deal?
  18. Be sure you're using it correctly. It is the CTRL key that sets the stamp location More >> http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20321-how-does-the-clone-stamp-tool-work/page__view__findpost__p__340447 The Help docs >> http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/CloneStamp.html
  19. Not a good idea to post your email in an open forum Ken, unless you want bags of spam in your inbox. Rick (paint.net developer) is working on a number of cool features for the next roll out of paint.net. He is very busy. I don't believe that a polygon tool is 1) too hard or that 2) Rick has something against it. Rather it is probably just not a priority just now. Remember that this software is provided free. You are welcome to comment on it and provide feedback, but whinging about a perceived lack of features is not going to endear you to anyone.
  20. You don't have to have had PS installed. You just need a third party PS filter to run this plugin with. In the first post in this thread there are links to two PS filters. This plugin has been tested with both of those filters. Try one of them.
  21. There is a plugin which will perform this green shift for you. Find it here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20643-night-vision-effect/
  22. Once you have removed Grey & white this plugin seems perfect for the job of fixing the gaps in the lines: Overliner To thicken the line you could use Outline Object If the image is as symmetrical as it first appears you might also try duplicating the red-web layer and simply rotating it. This might fill in quite a few of the gaps & you can repeat as needed.
  23. Use the ellipse select tool to select an area around one of the problem eyes. Make the selection fairly small to just encompass the overcolored iris. Hold down the CTRL key and make another selection around the second eye (the CTRL key allows you to ADD this second selection to the first). Now run the plugin or the built in effect.
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