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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. We won't do your work for you - this is a Forum Rule (#23). However, we can point you to the tools you need to learn to do it yourself. Cleaner, sharper edges: Try AA's Assistant (plugin). Looking professional: You + effort + experience. Thicker: Outline Object (plugin). Fonts: dafont.com or any one of a multitude of similar sites. You might also be needing this URL: http://searchpaint.net/ I suggest bookmarking it
  2. Hi Barry, This recent thread was on the same subject and might give you a little more info: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22862-changing-opacity-when-cloning/page__view__findpost__p__361299 (I'm only 300km south of you )
  3. Just a note that if Paint.net is already installed, you should recommend the use of the built in updater (Utilities > Check for updates).
  4. Which plugin are you using? This post may help select the most recent plugin(s):
  5. Your enthusiasm is not in question. I believe you're a massive asset to the forum! If the competitions are poorly patronized, then let them go cold for a while and then bring them back at a later stage to see if interest has improved. Personally I feel there are too many competitions for the total number of people submitting entries. If there was ONE monthly competition I bet entries would improve. So how about quietly (or not so quietly) murdering a couple of competitions and allowing the winner of the next comp to select both the theme and the type of competition? For what you do here.... thank you.
  6. There is a neat tutorial here: http://forums.getpai...etter-pictures/ This is the sample pic from the tutorial:
  7. Hi sizzlinpapaya, welcome to the forum. This section of the forum (Newbie Playground) is a sub-section of the Tutorials forum. As such it is reserved for the publishing of tutorials only. Tell you what, I'll move this thread to the Paint.net Discussion & Question section for you.
  8. Without wanting to seem a grinch myself, there is a section of the Pictorium where you can post images for comment: Then there is the Image Hospital where you can post images that need work:
  9. Very nice logo - hope you charged them lots for it! Why not post it here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14494-advanced-critique-read-rules-first/ ? That's the place for this type of discussion
  10. The Newbie Playground is part of the Tutorial section of the forum. It is not the place to discuss anything but tutorials. <moved to Paint.net Discussion & Questions>
  11. So very pleased you're still developing this plugin! I'm fully aware of the problems converting RGB to CYMK, which is why I used the term 'approximating' . Thanks for the informative reply.
  12. No, you don't need plugins. Paint.net is very powerful on it's own. However, some users have found it useful to augment the tools and effects that Paint.net offers. These third party tools and effects are called plugins, because they 'plug in' to Paint.net, extending the programs capabilities. You will find many tutorials here on the forum use plugins. If you don't have the plugin required by the tutorial you may not be able to complete it. If that doesn't bother you, then Paint.net will work just fine without any plugins at all.
  13. @Martin: Have you given any thought to 'approximating' CYMK PDFs? http://cmyk-pdf.com/ I'm always looking for ways to get images to a printer in a useable format. CYMK PDF seems to be one that would be acceptable to most of the printers I submit to. (Forgive me if this already implimented - I'm not at my home PC at the moment.)
  14. As a possible workaround, you may be able to use the PS file format plugin to export your Paint.net image as a PS file and load that into FlexiSign. It says Flexisign will "Import & export standard file formats" - I assume that PS will be an option. Be aware that the image will still have an RGB color space and you printer will probably want CYMK. Of course there is also the raster vs. vector issue which may not yield good results when resizing the graphic.
  15. Did you unzip them like it says here: http://forums.getpai...roubleshooting/ ? There is also an excellent guide here: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php As we have a thread for dealing with these issues (first link above), I'm going to close this thread. Please post any followup questions in that thread. <closed>
  16. Minimum System Requirements: Windows 7 (recommended), or Windows XP SP3..., You should install SP3.
  17. Second image: the Alpha Displacement plugin - here Last image: No specific plugin - but check out this thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18538-sig-battles-entriesvoting-only/ (ask questions of the contributors via PM)
  18. 1. Place the hotel and QR images on separate layers. If necessary, shift the hotel layer below the QR code. 2. Click on the QR image layer to activate it. 3. Select the magic wand tool and click on the white area around the QR image with the shift key held down. 4. Press delete (removes the white surround from the QR so the hotal should show through). 5. Click on the Hotel layer to activate it and then press F4. Lower the opacity slider to wash out the image. NB you might need another layer below the hotel image layer to act as a contrasting background - Create a new layer and fill it with white. 6. File > Save . Save the image as a *.pdn file (to preserve the layer structure). 7. File > Save As.... Save as whatever image type you need (image will be flattened - destroying the layer structure)
  19. 'Content aware resizing' would be another name for seam carving (Wiki this). It's a feature that is not yet available in Paint.net as a one-click solution. You might have a look at @pyrochild's exellent Liquify plugin.
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