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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. '160 something' might be the 1603 error. We have something on that in the pinned thread on installation issues. Sounds like you're going to have to resort to the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility to remove any trace of Paint.net before you try to reinstall. Same thread has the details.
  2. Do the same for all of the buttons. That way the browser will render all of the buttons' text and the text will all match. As I said in my first reply, it makes no sense to include the text with the button image - this applies to all the buttons. Use your generic button as the background for each of the buttons. Add or change the text to what you want to individualize each button.
  3. That's because the link is very, very old. Just like this thread the link pre-dates our shift to the new host for the forum. I _think_ the dead link might point to this Scriptlab script: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8270-sharing-scriptlab-scripts-sls/page__view__findpost__p__127020 .... and because of the age of this thread closed.
  4. It makes no sense to include the text with the button image itself. Make a generic background button using the link Minners gave you and use that for all of the buttons. The viewers browser can insert the text if you place it between the A tags. <td><a href="index.html"><img src="images/index_03.gif" alt="" width="216" height="48" border="0"></a></td> Becomes <td><a href="index.html"><img src="images/GenericButton.gif" alt="" width="216" height="48" border="0">YOUR TEXT HERE</a></td> Oh, and laying our your website with tables and multiple TR and TD tags is an awful way of doing it. Do yourself a favour and get yourself a CSS template
  5. Hi jtbg, welcome to the forum! Minners71 is quite correct about the topic title. We require that topics on this forum have descriptive titles so they can be searched easily. From your title "I'm sooooooooo new, I don't understand anything" we have no idea what you're asking for. The subtitle is a little more helpful, but it still doesn't actually contain your query. Tell you what - because you're new here I'll edit your title for you. I'm a good guy like that The best way to learn the basics of paint.net (or PDN as we often call it) - try pressing F1 in PDN and you'll be taken to the online help files. There's loads of good info in there.
  6. This will improve the workflow! Thanks Martin, an excellent plugin
  7. Only thing I can do is point you to this thread: where Rick very recently said: I'm guessing that in your case, it is not possible for PDN to preserve the data. This thread is also worth reading through:
  8. That plugin was the one at the top of this post. See at the foot of the first post for the zipped *.dll. As you can see from the rest of this thread, Red Ochre has stepped up and made something decent from my initial idea. His plugin retains the cropping guide and aspect ratios that I began with. Though my plugin is still available in this thread - I'm only leaving it here as a reference point. I don't intend to release it publicly. You should go look at Red Ochre's Composition Tool
  9. Pressure sensitivity has been discussed, requested and explained many times on this forum. Here's a couple of posts from Rick on why it was removed. And: It's also mentioned in the Frequently Asked Questions: http://forums.getpai...ature-requests/ So yes, pressure sensitivity has been available in the past, but it's not at the moment. It might make it back...., sometime! Time we let this thread die (previous post was almost five months ago) <locked>.
  10. I believe that Simon Brown's Editable Text plugin will do this for you. The plugin uses one layer to save the text and font information (you should not use the layer for anything else or you will destroy the data). The persistance of data in the layer (accessed via the plugin) allows for the text to be revisited and edited.
  11. Hi Ted, First, I've moved your post to the Troubleshooting section of the forum. Second, you might try reading through this thread (pinned to the top of the Troubleshooting section of the forum): http://forums.getpai...uble-read-this/ Work your way through the entire thread - trying what is suggested if it seems to fit your problem. If you have no joy - let us know. Edit: also worth a read: http://forums.getpai...t-139236804msi/
  12. Did you try ZIPping it? I bet that would work - the forum doesn't recognise some file types.
  13. There's a link in my signature....,
  14. You know there is a list of filetypes don't you? Post number #7 in the thread (Don't tell me you went through the entire list manually?) RE: Raw file format. In order of release the plugins are: RawLoader Another Raw File Loader RawReader RAW File Rawload v1.0 Me, I'd start with the most recent release (i.e. the last in this list), and work my way backwards if necessary.
  15. "Do. Or do not. There is no try" - Yoda Actually, Duke, I think you have a rather nice take on the tutorial. It looks like your lava has cooled on the surface a bit, like it does. Good job.
  16. I'm not 100% sure but..... there probably isn't a perfect mapping of RGB -> HSV. Much like there is no perfect mapping of RGB to CYMK. You can rest assured that the RGB values will not change, but their interpretations in the HSV values may. It's down to rounding - as Pyrochild said.
  17. How about trying Red Ochre's new Composition Tool? It works with rectangular areas (you define the area that you wish to keep). It can also handle rotational corrections too.
  18. It's probably just lag on your system - struggling to keep up. MS Paint is an entirely different product and can no way be compared. That's like saying my Lamborghini and your mountain bike are both transportation devices and therefore should perform the same. (I don't really own a Lambo)
  19. Paint.net does use keys to access many of the tools, so there is already an extensive list of keyboard combinations available. Here's a list: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/KeyboardMouseCommands.html (Note: the link its to the online documentation, which can be assessed by pressing F1 in paint.net)
  20. Edit your post above (with the large image) and remove the leading and trailing IMG tags (and their bracket enclosures). Leave just the bit beginning with 'http' and ending with '.jpg' : http://www.darioandradeny.com/uploads/7/8/8/3/7883368/4847702_orig.jpg Then you'll get this: http://www.darioandr...847702_orig.jpg A clickable link!
  21. You're really picked up the idea and run with it haven't you? Bravo - a far better plugin than I had envisioned! I will assume you'll add this to your plugin pack?
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