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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Custom Brushes anyone? Sure it may not be as elegant as a custom line tool, but think of the possibilities!
  2. Yes, but much more complex. I use VS 2010 Express Edition. Codelab is a much easier introduction to C# and effect coding
  3. No, it's probably computer memory. There are multiple layers and buffers required to handle each image (see: ). When the image is huge, the overheads are similarly large: (width x height X 4 ) x (layers +2)
  4. No. Please don't ask for them. Every version has the Magic Wand tool. Look for this icon in the tools window
  5. geriz94, There are two icons just under each users avatar (the picture used to depict themselves on the forum). One of them looks like an envelope. Clicking that icon starts a Private Message (PM) to that user. Think of it as a forum email system. If you need further help, try PM'ing me or one of the other users who has posted in this thread.
  6. Cleaned the offending words from the above posts. I'm glad we're all friends again!
  7. We generally suggest you use the search function as your first method of finding stuff here on the forum. The customized search works best (IMHO). You can find it here: http://searchpaint.net/ Try keywords like: button, glossy button, web button and banner. I'm sure you'll find a host of tutorials to keep you busy. (I recommend you bookmark the search URL ) Welcome to the forum!
  8. Re: 2. Plugins cannot adjust the size of the canvas. You'll have to continue to perform this action yourself.
  9. Ah, right. Very old link. It refers to Codelab which is a plugin for Paint.net that allows you to create other plugins (effects). In all honesty, codelab is a bit of overkill for this tutorial. Try using the regular gradient tool: 1. Set primary color to your bolder color. 2. Set the secondary color set to your weaker color. 3. Select the gradient tool and pull a linear gradient from the top of the canvas to the bottom. How does that work for you?
  10. No plugin that I know of will do it automatically, but careful use of some of the distort plugins might give you something close. http://searchpaint.net/ + 'grunge' yielded this tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/16294-grunge-text-tutorial/ (see the second part) (I recommend bookmarking the SEARCH URL - hint hint )
  11. No, the tutorial says (Step 2) to put the images on separate layers. You can do this by opening one image then using Layers > Import from File (see http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/LayersMenu.html ). (Note that if the second image is larger than the first you'll be asked if you want to resize the canvas to the larger size). This may be of assistance to help you understand layers: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/WorkingWithLayers.html
  12. For simplicity, choose AlphaSpace. Generally I run it at defaults to get the result I want.
  13. Hi geriz94, welcome ot the forum. This section of the forum is reserved for publishing tutorials. You'll be wanting to ask your question in the Paint.net Discussion & Questions section. I'll move it there for you. In answer to your question, there is this tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/19517-beginner-image-merging-image-heavy/ If that is still too complicated, then I can recommend pressing F1 in Paint.net to access the online documentation. <Moved to PDN D & Q>
  14. If it is for an actual passport I suggest you get a professional to take a photo for you. Photolabs are set up for it. They usually deliver multiple copies and the images will have the correct size, orientation and pose. If you really must create your own, you need to know not only the size, but the image DPI (dots per inch). This might help: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/17049-dpi-and-you-understanding-resolution-for-print-and-web/ As you can see it's more complex than you might first think.
  15. You seem unaware that paint.net has an alpha (transparency) channel. This is an awful lot more powerful that the selection-of-a-color-as-transparent. E.g. what if you don't want all the white to be transparent in an image? If your images come with a background - then first remove it as per one of the plugins mentioned above (there are many more that will also do the job). This will make the remainder of the image an object. That is, a group of pixels on an otherwise transparent layer. One object per layer. With an object on it's own layer you can move things around endlessly without a problem. Layers are not complicated, and they DO work. You just need to learn how to use them. I suggest the online documentation would be a great place to start (press F1 in Paint.net).
  16. Hi naxilo, welcome to the forum. This section of the forum is reserved for the publishing of tutorals. See how "Creations' is a sub-section of 'Tutorials'? I'll move this to the Paint.net discussion & questions section for you. <moved>
  17. Hi larthur1022, welcome to the forum. Your question is not a tutorial. Therefore it does not belong in the Newbie Playground sub-section of the Tutorial area. Tell you what - I'll move this to the Paint.net Programming / Development section (Plugin Developer's Central) for you. <moved>
  18. Hi xombieware, welcome to the forum. In order to have your issues addressed, please raise the issue in the thread related to the Custom Brushes plugin. That's Here. Thanks.
  19. Not a bad idea Mark, but fraught with problems. The main one is the need to maintain the repository. Plugin authors are free to change, edit and delete plugins as they desire. Trying to keep track of all that and test each plugin with the current version of Paint.net is a large ask. I know, I maintain the Plugin Index. All actively updated plugins are assumed to work with the current version of Paint.net. If this isn't so users generally tell us pretty quickly. If I find out a plugin is not working (and the author isn't interested in updating, or has been 'lost' to the forum), then I flag the plugin as 'not supported' or 'will not work with version xxxx' in the Index. Not supported means that the plugin will no longer be updated and therefore if it breaks, tough luck. Don't worry about the date stamp. That is the date the thread was started. When updates are posted the datestamp is not changed (though there might be a 'last edited' date at the bottom of the first post). Edit: if you find a plugin that doesn't work with the latest release of PDN, post a reply in the thread related to that plugin. I'll follow it up if required.
  20. All that, and much more here: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/SelectionTools.html (tip: press F1 in Paint.net to access the online help files )
  21. Hi Ahmad94, welcome to the forum! This section entitled "Creations" is a subsection of the Tutorials forum. As such it is reserved for the publishing of tutorials. Your question might be better placed in the Paint.Net Discussion & Questions section, so I'll move it there for you.
  22. You can write plugins in Visual Studio. I use the Express Edition (it's a free download from Microsoft). With Visual Studio you can code in C# - just like Codelab uses. Here's an effect template should you wish to go down that path: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/2248-visual-studio-2005-effect-plugin-template/ (Note: read the whole thread - especially BoltBait's how-to post!) I have not heard of Codelab being used with OnSetRender, I'd also be interested if it can be done.
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