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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Looks like you've got the hang of posting links to your images Kavoc . Note that if your image is 800px or less in size then you can post the image directly by surrounding the link above in IMG /IMG tags (the tags themselves have to be inside square brackets). I've edited your signature to correctly link to the image that you had intended. Why not remove that link from your signature and add it to the body of your post?
  2. Duplicate Gallery thread closed.
  3. Profile pics are shown in the top right corner of most of the forum skins - so they do get seen (unless that's a Mod feature...)
  4. @Sketched: You've had time to fix the images, and you haven't. <closed>
  5. *cough* Aislin's signature *cough*
  6. And when you do as Pyrochild has said, pay particular attention to the filename you give the plugin - as that's what the dll will be named. MyPlugin.cs => MyPlugin.dll What you call the plugin (inside Codelab) will be the name it appears under in the PDN menu system. <moved to Plugin Developers Central>
  7. Thanks for warning me before closing my topic :P

  8. Try thinning out the lines (e.g. pencil sketch - size 1 over the template)
  9. Hey there Riddley, Thanks for contributing this. Unfortunately it is too simplistic to merit a full tutorial. We appreciate the effort it took to create the tutorial, but there are many simple ways to create such a result. Please use SEARCH ( http://searchpaint.net/ ) before you post a tutorial. Doing so would have yielded this thread where several techniques for creating sand are listed: http://forums.getpai...t-request-sand/ Please also read our Tutorial Guidelines (in particular 4, 5a & 6 ). Don't be downhearted that I've closed this thread. I'm sure we'll hear great things from you before too long <closed>
  10. Author hasn't been on the forum for over a year solution #1: Load the provided source file into Codelab & build it. solution #2: Use an alternative solution #3: Ask friendly Mod to fix the problem I've recompiled the source and appended the dll to the first post - removing the broken link. Enjoy.
  11. Image size! Replaced those large images with links to the same.
  12. Profile photos have been turned off. I know that the error message is misleading. I've been advocating for it to be changed, but it seems to be reasonably difficult. Solution: Make do with an avatar and signature Best we can do.
  13. Think of layers as clear acetate sheets stacked on top of each other. Write a character on each layer. See how you can move the layers (and therefore characters) independently without interfering with the other letters? Welcome to the world of layers!
  14. A what?? Good grief - I didn't know that & I took three years chemistry
  15. See post #31. Trying the other RAW readers might just solve the problem.
  16. Exactly! This was recently discussed here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22862-changing-opacity-when-cloning/
  17. That's EER's Plugin Index BoltBait is responsible for the indispensible Codelab plugin (amongst many others).
  18. Not only your first tutorial - your first post as well! Welcome to the forum bkworm. This is a nice effect - that bears a striking resemblance to this tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18399-storm-vortex-tutorial/. I'm guessing that you were heavily influenced by the original. Yes? If this is the case you should acknowledge the original author as a minimum. Your tutorial produces a sufficiently different result, so I'm going to leave it and allow others to comment on its merits.
  19. The plugin Index is just a jumping off point so users can find the plugins more easily. Some plugins are collated into packs (by the author). The best-of-the-best are pinned to the top of this section of the forum. I'd start by downloading and installing some of those. For help on installation: http://forums.getpai...roubleshooting/
  20. Relax. The detail was in post #17 where 'Metalize' was linked to. To be honest I'm not sure you need both steps 21 and 22. Just to defuse the situation I'll edit the tutorial for you to include the link.
  21. Scriptlab gives you the ability to chain effects together. Codelab is the tool used to create plugins (yes it is also a plugin - and a very cool one). Plugins can only operate on the active layer , so cannot open multiple images and operate between them (for example). For more on the cans and can'ts of plugins: Click Here If you're after a batch processor then IrfanView is the usual recommendation. I'm not sure of the status of Pyrochild's batch processor....,
  22. I maintain the Plugin Index & I can't remember all the plugins! @pdnnoob: If you can remember them all I have a job for you.....,
  23. A good place to start = online documentation: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/FileMenu.html (or press F1 in paint.net).
  24. @schnicka: Seen this? Mosaic Maniac Collage Paint
  25. Too much text intimidates people. Short answers. Are usually. Best.
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