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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. You have to admit that the plugin made a much better job of the sky, and it's much faster. I think you'll have a more realistic outcome if you tone down the 'grass' when using the plugin.
  2. Have a look at this Warhol style tutorial: http://sites.google.com/site/cjmcguinness/popartstyleposter
  3. I bet you downloaded something that had "Mega" in the title? If you answered "yes" to that question, here's how to fix your problems: 1. Delete the contents of your /Effects and /Filetypes folders. Yes, everything! 2. Download the plugins you need from links provided on this forum. It really is the only safe way to get the latest release of each plugin (Goonfella is absolutely correct in his post above).
  4. Then you really should post it in another thread, unless the question directly relates to the first one in this thread. Mixing topics/questions in a thread leads off-topic and makes the forum chaotic. Creating another thread keeps the forum tidy and easily searchable.
  5. On this forum we generally refer to this as the "Pleasantville effect".
  6. 1. Reduce the scan resolution. Monitors are roughly 96pixels per inch so scanning at huge resolutions is a waste of time for images intended purely for screen use. 2. Reduce the canvas size. An 8"x5" photo has 40 square inches of image, a 6"x4" has 24. The filesize will differ accordingly. 3. Try the OptiPNG plugin to squash the PNG filesize further.
  7. That's right, you can make them yourself. There are many excellent sig tutorials available on this forum. Try a little searchy-poo: http://searchpaint.net/
  8. We're paint.net users - just like you! And once upon a time we were probably newbies too. I'm glad you're finding the forum helpful and friendly. That's how we like it
  9. So this technique is outlined text with an image inside it, much like this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14617-image-in-text/ Before you post tutorials, please take the time to search the forum thoroughly - it might save you a lot of effort. Your images are also oversized. We have a 800px limit on forum images. In light of the above points, I suspect you have not seen these: Tutorial Posting Guidelines. Please read through them. While we appreciate your efforts AirbusA340, this has been done before. <locked>
  10. You can report broken plugin links to me, or post in the thread concerned - we'll find them!
  11. Looks like to figured it out For help on Image > Resize, go here: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ImageMenu.html
  12. Link in Welshy's post fixed. You should find a load of excellent info on layers in the paint.net help files (Press F1 with paint.net open, or use the above link).
  13. Yes if you're shrinking the image - but there will of course be loss of information (different from loss of quality). No if you're enlarging it. There will always be a compromise where the extra pixels have to be 'made up' to fill the extra space. A relatively small enlargement may incur only a slight loss of quality and may be nearly invisible to the naked eye.
  14. You ARE a real programmer! We have the plugins to prove it. RE: most read/least replied - It's a sad fact: July pdf = 2718 downloads and not a single 'rep' . Nevermind, I got two for the post above yours - so I feel loved
  15. Certainly you can keep separate threads for each plugin. Actually encouraged. Just link back the plugin pack thread instead of attaching the zipped file. There are many examples of authors doing just this (BoltBait, Pyrochild, MadJik....,). Sure would.
  16. That feature is disabled, so you can stop trying. Sorry about the misleading error message - it's a forum thing
  17. Mmmmm....., Psychocolour qu'est-ce que c'est? (I'm being smart with a Talking Heads lyric - not actually asking the question) Nicely done, Red Ochre! When do we see a plugin pack?
  18. Once upon a time I made this plugin: http://forums.getpai...9550-lightning/ Then @Cookies picked up the idea and ran with it to create this: http://forums.getpai...showtopic=19792 The upshot is that you can make a smoke effect by creating several monchrome bolts of lightning on separate layers (plus possibly blurring the results). The result will be more like the smoke trail from a cigarrette than a forest fire, but it may get you started.
  19. A fair request. There are already many keyboard shortcuts, but the ones you specifically mentioned don't seem to be present. I was surprised that move layer up/down wasn't in the layers menu
  20. No, they say "Brainnnnnnssss...." (Q: Why don't we have a Zombie smiley?)
  21. @Gilbert1: try this thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21134-how-can-i-create-a-shape-and-recolor-it/page__p__348884entry348884
  22. How many did you use in the last week? And yet you loaded every one of them every time you opened paint.net
  23. Return to the DPI link and re-read the section that begins... 2. How can I optimize my image for print? The solution is as pdnnoob suggested - make the logo much larger when you also need to print it. You can shrink it easily, but not increase the size without incurring pixelization. As a rough guide monitors are around 96ppi (pixels per inch) & printers commonly do their work at 300dpi (dots per inch). So upscale your image by a minimum of 3x (300/96) on the screen to retain clarity when printing. Actually I recommend upsizing the image dimensions by a factor of four so that when you resize down for the web it is a factor-of-two reduction. In summary: A 2 inch square on your screen at 96ppi will be exactly filled with an image 192x192 pixels in size. To print a 2 inch square image at 300dpi you'll need the image to be 600x600 pixels.
  24. @perry47: pdnnoob is right you know. Unless you want bags of spam in your Inbox, it's not a good idea to post your email address in an open forum. I've removed it for you. I've also edited your thread title to make what you're asking a little clearer. Oh and welcome to the forum
  25. It's caused by your edges being antialiased (smoothed). The pixels that are used to 'smooth' the edge are not being colored along with the rest of the region. This is because they are not similar enough to the pixel you clicked the tool on. Try fine tuning the tolerance setting in the toolbar. Increasing the % will fill more pixels, decreasing the % will fill less pixels.
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