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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. As a tip - always place your text on it's own layer. If you had done this, editing or replacing the text would be a snap and you wouldn't have to worry about replacing the background. Of course for this to work you need to save the file in a format that preserves the layers (like the native *.pdn). Once you save the source file it can be saved in a new format of your choice (use File > Save As to save it as a *.png, *.jpg, etc...,).
  2. Some links to Ricks position on the subject (he states it better than I) http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22863-imagepdf-filetype-plugin/page__view__findpost__p__361489 (flattening without asking) http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22005-save-dialog-revisited/page__view__findpost__p__355378 (persistence of saved format) http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21125-jpeg-as-default-when-save-as/page__view__findpost__p__348788 (JPG as the default save filetype)
  3. I'm not misunderstanding you. The first priority of saving is to preserve the data. If you're working on a multi layered image and 'export' by some one-click method it to JPG then close Paint.NET - you've lost the layer structure haven't you? (Not to mention the loss of quality due to the lossy compression of JPG) Think of this as being like working in MS Word and only saving the document to a PDF before you exit.
  4. The default settings enforce the preservation of data in your image (PDN = layers preserved). You have to manually change the file type and 'OK' the resulting dialog to agree to the potential for data loss (i.e. losing the layer structure if saving as a PNG, or quality loss with a JPG). I can't see this changing, so CTRL+Z is really the best solution.
  5. You could resize the logo prior to importing with Image > Resize. Make sure that the checkbox "Maintain Aspect Ratio" is checked. Remember to use File > Save As... to save the reduced size image (you don't want your original to be permanently affected). More > http://www.getpaint..../ImageMenu.html
  6. Read this thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/487-instructions-for-making-a-language-pack/
  7. 1. Download the zipped attachment from the first post in the thread you linked to. 2. Unzip it. 3. Copy the *.dll file to your Paint.NET/Effects folder. 4. Restart Paint.NET. The plugin will reside in the Effects menu.
  8. You'll need to download & install the alpha mask plugin: Alpha Mask Import (1.2) 1. Open the first image and add a white background to a new layer underneath the initial layer. Flatten. 2. Invert the colors (CTRL+Shift+I). This should give you a white magnifying glass on a black background. 3. Save file as a PNG - to use as your alpha mask. 4. Open second image. 5. Go to Effects > Object and select Alpha Mask. 6. Browse to your saved mask file. 7. Click OK. Howzat?
  9. RE: Fonts. I'm guessing you're looking for a clean and crisp font, perhaps slightly futuristic, to go with the logo? My current favorites in this vein are downloadable from dafont.com. Have a look at "Neuropol" and "Classic Robot" in the Sci-Fi themes.
  10. Pyrochild hates socks because they are EVIL!
  11. Smashwords style guide ( http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/52 ) mentions paint.net at least three times as suitable to create ebook covers. Also found in the same vein: http://lounge.laurakennedylive.com/blog/tool-box/covers/
  12. Hey flynby, welcome to the forum! You'll see I've edited your thread title. This is a requirement of the forum that all threads must have descriptive titles (makes searching the forum so much easier). You'll find Bevel Selection in this plugin pack: BoltBait's Pack
  13. Increase local contrast should show up in Effects > Photo I did find this note in the thread for ILC: Have you got .NET framework 3.5 sp1 installed? (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/kbarticle.aspx?id=318785)
  14. English may not be Ahmed's first language - so let's cut him a little slack on the use of the word 'stupid'. That said I'm inclined to disagree with Ahmed and agree with Mihkel on those particular ideas. Mouse reordering of layers & check box selecting the layer seem like good ideas to me. Right now toggling the active layer to hidden makes the next visible layer the active one. So I support the idea that this should also work in reverse.
  15. First you need to remove the old text and try recreating the cover behind where the text was. In the image here I used the move tool to stretch out the background to cover the bits where the text was. Next I used the Smudge plugin to blur any harsh edges. If you look closely you'll see these areas - you should try harder (and for longer) to get them to blend away. Finally I recreated the corner gradient in a new layer - it looks a bit strong - but you should get the idea. Clip off the excess gradient so it doesn't overlap the spine or top. The text should then be written to a it's own layer (one layer for each text style). Use the move tool and right button to rotate the text into approximate position. Play with the Bulge tool to warp the text to make it appear like it follows the curve of the page.
  16. 200 is fine if you lower the Refraction and Roughness settings (as danielbleazard said in the tutorial).
  17. Post a screenshot of your effects folder contents, showing the path to the folder as well. Also check the Utilities > View Plugin load errors and see what that says.
  18. 1. Use the magic wand to select the area you want. 2. Press delete. The checkerboard you see is Paint.net's method of showing transparency. In order to preserve the transparent areas, you need to save the file in a format that supports transparency (like PNG or GIF, not JPG). Tip#1: multiple areas can be 'added' to the current selection by holding down the CTRL key. Tip#2: fine tune the selection area(s) by adjusting the tolerance of the wand (slider in the toolbar when the wand is the active tool). Welcome to the forum!
  19. You mean automatically rotating an image to level a horizon? It's not completely automatic, but this plugin should give you that functionality: Composition Tool
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