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Everything posted by oma

  1. Question: could someone explain to me how this one is different from the one under adjustments called gradiant mapping?
  2. ? to save my image to a PDF file I just use the printer button at the top and change from default printer to pdf factory when the wizzard comes up. it doesn't print out each layer independently but as if picture was flattened. is that what you mean?
  3. I generally read in bed until I fall asleep. Last night I was reading a trashy novel, and there was this one phrase that really struck me as odd sounding. It was ..... with a solid splash. Now that is just odd splashes by their very nature are not solid. :?: the old juices just came alive and this morning I just had to capture what my impression of a solid splash would be.
  4. I don't know Pyro for me to take my hand off the mouse and then move to the keyboard peck my way thru the keys hunt and search the letters I could have scrolled down and found the effect required used it an moved on to the next 4 or 5. perhaps a bit more orginization for the effects that don't fall into sub menus would be more in order. there are some effects I still use that I know the writers are gone from the forum so can not have rearranged but there is still some like alpha mask even boltbaits toon and strip primary color that might be moved to shorten effect list. just a thought I get on a roll and I don't really like to have to stop to type. edit for the record I'm a pack rat too when it comes to plugins, I also keep older versions for some effects that are not avail in the newer versions but if I find after awhile I don't use them near as often. at that point I just move it out into another file I have within my effects called hold old. if I really need to use just that one odd thing I restore back into the current effects list. think about it just how often do you really go back to the old water one, bet most times its just because its in the menu and you could have done just as well with the new version but pushed the wrong button. . PS again sorry if you have too much time on your hands are really looking for something that would be awesome to work on find a way to outline or drop shadow semi transparent pixels with out filling in behind the transparency. i need just around the edges outline and drop shadow just outside the shape semi transparent shape not as present not behind making it solid. ..... now that would be awesome and extremely useful to making pictures.
  5. nice idea but is it really necessary? if you haven't a clue what the plug in is called what would you type. for me personally I use so many plugins so very often I can almost find them with my eyes closed. I flip thru so fast when I'm doing pictures I don't even have to think about where they are or what they are called. this comes with practice making pictures and :wink: not always trying to think up new request ideas.
  6. WWOOWW! and don't anyone get on my case for yelling I just couldn't help it. this is one primo plug in. Pyro kudos to you my friend. this has opened up some wild potential for art. Oh I'm so mad I've to go out this evening and that I'm not able to play with this one tonight. (had about 10 mins of use so far and I'm loving the way semi transparent colors come out.) thanks
  7. now that David mentions the correct name for this type of effect I think this tut might work viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4908
  8. do you mean the dither plugin. set at color and dots? it doesn't give different size dots as far as I remember but might be something you could look at.
  9. like to play around with this maze a bit more but this is a quick one. maze + gravity= mini city . " 8:21 p.m."
  10. @Mike.Ryan like your new Asian inpired sig you've done for your friend. see you were wishing for a border. generally I like to use either the plugin frames or bevel. the bevel with both primary and secondary set at the same color kept very narrow might just give you the look you are wanting bit see thru but still defining the edges. the font is real nice do you have the name of it? topezia now that is an inovative use of weave. gives a bit of zip to a very underused plug in. very novel. not sure of the frame on this one? different color maybe? or maybe just darken the colors you are using. give less emphasis to the frame more to the great art. just a thought... anyone else have any ideas. SuperJemmy wonderful especially the picture of your friend. great use of severe cropping. and you've picked just the right photo to apply that pastel effect. now I've got to go back thru all my pictures and find something I can try that on. ohhhhh Madjik after I saw tha great picture I went and downloaded that maze plug in. I've a bit of a picture I started late last night as test and I'm going to work on refining that today. excellent. hint for us please is that way you ran the background along the floor? up the wall? similar as to how you did that spaceship scene for verndewd awhile back? copy portion on separate layer and tilt? or did you do something else completely. as its so seamless looking. nice janettsue have you been playing with majority? I like the world one the best NeilMacG now that is one nice picture. agree with you the plugin outline use on this one is smack on. be interesting if you could put just thumbs of the original pictures for us to compare. love the pictorium that's the way to go people. More pictures to stimulate everyone to try new techniques and push the envelope.
  11. not sure from your post exactly what you are asking but there was another fellow that wanted to change colors of costume for game figures this is the post viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22680&p=142343&hilit=color+to+alpha#p142343 where his problem was resolved perhaps read this and let us know if this is of any help. OMA
  12. wow what a night for the pictorium. kreeos those bank notes look like old german money. maybe just tone/wash out the colors a bit think maybe brightness/contrast might work. you know what would be awesome is if you did that wrinkled paper and overlaid this note on it. old tatered looking $. ???? expiration you sure can draw. that is excellent foreshortening of the guys sighting arm. bb well what can I say that splash.jpg tes is wonderful look like gooy sticky stuff is on the screen. Pleuberus I added you to my watch list over on DA and added a comment to one of your works in your gallery. excellent job. janet sue well as always exceptional work. I like the colors in this one. is that one of madjics plug ins? andRoll good translation of a pic from Photoshop to Paintnet. salu what a hubbly bubbly happy picture. I know you said a plug in but which one. that is so good. topezia I love the flower! its so pretty. thank you. glad the bricks turned out better with a bit of texture. looking forward to seeing what you make with them. tourist, now that cable is perfect. steps please? FLNagle welcome don't think I've seen you on the pictorium before nice flyer. excellent work everyone. check in with you all tomorrow, I'm off to play with my paint.net. ciao
  13. still on that building wow that camel that lives there must be getting sun stroke by now. OK I'll see what I can do with this one. not promising much as I've only a bit of time but looks like fun. ciao OMA who is now putting on her thinking cap. :wink:
  14. I'm lost what is the current topic and deadline. i've tonight to play. :twisted:
  15. @Mike no problem rest assured most people go back thru previous pages of the pictorium just to see if they missed anything since last time they looked. and if they are not they will be missing some nice artwork. anyways I'm working on a series of art cards for the seniors home gift shop. trying to get my designs down. Here is one I think has potential but not sure of the coloring. it might still hit the dust bin in the final cut of cards, or undergo a color change. . I don't really like the sparkles so think they are coming out toot sweet.
  16. I know that wasn't directed at me. but I do think I know who it was directed at and i agree this is a pictorium. so everyone keep it in mind. and if you don't get any comments rest asured its not because anyone is being ignored its just because at the moment maybe no one is looking at the pictorium, or they just can't think how to help you improve something. and for the record i really don't think your wall sucks its just you were begging for it with your talk to your self lines. now everyone lets get back to great artwork. and i seen some nice pieces by some new members this morning. I'll have to scroll back thru a couple of pages to look at them all but what I've seen so far its looking good everyone. keep up all the great pictures coming in.
  17. the wall sucks needs more texture. try a bit of noise and stylize releif or something. but the concrete is excellent. and for the record I'm fed up with people repeating posts its not as if we are ignoring you its just I have a life. I wasn't here last night. and oh yes Sawbrown100 and Mike.Ryan52 this really isn't a private chat line. Mike I like the brush and the fact you have permission. and sawbrown100 I'm pretty sure if Rick thought it was a violation of the use he would have jumped on Mike tooooot sweet.
  18. agree it would be nice not to have to use the workaround or a math version I guess this goes on the long list of wants and begs for. :wink:
  19. do you have a picture similar to what kind of dents you need to make?
  20. it is actually sunny out today and fairly mild so I've these wonderful visions that spring is just around the corner NOT! I live in northern Canada still snowy and brrrrrrr.
  21. Ha Ha that was BoltBaits line but its what made me remember he had answered this before I found it hilarious as well.
  22. back on Nov 16 2007 boltBait answered this one for us workaround quoted per BoltBait OK, here's how you can do it: Add a new layer. On that layer... Use the Gradient Tool with Radial Gradient . You can then draw the circle as you described (from center to outer edge). Magic wand the transparent area with a tolerance of 0. Invert your selection (Ctrl-I) and press the backspace key (flood fill). Feather as necessary. Wipe hands on pants. _________________
  23. Welcome to the pictorium Neil. liked the picture you did, try one of the tuts for a sig to start with. and don't worry you'll catch on soon enough. ciao OMA
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