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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. Share the spamming! Actually, Bob, I thought you made some good points earlier when you wrote your book on the topic. Go read it, peeps.
  2. Nice Myrddin...reminds me of the deck I tried a while back! Oh, and not a bad pirate flag either, Haz.
  3. It takes a bit. Try something easier, and don't give up!
  4. I agree with FrEaK...it would be fun to try and paint a house using PDN!
  5. Ash, that is a brilliant globe...metal...sphere of mercury... Pyrochild, I'm diggin' what the new plugin can do...eager to try it out tonight!
  6. This is a mashup of an oldie...created during my first month of using Paint.Net. It uses one image. Unfortunately, because it is so old, I no longer have the original image, and no matter how I try, I can't seem to find it on Google Images anymore. Since I have no link to the URL, it's automagically disqualified from the competition...however, I thought I would post it here anyway just to say hey, here it is!
  7. Yup...it took me a couple tries to get it right. Welcome to the forum!
  8. To be honest, I've been pasting tutorials into word documents for the last month or so because I don't have internet back at my apartment... :oops: In all actuality, I think you're just stuck copying/pasting, friend. :? Sorry about that, but... Welcome to the forum!
  9. Too...much...coolness...on the last...few pages...er...errrrghh.... :shock: *brain explodes*
  10. Click on Gradient , then change the mode to transparency... :AlphaChannel:
  11. There's no possible way I'm going to be able to choose between the amazing entries so far... :?
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