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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. If you're going to reuse the SOLD sign, you should create it as above and then save it somewhere you can find it. Use a filename like "SOLDSticker" so you can identify it. To install the sticker, open your cycle image and use "Layers > Import from file" to add the sticker. Flatten and Save (better: Save As..., - leaving the original cycle image untouched).
  2. size should be fine for a signature (limits are 500px x 150px). Do you mean a PROFILE picture? If so, read this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/23337-uploading-a-photo-for-the-profile-to-big/
  3. We had fun with this one Preciousss. It's one of Saurons' eyes! Tip: You can use Ed Harvey's Vignette to darken the edges of the eye body (if radial blur is tricksy....,)
  4. Think of the canvas as a whiteboard. You're drawing multiple times on it (each time you change the settings) without erasing the old stuff first. As BoltBait said, you need to copy the source surface to the destination surface before rendering anything new to the destination. This effectively erases any previous renderings your plugin may have done. BoltBait's suggested use of CopySurface is much more elegant than the way I used to do it: // Clear the canvas by copying existing image (source) to destination for(int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) dst[x,y] = src[x,y];
  5. Hey Wilt, Welcome to the forum! As this is not a troubleshooting issue, I'll move this to the Paint.net Discussion & Questions section for you.
  6. Quite so. For more discussion on this topic, simply create a new thread.
  7. Cutout is part of Illnab's plugin pack (illnabPlugins.dll). Unfortunately - if you remove the dll then the other effects ( Alpha Mask, Cutout Effect, Advanced Greyscale, Point Warp, Polar to Rect) won't work either. It's all-or-nothing I'm afraid If you're not using the other effects, then simply remove the dll mentioned. I'm not sure if reinstalling the stand-alone cutout effect (from the dll link in the first post of this thread) will reproduce the error or not.
  8. Oh and I added some links to the plugins used.
  9. I'm impressed! A very nice tutorial. Thank you. (your first 'rep' point is well deserved )
  10. Seek (http://searchpaint.net/) and you will find. Your second question is off-topic, but the answer lies here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12193-how-to-use-images-in-your-posts-signatures-and-avatars/
  11. @Steve4000: check your PM's (Private Messages). I sent you one explaining the edit I did to your signature.
  12. Then you don't have a selection active: Try opening an image, making a simple rectangle selection with this tool and then trying the crop-to methods.
  13. December Update Two new plugins and a plugin pack feature in the December update. Ahmed's Plugins - @AhmedElyamani Plugin Pack. Contains: Color Switch, Clarify, Lines Fractal & Text 3D Shatters - @black2hack Break up an image into fragments. Squircle - @Red ochre Render 'squirkle' shapes from rounded lozenge through circle to square. Updated: BoltBait's plugin pack (finally!) Added: Links to the three guides to installing plugins. A warning to only ever download plugins from links posted on the Paint.net forum.
  14. Ahmed, if you ZIP the dll's you can attach them directly to the post .....downloading
  15. Oh dear We block that specific URL for a very good reason. They illegally distribute plugins without the Authors permission. They also redistribute old versions of just about anything. My recommendation: Immediately delete the download and run every spyware and virus check that you have installed. Good luck. @jim100361 - please do NOT post that link again. In any shape or form.
  16. CTRL + Shift + X is the keyboard combination to crop to selection. This will alter the canvas dimensions to minimally emcompass the active selection within a rectangle. To remove the pixels outside a selection, press CTRL + I (to invert the selection) and then press the delete key. What version of Paint.net are you using?
  17. OK, I'll try and find a copy of the dll to stick onto the first post. In the meantime - try using Median, as Rick explains in post #8 of that thread: As a final option, there is an alternative erode/dilate filter: Basic Morphologic Operations
  18. Crop to selection (CTRL + Shift + X) is different to removing a selection (delete key will work). Which are you trying to do?
  19. Please do read the rules I've renamed this thread for you. Promise your next thread will have a descriptive title?
  20. I've just registered with Paintnet forum. How come I can't create a new topic? I wanted to ask around if anyone could advice how I can shape the background canvas.


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