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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. Sorry about all the questions...I'm new and eager to learn...thanks for the patience!
  2. I thought I had seen it before! I personally liked the old one better because of the more glassy feel of the letters...is there a tutorial on how to make text appear like your avatar Madjik? Cause that's a really neat effect..
  3. I agree...nice effects...I'll have to try it sometime...how did you get the water to come out so nicely?
  4. That is the original, except smaller. I had to cut it out and resize it to make it useable. Here's the original:
  5. Thanks man...I wish I made the phoenix, but no...I had to make it bigger and cut it out of the black background. I appreciate your suggestion...I'm pretty new and haven't quite mastered the fine art of creating art!
  6. Hey all...I'm new to the forum but have been browsing it for about a week...ever since I became addicted to Paint.Net. No joke, I've been up till 3AM the last 5 days playing around with it. Just looking at some of the amazing stuff that people come up with can be pretty intimidating :shock: , especially for someone who's knowledge of image editing was limited to Macromedia Fireworks (good program, but...) and stuff. Layers, what? I almost didn't post anything here, but I thought what the heck, I'm a college student with tons of time and the only way I'll get better is to learn from the experts. So here's my current desktop background (smaller sized) and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for what I could do to improve it? I kinda know how to do stuff, but I struggle with aesthetics. P.S. I think I accidentally broke rule #9 on the forums. Sorry Rick!
  7. Yeah...not the best...but we all have to start somewhere, neh? Thanks!
  8. Think Fluffy is the destroyer of worlds? Where do you think he got his training from? Thanks for the wicked awesome tut!
  9. Hello all! I've had Paint.Net for about a week and have waited to post until I have some stuff to show...so here goes...
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