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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. Who are you asking Chris? :? And welcome to the forums!
  2. Ah jsonchiu...you are awesome! I looked at your site and immediately developed an inferiority complex... Thanks for the plugin!
  3. Thanks for answering Enormator. I'll give it a shot!
  4. Ah, I think I see your problem. When you add the new picture, it is larger in size than the one you have now. The canvas will expand to fit that new picture that you imported. Your original picture is still 800x450, just you see it smaller because everything is being fit to the window. I was able to do the same thing here. There's two things you can do. One is the way you did it now (import the new one, shrink it down, and then erase all of the white off the old one). The way I would recommend goes like this: 1. Open your second picture on it's own--don't import it into your first picture. 2. Ctrl+A to select all. Ctrl+C to copy. 3. Switch to your first picture and create a new layer. 4. Ctrl+V to paste. You will get a message that asks whether you want to expand the canvas or keep the canvas size. Select "Keep canvas size". 5. Resize second picture to whatever you need. Hope this helps! Let us know if there's anything else we can help you with! P.S. clickable thumbnails would be awesome for your posts (especially the previous one!)
  5. @FrEaK: Take off, eh! @Ash: I suppose if I get crazy enough, I'll attempt to clone stamp...it's one of those tools where I'm not that good at it and...um...it scares me. But it would be good practice... @Bob: I considered doing something with that word (zoom blur, color change) but decided against it because imho it would detract from the picture as a whole. I'll give it a shot anyway to see what happens! Thanks all!
  6. @Sozo: nicely done! I am finally back at college so I will probably have some more time to play around with Paint.Net (and Reason 3.0 ). So I ask you all: what can I do to improve this image? And yes, that is me.
  7. jpope, I really liked your image. Just wanted to say that it was cool and you didn't make deciding the best very easy... Congrats CMD! Let's get on the next one!
  8. If you get a billion dollars Rick...don't forget us, your poor friends!
  9. Welcome back Oma! And nice job Sozo...can't wait to see the finished version! 8)
  10. I'm a little confused...where would I want to use something like this? Enormator, could you explain the use for your plugin?
  11. Really? For me it's the opposite...college will give me more time.
  12. Wow jpope! Awesome! May I inquire as to how you did the curvy lines...? Not too bad boo...looks like it could use a little bit of AA on the top left white line.
  13. That would be very nice. OK, I'll see what I can do. Hallelujah!chorus> Question though...would it be able to be used with one original picture, or would there have to be three different pictures of the same thing (as per the tut)?
  14. In a metal/tech theme...jake2k would be the clear winner...if he was still around... :? He had some great stuff.
  15. Perhaps this (http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... oon+filter) would be an option? Let us know how it turns out!
  16. Whoa! Ginormous picture alert! Shrink down next time, please.
  17. @hollander: Excellent use of the clone stamp tool! Nice job man! @boo: It seems to be the general concensus around here...and I agree. Your bars picture rocks! I'm gonna have to try it out that style sometime...
  18. Hm...so in other words we need to convince someone like BoltBait to quit their day job, move up near Rick, and volunteer to help him out. As a CIS student just starting my senior year, I really just wish there was a viable way for me to work on PDN for a living when I graduate. I do appreciate Rick and everything that he does...and with all of the people just now coming into the program, I see a lot of potential in PDN for the future. I wish there was some way for me to get in the game and help out, instead of just standing on the sideline cheering. Perhaps when life settles down I can take apart the code... :twisted:
  19. Alas and alack...but can't they see how well this would blend with Silverlight and Sharepoint and Surface and Orcas and Vista?! Oh the possibilities...they should at least start paying you more so you can hire a programmer!
  20. Aha! A secret look into the new Paint.NET code...a glimpse into the future...if you will. List...
  21. Still, if I remember correctly, he had a really good way to blend it into the background...it looked incredibly realistic...anyone seen jake recently? P.S. CMD thanks for that little bit on Alpha to Greyscale + clouds + alpha mask importer. Pointed out a new concept for me to use!
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