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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I use "hobby" glasses. They simply magnify by a factor of 1.5 - though you can get them up to 3x. At $12.95 they are MUCH cheaper than a visit to your optometrist!
  2. Wrong forum. This is a support forum for paint.net which runs under Windows.
  3. My bugbears are spelling and grammar - I'm never going to win, but I keep fighting! ^^ I hear you and agree entirely. You ARE appreciated
  4. Hi Powarlator, Please take the time to read through the Forum Rules. Your post breaks a couple of rules (Thread titles must be descriptive, post in the correct section). Tell you what I'll do. If you promise to read the rules (and abide by them ) I'll move this thread to the Paint.net discussion area and rename it for you. Deal? <moved and title edited>
  5. August update Two plugins added. One new author who arrives with a new filetype plugin! Psychocolour - @Red ochre Produce a large range of psychedelic colour effects JPEG XR - @Chrysler Filetype. Load and save JPEG XR (aka HD Photo) image files
  6. No problem Also please note Rule #29 - I've replaced your image above with a link due to it's size.
  7. watsonrew is a spammer and won't be revisiting the forum
  8. Try conditional hue & saturation plugin. Link: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/13003-
  9. Windows > Reset locations. Alternatively, the buttons F5 F6 F7 & F8 toggle the individual windows off and on. More info: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/WindowMenu.html
  10. It looks like a mild sepia wash. http://searchpaint.net/ + "sepia" should get you started. Found this ancient post which might help you with the technique: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/42-sepia-like-effect/page__view__findpost__p__66
  11. Thanks for posting that mini tutorial Minners71. "blue arrow tool" is correctly known as the "Move Tool" It moves pixels from one location to another. "white arrow tool" is the "Move Selection Tool" This tool differs from the Move Tool in that it changes the selection region without altering anything else.
  12. You need to take your questions to a Windows support forum.
  13. No answers, so I would say it is just me. Not so fast! I do think this would be very useful and helpful. I'm particularly interested because pdn does not use CYMK and commercial print shops will often accept an alternative file format of PDF. This plugin would reduce the work required to paste the image into Word and then create a PDF from the document. I'd be very happy to see this developed.
  14. Woah Welshy! Slow down my friend. I don't think Minners71 meant to diss you. In fact I think this comment: ...was direct at the both of us. Your input is always valuable and keenly sought. I'm sure Minners71 meant you no disrespect.
  15. You're welcome. I see you've edited your gallery title successfully - good job. You can edit any of your thread titles using this technique.
  16. Try changing the View to "Medium Icons" in your file explorer. Note: this is a Windows setting and is not related to paint.net.
  17. I renamed it for you. Just to expand on the instructions Welshy gave you: 1. Got to the first post in your gallery. 2. Click on the Edit button at the foot of the first post. 3. In the editor window that opens, look for a button that says "Use Full Editor" click that. 4. A new window opens (the full editor). There is a thread title box at the top of the full editor, overtype the thread title in that box. 5. Click save (or whatever else they call it - it's a button at the bottom of the full editor). NB: I misspelled your username in the sub-title. You now know how to edit that too!
  18. Work through the tutorial a few times until you're familiar with it. Then repeat the tutorial with some modification to the settings to see how these affect the overall result. Experiment. You don't really need the crescent - meteors rarely have 'em You could ask minners71 how they created the circle in this example: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12667-helio-ignite-sig%c2%a9%c2%ae/page__view__findpost__p__356759
  19. "....without loss of opacity or color." That's like trying to merge a basketball and a banana! (i.e. the only way you're going to do it is by cutting out (removing) part of one image to accomodate the other). The edges where the two images meet will (most likely) be abrupt unless you apply some sort of blend or blur to smooth the transition. Can you upload the image you're working on to ImageShack or Photobucket (or other service) and post the link here so we can have a look?
  20. Look for those options in the toolbar when the tool is selected. See here: http://www.getpaint....ShapeTools.html There is no support for older versions of paint.net. Please don't ask for help with it.
  21. Hey FrankHelios, welcome to the forum. We can do the transparent text trick. To start with, try this tutorial: http://forums.getpai...-image-in-text/
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