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Everything posted by oma

  1. well done for the night think the face is now complete will start the body tomorrow and work him into my skull picture. thought at first only doing one side of the face would make it easier but its more difficult as the shading was harder to control. . think he turned out fairly well and look forward to completing this picture compostion. PS I just love his hat.
  2. excellent thank you I couldn't find anything like this picture. yipee i don't have to rework it, just hate redoing all that shading. . now I can get going again. once again thanks thanks and more thanks
  3. require some input at standstill this is how my picture is at the moment. the face seems to me to be as long as the original inspiration piece up in the top left corner and when I look at other pictures of Harrison Ford his face looks shorter. this is a start of reworking that face it will require aditional shading to correct to shorter version but before I go further which do you all think is better suited for original inspiration picture
  4. I do not use a grid and copy each square onto the screen I draw my own grids I put a picture up in the pictorium showing you the type of grids I draw myself and use. a face is 5 eyewidths across and the distance between the top of the head and eyes and eyes to chin is aprox the same. nose and ears are about the same. these are things I draw in on the grid. and I very much resent the fact you think I trace things. the picture of what I'm drawing is on a layer within my drawing as It is easer for me to look at it there instead of moving back and forth between pictures. its not there for tracing. I've limited mobility within my hands and poor eyesight so I do what works for me. but to be accused of tracing is beyond words.
  5. to give you all an idea of the type of grid I use. and I do not copy or trace a series of boxes onto the screen I do the same as the rest of you I look at the picture and draw it with the line curves tool. click able.
  6. I agree with what you say the line curve is neater especially if you have shaky hands like me. Even with line/curve sometimes I have trouble. I'm glad now I didn't get the tablet for Christmas after all it would have just frustrated me to no end. if I had to choose I'm thinking this last one is even better than the other mother and child. like the oval framing, that just makes it so intimate looking
  7. sorry its not a feature of paint.net try writing the words on separate layers that way you can just delete out the layer and redo. or do your text in something like word and copy it into a layer of paint.net
  8. so let me get this straight #1) i can't look at a picture of a dinasoar and try to draw it? kind of shoots down the age old artists practice of using models doesn't it. #2) I can not have a layer I get rid of at the end. no grid no perspective lines. even though great artists have used these lines and just erased them. #3)no blending/ blurs even if artists use tortillion stumps all the time. if that is so I don't think I'll be participating as this is not teaching me proper art skills at all. especially #1 as the first thing any of my art friends tell me is to draw what I see not what my mind tells me should be there.
  9. sorry back in second band width overrun need to use another account to post picture will have to use my da here is what I'm working on tonight http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... k-76148084
  10. I've read this thread beginning to end and still don't understand what the heck you all are talking about. these rules are just too confusing. actually they seem to keep changing much like how my grandkids play board games. the rules change as they need to in order for them to win. ? :wink: and I distinctly recall saying I expected to win this so why didn't you all vote for my miserable pathetic try at drawing a car?
  11. so what rule did you break? size? I didn't know you had broken one it just wasn't pleasant to look at.
  12. I for one like it that zombie face you had previous was just so hideous. It always amazes me that people pick something like that as their avatar. images like that just make me skip right past the posts, and I'm sure I missed some valid points you might have said while you were using the last avatar. :wink:
  13. as always Janettsue exquisite. Your work has that softness to it that makes one just want to reach out and touch, and it always displays such tender feelings. Did you use the tablet for this one? If so you are getting really good at using it. I think this is a truly remarkable picture. Hope you did it large enough to print out, because it needs to go up in your home somewhere. Stunning.
  14. @BB and @Ash not as simple for curving a line if you do it on separate layer and then oct reshape you get a bit of a curve. but then that's and effect isn't it. anyways the line still needs to be moved to proper placement. lots of work but it does give a semi curved look if you need it. also how about your method ASH and you know when you hold shift and don't move the end point you can change directions. not explaining that well I'm sure but it takes about 20 or 30 small moves shifting back and forth from the free form line using shift and changing directions.
  15. QFT. I would make a super mini tut if more people want this, or I'll just pm to your guys later on. BTW, I'm guessing what QFT means. Someone might have to PM me if it means what I think it means?? I'll be interested in this method. super mini tut PM to me as well please. thanks OMA
  16. madjik made this mini tut maybe that can help a bit in what you wish to do. page 514 of pictorium 1. Create a square image large enough to keep a good quality of the text. (ex: 800x800) 2. Write your text centered and from size to size of the image with a little left/right margin. ...The text must be at 1/4 of the height from the top. ...(ex: for 800x800 image, the text must be around y=200 and the size you want but 100px maximum) 3. Press Ctrl+G to rotate the image. 4. Effect/Render/Shape3D, sphere: all default except: ...Texture map: full sphere map (or half sphere map repeat) ...Scaling: 1.50 (or adjust as you need) ...X axis rotation: 90° ...Light: uncheck I used this method above with the addition of tilting and rotating layers for this image http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... t-69591366
  17. but Mike the control key does move the selection by 10 which you asked for and without by 1 you can not just hit the arrow key a few times? to get intergers between 1 and 9? seems easier than what you are saying.
  18. when you paste in a new layer leave the selection active. hold control down and arrow over once and still holding control down arrow down. what do you get Chris. also to move the selection another way leave selected copied portion active and just hold the arrow key down watch your little counter in the bar along the bottom it moves a pixel at a time. in straight line across or down. easy enough with out adding all kinds of extra x/y set 10 set 10 functions
  19. some practise trying to get some good terrane work
  20. this question has been asked before I used the search button top and the word stencil. I'm surprised you've not realized there was a search feature. this is the topic you need viewtopic.php?f=12&t=21269&p=114336&hilit=stencils#p114336
  21. nice finger there Mike. can't wait until you finish the rest of the hand. :wink: @Valor Knight lovely picture welcome to the forum.
  22. yes it would ASH but I think I remember Rick saying something about this somewhere else in the forum. a big Not now or Not ever? can't recall which and I'm not sure what search term to even use to attempt to refind that post. a x/y coordinate box or a reallly good tut on how to interpet the sliders would be a step in the right direction. especially from a users point of view.
  23. ah wasn't aware of that about the arrow keys that might help but my eyes are not the greatest so that little box just isn't the best for my usuage. In the event this isn't possible or on Rick's radar I was thinking more of something like a xy coordinate map like for shape 3d. and an complete explination of how the xy coordinates sliders are calibrated at present would help. (explanation in layman/oma terms please)
  24. when we open say twist or polar inversion+ we have the little box with the x for x/y adjustments is it possible to have some means of putting in the exact coordinates of x/y we wish the effect to start at? I'd like to start at 504 213 exactly not have to guess what 1.00 or 1.3 ect. is equivalent to.
  25. as Ash said no need to be sorry, and no need to rush into a tut. Having 5 or 10 mediocre tuts doesn't even equal one tut that really inspires, and adds to the ability of people to use the program. Personally my opinion is you are mistaken in thinking that a tut measures the quality of your art work. Your work will speak for itself. Even more so the value of you to the forum will be in people seeing what rate you draw now and at what rate you can work with this program say in 6 months. . The major idea is to better your own art thru learning new ideas not repeating old tried and true comfortable things. I have found the best work and greatest growth artwise comes from challenges outside your comfort zone.
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