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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Expanding on the Unsafe keyword; Pointers can read past your virtual screen bounds (or whatever) into memory used for other stuff. If you start writing into these locations things are going to break quickly. The Unsafe keyword let's you know you're close-to-the-edge and should be very careful. It is also an acknowledgement that you understand the risks
  2. I've restored the images just for you Marilynx I've asked Fuzzy for the PDF so that too can be attached.
  3. The paint.net developer is Rick Brewster. He reads most of what goes on on the forum. The fact that you have 1. started an appropriately titled thread and 2. made a perfectly reasonable request, I'm sure Rick will see it. Now whether it will be implemented is another story entirely
  4. I've moved that tutorial to the Graveyard due to the lack of images. If anyone wishing to revive the tut should post a new version in a new thread. If you don't understand how to use a plugin - post in the plugin thread. If you have issues with a tutorial, again please post in the tutorial thread. That way we can sort out these things as we go.
  5. You've VERY close! Just a few more steps.... 1. Activate the layer with the cyan color. 2. Magic wand the cyan color to select all of it. 3. Press the Delete key. 4. Hide the top layer by unchecking the visible check box.
  6. Disagree. Hiding all the layers might be useful for an animated image. You've created all the frames, now you want to save them as individual images with One layer + Background.
  7. It's six years old. Paint.net, the plugins and links have changed. Hardwood Floors: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12301-hardwood-flooring-rewritten/ The Jumble plugin might be a non-starter in paint.net 4.0 as many of Curtis' plugins have not been updated.
  8. There is such an expanded menu built into each page - it forms the mobile (aka narrow screen) menu system. Reduce your browser screen width (Firefox = Ctrl + Shift + M) until the main menu disappears and a three-bar icon appears in the page header. It's located in the top right corner of the screen and does not scroll with the page. Clicking the icon will show the expanded menu. Once you see the expanded menu you'll understand why it's difficult to stack it vertically; it's something like 60 entries and the font has to be really small to get the list down to a manageable size. Vertical height was the reason I went with an 'accordion' style menu.
  9. I hear what you're saying about the menu. Rick had similar concerns when I first showed it to him. In the end we decided that it was more important to get the info out there than spend more time fine-tuning the layout. I have begun an overhaul of the menus. First iteration sees the menu transformed from left sidebar to horizontal. I believe this makes more sense as the height of the stacked left menu is/was a problem. It also simplifies the layout a great deal. RE: Content. I'm happy to continue revising and adding to the content. Your suggestions are welcomed - even though it means a lot of extra work
  10. 1. The smaller utility windows will sometimes float if they are not docked into the corner of the main window. Drag them into the corner until they 'snap' into the corner in both horizontal and vertical directions. Once docked they will move with the main window. 2. No. Undo undoes things. That's how it works. 3. That's really odd. More info please. 4. Hold down the Ctrl key and use the mousewheel to change the zoom. There is also a zoom slider in the bottom right of the main window.
  11. Open the .PNG file. Activate the Magic Wand Hold down the Shift key and click on the white region. Adjust the tolerance in the tool bar to fine tune (maximize) the captured white pixels. Press the Delete key. Use File > Save As... to save a copy under a different file name. You still want to use a PNG format. Good luck!
  12. I bet this does have something to do with your DPI setting of 120.00 (1.25x scale)? Just out of interest, try altering that setting what happens? https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ff629368.aspx
  13. For the fill rules to be applied correctly the Shape must be closed correctly. That is, it needs to be composed from individually closed regions. For complex images this can take quite a bit of planning. The best way I can explain this is to imagine your Shape is made from cut-out bits of paper. Each piece of paper has one continuous edge around the outside of it. If you follow this edge around from any point, you will end up back at the same start point. PS It's not under Effects > Advanced for nothing You guys are doing really well with your Shapes.
  14. <Moved original post to paint.net Discussion & Questions> Very difficult. Certainly nothing automated springs to mind. The fact that you have several hundred of them might mean that you be better to accept the bulk of the images as they are. You might achieve a passable improvement on a handful, but it's going to be time intensive. How much time are you willing to invest?
  15. That's a completely heavy handed response racerx. Carbender: try this link - it provides links to removal tools from Microsoft https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/836528
  16. Zoom button toggles view size to 2x Shift + Zoom button toggles zoom amount from 2x (default) to 4x Ctrl + Zoom button toggles zoom amount from 2x (default) to 8x
  17. You may well have identified the problem xod. Great piece of detective work between you and operamint.
  18. Really nice Shapes Lydia! The Snowman is lovely. Really well formed. The only suggestion I have is to change the name..... You can do this by editing the XAML in a text editor. Change the DisplayName where currently it says "SecondSM1". <ps:SimpleGeometryShape xmlns="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.UI.Media;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework" xmlns:ps="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.Shapes;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework" DisplayName="SecondSM1"> <GeometryGroup FillRule="EvenOdd"> <PathGeometry> Alternatively you can reload the Shape into ShapeMaker and type in a name in the Shape Name text box. Scarf is not properly filled when using the filled Shape option. This is not too much of a problem, but it does indicate that the Shape is in need of a minor tweak. Both the Scarf and Hat are showing a bad format when ShapeMaker attempts to open them.
  19. Think about the process here. You've asked paint.net to open without asking it to load up a specific image. In this case I believe a default canvas is the correct thing to show. Imagine how many new users would be put off because they have to create a canvas first. This is the behavior of an awful lot of apps. Word, Excel, MS Paint, PSPad, Notebook, PowerPoint...,
  20. Nice explanation Red. To see and/or manage your forum attachments, click on your username in the top right corner. Select 'My Settings' from the mini-menu. Then Attachments from the left hand menu.
  21. I'm with David & Skully on this one. Minimum system requirements state a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. So the default 800x600 works for everyone. Users wanting a larger size and/or a color filled background layer can always create a template.
  22. In the mean time.... don't Apply Edit with only one nub when using the auto circle!
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