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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I tried it. The canvas doesn't seem to update when you change the parameters. This leaves you blind in trying to figure things out.
  2. Paint.net doesn't have 'text boxes' as such. But you can create the appearance of them. Unlike other software, Paint.net doesn't allow for re-editing text in 'boxes' - once you commit the text to the canvas, it becomes part of the image and therefore a clump of pixels, and not characters. However, there is a plugin by Simon Brown HERE that does allow for re-editing text. This plugin by dpy Speech Bubble creates speech bubbles on your canvas, but again these are not re-editable. Can you post a picture of what you're trying to achieve?
  3. In another thread, Djisves suggested that I.... That's not a bad idea. But I don't have a "How to Install" guide. There are at least three guides already available (Paint.net documentation, the 'Guide to Installation' thread and BoltBait's website). I'm sure there are more out there. So answer me this: Should I bundle an installation guide with the Index or would it be more appropriate to provide the links to the existing guides? Or both?
  4. As mentioned in your other thread, please post questions about a particular plugin in the thread related to that plugin. Thanks. <closed>
  5. The mouths as eyes was.....disturbing! Well done Welshy!
  6. Use the move tool Select all of the layer with CTRL + A, activate the move tool and then drag the layer around as you need to. (This method assumes you have your eye on a layer on it's own)
  7. The problem you're having is a combination of the image width and the HTML you're using to display it. The image is 600 pixels wide and you're asking for the image to be repeatedly tiled across the background. body{background-image:url('http://Storage.blogtv.com/Albums/3/143008/site/112201147259.jpg');background-repeat: repeat;} Now you're never going to know what screen size the viewer is using, so tiling the image to exactly line the logos up on the sides is a really hit-and-miss affair. What you would be better doing is using the background property to display the left logo, then define a new right aligned <div> to display the right logo. In doing so you can use the same image, but make it a thin strip with the word "live" centered under the word 'castle' so it looks the same on both sides of the screen. If you have problems with the image, continue asking questions in this thread. If you're having problems with the HTML then the thread to post in is this one: http://forums.getpai...ign-discussion/ <Because this is not a tutorial, 'Creations' is not the place for it. moved to Paint.Net Discussion & Questions>
  8. If installed correctly, Borders 'n Shapes should be found under the Effects > Render submenu.
  9. Hi Drasik, welcome to the forum! This tutorial should help you: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12215-how-to-wrapped-glowy-line-from-my-joker-sig/ You won't need the first section about drawing the lines (they are freehand in this tutorial), so pick it up from the part titled The Glow!
  10. Unlike me. Because I missed BoltBait's update in the Plugin Index this month. Humble apologies. How many lashes should I give myself?
  11. Wings: What a beautiful image. Awesome!
  12. See this image from the link you posted? Imagine the left image was two layers, like black+transparent over a white background layer. If you ran AA's Assistant over the black layer you would get a much better result than the right image. If you choose to work on a single layer then you'll have to spend a lot of time selecting the area you want to soften - like BoltBait explained in the second post.
  13. Try blurring (like Gaussian blur) at a very low setting. If you're going to avoid layers then you'll have to put up with bluring everything in the single layered image. Softening edges relies on the effect being able to find an edge. The simplest way to do this is to have the image elements on a separate layer surrounded by transparency.
  14. first, read through the alpha mask thread: HERE. If you have questions on the plugin's usage, post in that thread. If you're having trouble with installation, try this thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/36-how-to-install-pluginsgeneral-plugin-troubleshooting/
  15. Back on schedule with the November Update: Five new plugins this month, including three fileypes and three new authors: Composition tool - Tool to help with cropping/rotating of photos (i.e. composition grids to help line up important features). Also has configurable aspect ratio with a range of preset sizes. Im(age)PDF filetype - Filetype. Allows Paint.NET to save images as PDF documents. Manual Color Correction - Change colors by transforming one color into another. Similar to the ""Manual Color Correction"" tool in Paint Shop Pro. OptiPNG file type (Updated) - Filetype. Updated version of OptiPNG (fixes some security vulnerabilities). Functionality is same (source based on previous version OptiPNG by ). Compresses the PNG filetype when saving images. Paint Shop Pro FileType - Filetype. Allows Paint.Net to load and save Jasc's Paint Shop Pro format. Glass orb generator no longer functions with the latest release of Paint.net and has been marked accordingly. If it is not updated soon I'll go ahead and mark it Obsolete
  16. Q: Have you tried downloading the LATEST release?
  17. Don't be sorry! Tutorials are a great place to start learning about Paint.net, but we actively encourage you to alter, amend, remove and insert stuff to try and customize how the final image comes out. You've made a really nice job of the parchment too! Great job.
  18. BoltBait is probably correct. The Oil Painting effect is quite subtle when rendered on large images.
  19. I'm wondering if our original poster, Miro, had a small selection active and didn't notice that the Oil Painting effect was being run just on that?
  20. What you have looks like a custom font. Keep fiddling with it! People who don't have the time or skill use money to purchase them. Either hire a graphic designer or learn to use Paint.net to make your own cool graphics. The forum is not the place to look for freebies.... Now on to your logo: To me, the stylized S on the left is all neat rounded curves, while the text is straight lines and angular. The two don't seem to match IMHO.
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