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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. I like PM'ing you the votes. Perhaps we should make it clearer that you don't have to enter the contest to vote? And I didn't enter the last one because I was extremely busy this week (been introduced to unit testing at work ).
  2. Thanks for the compliments on the images...to answer the question: "how did you get the deteriorating effect?" on the last page... It's actually quite simple. Madjik's light rays has a gradient option, so I made some light rays with gradients and blended some really rough clouds on top of it. Use BoltBait's portrait effect for a slight bit of color, and I believe that's how it goes! There's also a "jittered" layer in there and the twist in the background. There may be more...the PDN is at my apartment and not here. You know you did good when Ash asks you how you did something.
  3. MKT, thanks for the updates! It's nice that you actually take the time to do this!
  4. @Ash: The skull looks kinda comical...if that's what you're going for. If not, I'd make the eyes smaller and the cheekbones less chipmunk-y...? :? @uH: Nice stuff. Abstract render with PDN goodness? Every now and then I feel guilty for not posting anything in a while...this is one of those times. So here's some of what I've been doing recently...special thanks goes to BoltBait's amazing Portrait plugin that has done wonders to add a slight color to places that need it. And I have a feeling Madjik's kaleidoscope generator is going to be all sorts of useful in the future.
  5. Because I asked him for the code. It wasn't an unsolicited patch, which is something we most certainly cannot, will not, and have not ever accepted. Ah, thanks for clarifying. I'll stop spamming you then with my plugins.
  6. I'm a little confused...I was under the impression that you couldn't include any plugins into Paint.NET that hadn't been written exclusively by you, Rick, or any of the Microsoft crew. So how is BoltBait's stuff going to get around that? I'm not complaining...(far from it)...just wondering if there's a plan to incorporate other vital plugins into the actual releases of Paint.NET (aka Curves+, Feather, alpha mask...etc.) That would be wicked awesome...and help satiate the people who look at Paint.NET from the "out of the box" perspective. 8)
  7. I believe the font they use is called "Evanescent" on dafont.com *guilty of downloading it because of pyrochild's sig-craze* As for the sigs themselves...you're probably going to have to ask pyrochild nicely for help or a tutorial.
  8. Page 360! We've come full circle! @aile: Nice halo! I'm gonna have to try and figure it out now...
  9. Unfortunately, it's been discussed before...I can't remember why not though...they had a reason! I just can't remember it!
  10. :shock: Wow...tough to follow up such acts as Barkbark00, Madjik, and Ash...but here's something I forgot to share a couple pages back. It's basically a larger version of my avatar.
  11. Oh Madjik, excellent. I've been hoping for something like this for a long time, and it could actually help me out a lot with a project I'm doing for a friend. Thanks!
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