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Everything posted by oma

  1. thanks you Mike for the clear and easy to follow directions as you can see from my sig below I managed to do this. ciao and thanks again.
  2. I would like to add a link below my signature that says to "my DA account" would someone please tell me the correct line to put in with my sig picture. and yes I know I'll have to redo the sig smaller to still fall within the size restrictions in the rules. thanks
  3. brindle? do you mean the transparent checkerboard? if so I usually just add a layer under the layer with the circle and fill that when you merge the two your area is filled completly and you don't have to fiddle with random unfilled areas. hope that's what you mean. also a point about the gradiant change of colors instead of the left button on mouse use the right and the primary and secondary color reverse. for just that gradiant change.
  4. yes thanks I thought as much but just wasn't 100% sure. I'll be picking you brains again later re clickable bars but for now this should get me going. thanks again. ciao
  5. so I know (finally) how to add thumbs to posts. but in my gallery I'd like to have them lined up side by side like Ash and Madjiks I can get them going down in a long list but not sure how to get them say in rows 4 across 4 down. help please. thanks
  6. rubrica exactly what I was going to say. and note you can change the outline width by just changing your brush size first.
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    so those were my first pictures in the new gallery. hope you enjoyed them. first love was and will always be abstract. ABSTRACT (1) I have this one full size in my deviant art gallery black layer two dark shade gradiant layers dark golds next rosace layer gold/mustard shade form rosace to egg shape next layer black band across middle gold band on top bit smaller red writing 3d sphere interlock ring thru holes in rosace lots of curves then releif couple of times loads of errode randome/ and squares few triangle layers as well. more curves etc etc. from discussion in abstract forum "what is an abstract" For me its generally an emotion expressed as a solid thing. IE: my picture light having a voice. we all know light doesn't speak so what conveys that in a picture. light is bright so yellow, has a voice so the red for the tongue, I'm thinking it should be a sharp sound and hard so the little solid boxes, it would need a mouth so round edges.
  8. welcome big steps for your first steps. look forward to seeing your work. ciao
  9. well OK then I've been restraining my self, I've about 10 big projects on the go. all are around 100 layers each so far, so I'll just enter a couple of stage a,b,c shots. for now and then change out old for new. as the work goes along. ciao
  10. I'm putting some work in progress items in my gallery will change from full size to thumbs as I progress with the work is that OK?
  11. thought that might be the case, but earlier it was just sozo's now its two names. I'll just delete out my picture above hope this doesn't happen everytime the server goes down. agree its the pits.
  12. question: what is happening here? edit: picture removed by OMA answer provided by David. thanks
  13. what do you mean? just new stuff? I'm not sure I understand. you would like us all to post within our own galleries, I mean people should only be allowed to post artwork in the umbrellas (with links to their galleries) and comments should only be posted in personal galleries. No, I was sick of members opening galleries and posting nothing. Ok so I understand that first part but I'm not sure you can link to individual galleries, they are both within the same forum area. If its possible would someone please let me know how. You don't think some people just might abuse that priviledge and use their galleries as a private chat spot, artificially bringing their names to the top as active posts? also the second point. well you saw how the site went down today, what's to say other peoples providers didn't go down when they started posting to their galleries. like I think two maybe 3 people at the most did that? this is something that will sort itself out not really worth your time getting ranting over it. cool chill give the thing some time.
  14. what do you mean? just new stuff? I'm not sure I understand. you would like us all to post within our own galleries, just a few posts ago you thought individual galleries weren't such a good idea because every new member would open one and only post one or two things. not following your thinking. explain more fully please ciao
  15. St. Jim good one we had a television looked almost like this when I was a child. you forgot the rabbit ears though . they were the absolute must for reception. this is an older one from my files. it was the first picture of a real person I did in paint.net
  16. cjmcguinness that one always was one of my fav's as well its so creamy looking. Diabolicus i've not seen you around much before I like this one but think I'd take it a bit more over the top. one touch of color somewhere to draw the eye into the picture. maybe a little texture the concept is real nice I'd like to know how you made this one. ================================= abstract has always been my favourite type of art. so much emotion can be displayed by just the use of color. makes the mind have an inner focus with out the distraction of saying oh that's a pretty flower, car, boat etc. "When light has a voice" visit my gallery for details viewtopic.php?f=26&t=23412
  17. gear one is my favourite, still needs something in the middle section. not sure what, maybe just that section with a bit of releif, and some different size gears intermeshing. otherwise that picture is really well done.
  18. hey Blooper your work has never been ordinary!. look forward to viewing some new art in this gallery. ciao
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Ben it was your pictures in DA that gave me the idea and inspiration. very first item for the new gallery "when you dream in PDN" "Once upon a time in a land so far away ..." these close ups were work in progress shots. a close up of the book is on my Deviant art page here's the link http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... k-80623418 a close up of the floating island is on my Deviant art page here's the link http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... e-80623642 several people have asked about the book so I will try to reconstruct it. its only covering the basics as I never jotted down all the steps I did as I went along. the depth in the book was from all the different shadow layers. and the end glow was mostly photo and curves, and some local contrast enhancements. as I had 3 pdn's going at the same time for just the book its really hard to explain. add that to I'm about the worst tutorial writer there is and well. I'm taking out this mini tut try to clean it up a bit and will post later. further down in my gallery sorry.
  20. oh that is refreshing. hope to see more great stuff from you. PS if I don't see it here I'm sure its going to be over at DA. ciao OMA
  21. OK I'll wait around for a bit. look forward to seeing which of your fine art you choice to showcase. ciao OMA
  22. awesome vote #3 and man is your hair really that color? great pic. have always been a fan of your art. and cudo's to the guy that finally taught me how to make decent text. ciao
  23. I certainly did enjoy those! and you said you were not good at Paint.Net. I think you just proved yourself wrong. ciao
  24. thanks for you work on this new pictorium David. only day one and I'm thinking its looking good already. look forward to seeing great art from everyone. you too.. ciao
  25. oma


    as alway ASH you set the bar for us all. look forward to seeing more and more and more art work from you, as you never fail to amaze me.
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