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Everything posted by oma

  1. practise work on developing clouds and work on atmospheric perspective. IceFlow
  2. a little trick I use sometimes is to make two layers of the original on the top one use Ed harvey color changeadjustment plugin to something totally different. make my selection on that off color layer and then go back and work as required. just have to delete the colored version at a latter stage. doesn't work all the time but could help in this case. ciao
  3. triskit, love the poster especially with the added dancers only one question. you have one green fairy you might have to add some more green elsewhere or change the color on that one. looks great, they ought to be very happy with this. have a good time at the dance. looks like a great theme party is coming up. OMA
  4. It's a shame everyone is talking about the birds... I think the water and sky is where the real beauty is... how did you do that water (or is that sand dunes... either way, awesome)? Ah, and a pleasant day to you too thanks I did them the way I usually do clouds, and I don't use a plug in. I did clouds and then flipped the layer blurred moved some layers over softened etc etc. about 25 layers for the clouds alone. I'm glad you appreciate the work that went into this one.
  5. yes well when your old like me and shaky hands paint brush gives a wobble once in awhile. perhaps you should just put your painting up and let me critique it. :wink: I'll fix them final version for my DA still some bits and pieces to put in.
  6. 100% paint.net Its called "Have a pleasant day" and that's what I'm wishing you all...."A pleasant day to all my friends on Paint.Net forums"
  7. separate dll's would be great. I generally download the pkgs and move the ones I'm not likely to use near as often to a separate file so my effect menu doesn't get overrun as well. just to be clear like leif said not that we don't want them but some people populate their effects with the ones they use the most and temporarily add others as required. thanks Now I'll go read that other post. think I've read it previously but not sure I recall all that was said as at the time it didn't pertain to me. ciao
  8. No. I may split them up in a future build, but for now they are all together. OK guess I'll have to just wait. by the way when I just downloaded the pkg awhile ago I ended up with two bricks in the render plugin. and no varicose. and yes I did try both just to make sure it wasn't an icon error, both were brick. ? not sure if its something I did or at your end. for now I've just deleted full pkg out. and will wait for individual versions as the others with pkgs do. ciao thanks
  9. one time I could download individual plug ins. is that not the case any longer with yours? only in a pkg. ? I actually like to just pick and choose which ones I want, in this case I only want to use varicose. is there separate download anywhere?
  10. @Leif oh so pretty. been using the paint brushes plugin in its "as is not quite finished getting the kinks out state". since it was put up. I'm so looking forward to seeing the final version by Sabrown100. It's going to be awesome. I sure hope he is able to maintain the same size brush pngs as original because I've so many png images suitable for bursh work .
  11. I can make many brushes for you all but I'm sort of holding back until sabrown100 works on a few things incase ie; the sizes and standards of the brushes his plug in will use change. just converting brushes from other programs doesn't necessarily mean they will work the same as in photoshop, it will be determined by what sawbrown100 does with his version of the plugin. his rate of scatter, repeat spacing, overlap spacing, etc etc. since we've given him room to breath and backed off to give him room to work I'm in a hold pattern on uploading brushes that may not even work in final version of his plugin. .
  12. this one works for me. you can see the leak
  13. I'd love to hear the details. new methods are always appealing. if not for this application then something else. ciao OMA
  14. maybe because its been discussed and discussed to death! go look back and check the discussions using search. not much new to say about it. remember to read all the previous posts in a forum thread.
  15. before a mod locks it is there any way to at least move the locked tuts somewhere else (even the bottom of the list) so we don't have to scroll thru them everytime we can't find using the search feature.
  16. not sure I'm following you. if you have a layer and select an object with transparent and copy and paste to new layer its not the same transparency? I just did that in 3.3 and checked with eyedropper and transparency stays the same. . tell us exactly the steps you are doing. ciao OMA
  17. Some more tips then: very useful Madjik advice ... this is the type of thing that I hope the image hospital works like.
  18. I love this one especially the waves in the sand. look forward to seeing the finished product.
  19. and the winner is........................... I'm still waiting..................... :wink:
  20. I love this plug in Madjik. any idea on how to make this into a round maze, guessing perhaps a chain algorithm function?
  21. are you meaning just lighten the color but keep to the same shade? way I do that is original picture bottom layer. add new transparent layer name black add new transparent layer name white adjust transparency down a bit on the layers paint the pixels you want to change with primary black on one layer and the pixels you wish to lighten white on the next you will automatically get lighter and darker shades of the original color. lightnes and darkness depending on amount of transparency on level. note this is why I require ability to see where I'm painting when using brushes. !
  22. no David geoff answered my question. I was downloading the incorrect version of drop shadow. kept replacing old version with old version. I do still prefer the old version but understand why the originial writer had to change. thanks
  23. a St. Patrick picture with and Asian twist. I really like asian style art and its hard to keep it from entering all my pictures. this is what happens when I muck around and play. :wink:
  24. give him a matador hat and cape. maybe those funny short knicker bocker pants and the white knit socks. he's good.
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