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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. That's quite possibly the most vague "help me" I've ever seen...no worries friend. You're going to have to be more specific.
  2. Very pretty fire oma...how did you achieve that smooth effect?
  3. Yes, I did suggest it a while back (not too long though ) and I believe Rick said there was a chance that it might make it in a 4.x release. Sad day, but them's the breaks.
  4. Yet another example of how amazing this plugin is. Thanks Tanel!
  5. Couple quick chops...I created the first very quickly...in fact I hesitate to put it on here because you all deserve better quality. Alex now has it as his desktop he liked it so much. While we were building our dorm's float...for those who don't get the reference: Captain Morgan And a quick edit of a friend's photo of me...needless to say I wasn't paying attention.
  6. Hey mods...would it be worth it for someone to redo this tutorial with pictures? I think it's probably the tutorial that new people have the most trouble with (it's also the second one I attempted...fond memories) . I've actually contemplated doing it for a while now...
  7. I love your style for sigs, Void. Backgrounds...eh...good for beginning, but you can take them so much farther. Keep up the good work!
  8. Thanks for the tut david...enjoyed the knowledge and humor.
  9. Awesome Helio. Awesome. You're one of the people here who I feel guilty for having more posts than.
  10. @Ash: it was a cell phone camera...hence the bad quality. @CMD: Awesome! What was the font you used if you don't mind me asking...it's very stylish. @someone: I must admit, I like your newer ones better than your current... :?
  11. Passed this the other day and thought of one of our beloved moderators.
  12. If that's the view from your house...I want to move in. Is that okay?
  13. Helio...if that is 100% PDN I am prepared to bow down and worship you... :shock: Well, not quite, but almost. I love the subtle ripple in the middle of the water. Nice touch!
  14. I concur with the open/save as locations request. Would be nice if there's time to implement it.
  15. @bob: Nicely done! Good job on the cutout of the guitar...I looked at the pic and you're right...it's a beast. :? @blooper: AH! MY EYES!!!
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