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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. Hm...that's a lot of gradients...I'll give it a try soon.
  2. I would love to make stuff like that too...my problem was (is?) getting the lines to fade into a point. :? Which explains my feature request a few days back.
  3. I just use the ctrl+middle mouse button to zoom out for a second and then zoom in. Takes no time at all.
  4. You have two options then...adjust the tolerance (should be a %) or ctrl+click to add to the selection.
  5. I, for one, am super psyched about the changes in how layers are created/merged. Thanks Rick!
  6. Yes! He's gone...now we can talk about him... :twisted:
  7. To be honest, I'm still having some trouble getting it to draw what I want... :oops: Madjik, you're a genius, but king of the UI you are not.
  8. Wow CMD...you are elegant in your verbose-ness. Cool beans.
  9. My sincerest apologies if this has been requested before, but I was wondering if it would be possible to add a different style of line ending...one that tapers to a point. Arrows are nice, but I was wondering if this is possible? (rough example)
  10. @pyrochild: very interesting heart...and good use of the oft-forgotten barcode plugin!
  11. Ha ha...reminds me of one I did a while back: If this is kinda what you're looking for let me know and I'll explain more.
  12. @cjmcguinness: That's awesome man...what I wouldn't give to know your secrets... @andrew d: resize your pictures man! clickable thumbnails! @buzzkill: that's a wicked awesome car man. Nicely done
  13. You're right...it does... :shock: Too bad it's widescreen though...
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