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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. Add a "S" around the edge through the middle and I think you're good. Welcome back jake!!!
  2. No problem, whenever you got time. Thanks!
  3. Two in one day?!? What? Is he insane? (or just really bored ) By the way, "Maupin Hall" is the name of my dorm. Turns out that something looking cool won't necessarily translate to an awesome t-shirt. Hi-res t-shirts. It's the next great thing.
  4. Eh...not my best. But I couldn't resist! Images used: http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/2666/g ... 2122vb.jpg http://imagecache2.allposters.com/image ... osters.jpg http://images.art.com/images/products/l ... 103851.jpg http://www.havelshouseofhistory.com/Marx,%20Groucho.jpg
  5. Ah! AH! AAAAHHH! *poof* That's the sound of my mind blowing. :shock: Wicked awesome Ash!
  6. For what it's worth...posted it in the tutorials, but thought I'd share it here too...used Sharky's "Supercross" idea and ran with it a bit... On to Jerbert!
  7. Those are awesome fallback! That's the style I want to learn how to do...did you create the flower-y swirly stuff from scratch or did those come from fonts/images/photoshop brushes...?
  8. Hey pyro...were you ever going to be able to put some sort of angle chooser into this...? I was under the impression that it was in the works, but haven't heard anything for a while. Just wanted to know if I'm going crazy...
  9. @Ash: Awesome again! If people gave you cookies instead of praise...you'd probably be really fat. @Madjik: Welcome back man! Missed you!
  10. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4841 or http://cmdsketchpad.com/tutorial.php?tutid=3 Should help you out. Let us know if you have any questions!
  11. Ordinarily I would direct you to use http://www.searchpaint.net to find this answer, but search is temporarily bogus since we moved to this new site. :oops: There is a tutorial in the Tutorials section called "Cutting out images the easy way" or words to that effect...that gives a detailed way to do this. Paint.NET doesn't have a trace tool (yet? In fact, I'm not even sure what that is ) but this tutorial should be able to help you out. Can't seem to find it at the moment, but I'll look again and let you know. Welcome!
  12. Someone correct me if I'm wrong...but can't Codelab do this? :?
  13. @Stephen: Nice job! Looks sharp...but a tad bit unfinished. @jpope: Excellent yet again! You are the master of making wavy lines...and making them work! (I'm not quite sure what that means...it's intended as a compliment )
  14. @Ash: I echo the sentiment that the angel wings are hawt. Did you do those the same way you did sabertooth fur? (which I almost remember how you explained it... :?) @jpope: That space scene is amazing! :shock: I'm pumped that you released the PDN for the planet as well. Thanks a bunch!
  15. how's the song coming? where can I hear it? If you're really curious I'll let you know soon. I'm still learning how to use Reason 3.0 and right now just experimenting with my keyboard. Recording vocals is still beyond me. :?
  16. http://boltbait.googlepages.com/install :oops: Whoops...I didn't realize I didn't have the latest version. Thanks for putting the date on here MKT!
  17. Yeah, I think the only translations for it are japanese and english. :? Sorry Cris!
  18. Unfortunately it looks a lot more complicated than fragment...the closest I've seen to duplicating this is the new "Warp" feature in Photoshop that I recently read a tutorial on. The closest you could possibly get (imho) would be the "aurora effect" in the tutorial section here. Good luck, and welcome!
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