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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Spontaneous language changes have been reported before: http://forums.getpai...us-translation/ As said in that thread, there is no need to uninstall/reinstall. Just change the default language in the Utilities menu as you found (paint.net will need to restart to complete the change).
  2. Or you could do this (with selection active...) 1. CTRL+C (copy) 2. Delete key 3. Add new layer 4. CTRL+V (paste) 5. Press F4 6. Lower opacity slider to suit 7. Merge new layer down
  3. Try installing the Printer+ plugin. It has loads of useful features and is an improvement over the standard PDN printing interface. If that doesn't help, upload the image and post a link here so we can have a look.
  4. david.attwell linked to the tutorial guidelines - begin there by reading 1a. To edit your post - click the EDIT button immediately under the first post. You will need to resize the images and then upload them again before installing the new links in the existing thread.
  5. I've updated the links to the plugins in the userbar tutorial. Welshy is quite correct - plugins can be located by using the Plugin Index. It's updated monthly - and it's free!
  6. Yes it's a nice tutorial - except that if the images are not resized very soon it's going to get closed
  7. Absolutely! Welcome aboard nitenurse79. We'll look forward to your input in these cometitions
  8. Really? I'd immediately change it back to the original email address just to satisfy my curiosity....,
  9. Canvas height or canvas depth as opposed to canvas width, you got the idea! Glad I was able to help.
  10. Just to confirm: your Profile > Settings > General Settings > Personal Messenger Options: UNCHECKED: Disable my personal messenger If you disable your personal messenger, you will not be able to start or participate in personal conversations. CHECKED: Notify me by e-mail when I get a new personal message Enabling this option will send an email notification of any new personal messages sent to you. CHECKED: Notify me on the board when I get a new personal message Enabling this option will alert you of a new personal message when you visit the board
  11. You're welcome - pleased we got the file restored.
  12. Image > Canvas Size http://www.getpaint..../ImageMenu.html Pressing F1 in Paint.net will take you to the same online docs.
  13. I don't think we need a separate forum for these questions. Paint.net Discussion & Questions is probably the right place for it. I do get PM notifications. So I'm not sure how widespread this problem is. Sending you a PM just to confirm that you're getting zero notifications.....Done.
  14. There may be a chance. I think mountnman was referring to this technique: 1. Open your file explorer. 2. Locate the file you want to try and restore. 3. Right click on the file, choose properties. 4. Select the previous versions tab. 5. Choose a previous version (if listed) and click restore. I too seem to recall reading this recently - but cannot find it either.
  15. Smooth. Part of Toli's plugin package. I'll add the links to the tutorial.
  16. Paint.net can create images of characters, but not reusable fonts themselves. If you're after font that you can use in a text capacity, then dafont.com is worth a look (there are many other sites like it). If you want to learn how to create cool images with text in them, try here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/23-text-effects/
  17. Color Count. There has been some discussion over the accuracy of the plugin. The alternative is to use the magic wand withthe tolerance set to zero and simultaneously holding down the shift key. This will select all the occurances of the color of the pixel you click on. Check the status bar for the pixel count. Repeat for the other color.
  18. It's about symmetry and balancing the sprocket/cog when it spins. PeterPawn's image above is a really nice image & will help me explain: The spokes in the image at 1 o'clock, 10 o'clock and 5 o'clock 'point' to high points on the teeth. This means that taken individually, these areas have more weight than the spokes at 3 o'clock and 8 o'clock - which point to spaces between the teeth (these two spokes will be lighter). When spun, the cog will be out of balance because there is a heavier point (approx 11 o'clock) which is not balanced by the opposite side of the cog. Clear as mud?
  19. It's the same process - repeated. The easiest way to explain it it to perform the above side-by-side transformation on both the upper images. Repeat that to connect the two lower images. Finally use the same technique to expand the canvas depth to allow the combined-upper and combined-lower images to be combined. Try it. When you get used to the technique you'll probably figure out that the whole process can be done more simply by expanding the canvas once, and importing the other three images one at a time into separate layers. Then the process is using the move tool to individually position each layer relative to the others.
  20. Shape3D. Its a plugin that wraps your image around a '3D' shape - lots of fun!
  21. That's what the plugin does. So SpikeHead777 created those images in paint.net and then played with the plugin to create the specular highlights on them.
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