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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. You don't need to delete them, just toggle the visibility checkbox on each layer you don't want to save. Use Save As....,
  2. Worthy of reading is this excellent tutorial on faking such tools (among others):
  3. RE: Customization: True. However for a quick rounded rectangle I generally use this and only consider plugins if it doesn't do the job I want. There are alternative rounded rectangle plugins: Rounded Rectangle Effect - v1.2.0.0 Squircle Curtis' Plugin Pack
  4. Plugins should remember settings between instances, but not between Paint.NET sessions. So you'd be wise to write down the settings if you want to repeat them over a restart of Paint.NET.
  5. I'm not sure if the .txt extension is automatically available from the dropdown list or if you have to type it in manually. If it's not showing up then try the manual method. Edit: Just tried it. Found the extension listed under Ascii Art (*.txt) in the dropdown list. BTW: You should upgrade to 3.5.10
  6. It's all there if you search: (stickied in the Beginner Tutorials forum). @HyReZ: Using your method you will very soon run out of the 1mb of forum space you have allocated for attachments. Trust me, you need to host images OFF the forum . ALSO: Please don't post images larger than 800px - you've already discovered that you shouldn't, so please don't.
  7. You're welcome tocof. I'm very pleased that the Plugin Index saved you some time and effort. Please do pay-it-forward!
  8. The hint is in the plugin name, Outline Object. An object is a grouping of pixels on an otherwise empty (transparent) layer. For this plugin to work as intended, you need to apply it to a layer that only has the subject you're trying to outline on it.
  9. Hey jimwig, Welcome to the forum! If your post is meant for pyrochild then you shouldn't hijack another thread to post it. Instead add your query to the thread concerning the Splatter plugin. This keeps all the discussion of the Splatter plugin in one place. You can find the thread here: Splatter v1.5
  10. Try it without making a selection first. The outline should extend out into the transparent areas with no need of a selection.
  11. Hi br7332, welcome to the forum. It's going to take time. The more time you spend the better it will look. First read this tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/13796- That should get the bulk of the two other guys removed. Cleanup Tools: I'd look at either the magic wand to remove and continuous areas that are superfluous or the Eraser . For cleaning up the edges I'd use Feather Plugin and/or AA's assistant from dpy's plugin pack. Finally, Clone Stamp tool to replace the background.
  12. When I'm using screenshots I paste them into a new image full sized. It is a matter of moments to make a rectangular selection around the bits I want and hit CTRL + Shift + X to crop to the selection.
  13. I have a dual monitor setup and CTRL + Print Scrn works flawlessly. What kind of setup do you have? There was something else..., found it: Screenshot Utility
  14. Glad I could help. BTW: That's for new images. When you reopen existing images the file name should be preserved (where possible). When it's not possible (like you added layers to an image whose file format does not support layers) then you get the Save As..., dialog to prompt you.
  15. By default Paint.NET saves a new image in it's native file format *.pdn. In order to change that you need to use File > Save As...., to specify a new file type from the dropdown box in the dialog.
  16. Water Chicken wants the gradient to extend 270 degrees. How do we get that option with conical gradient?
  17. Using yellowman's answer, I found that you get quite a good result if you create your B&W gradient with the black on the left hand side. Then run the effect using an angle of -180 Crop the image to a circle based on the central point. Finally, you'll see that the finish point of the dark side of the gradient is not quite 270 degrees from the white start point. You can fine tune that using Adjustments > Brightness / Contrast
  18. This thread: Please ask any following questions in that thread, or this one: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14845-custombrushesmini-v21/
  19. Removed your poll - please read Rule #21. How about this: 1. Make your selection. 2. CTRL + SHIFT + F = flatten. 3. CTRL + C = copy. 4. CTRL + Z to undo the flatten. 5. CTRL + V to paste the selection anywhere you please.
  20. OK, the images are just a little bit much for this forum. We have allowed the links to remain.
  21. @JungleDave: this thread was old, old, old. Please resist the temptation to reply to threads older than three months (Rule #11). Instead, create a new thread to ask your question. <closed>
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