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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    some more textures I love. think something like this would make some nice cards. from here to there a series
  2. viewtopic.php?t=5663 viewtopic.php?t=4104
  3. If I change the title in the new posts to add a date added does this alter the title of my gallery? I couldn't find a way to do that other than going to the first post every time and changing that one.
  4. Question: not a concern. just want explination of correct way to put in my Gallery title the date I add new items. currently I'm re editing first post title every time I update is that the proper method or is there an easier and better way? thanks
  5. ok so now we know what it is supposed to do. Thanks Madjik for better explination.
  6. oh my lord madjik you have to be kidding. I'm am the worst tut writer. I'll work on some thumbs of past work and try to recreate something. just basics in my gallery, will have to wait until late this weekend, got to visit my kiddies, and a shift at the care home tomorrow.
  7. ""cough cough plug in for gradiant bars cough cough, several layers, secondary color transparent. "
  8. The main barrier I face in writing new plugins is thinking of new plugins to write. and that my friend is a problem. my advise spend a lot of time working on some pictures ask some of the more experienced members what would make their work less time consuming. have you finished with the brushes? I'm still watching for active selections to make that full featured.
  9. no problem Sabrown just didn't want you to put a lot of work into something that's there already. you have good skills wouldn't want to waste them repeating something.
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    this is my WATER GALLERY I will be shortly adding thumbs of old work here as well. "petals" been awhile since I've done a water picture. It started out as gold tones. I went to see National treasure II last night , but guess I'm in a pink mood lately.
  11. no actually not dishing it. but there are already plugins that offer fuller potential than this one. Sabrown is a fairly good programmer and his work would be better utilized by not reinventing the wheel so to speak.
  12. I'm reluctant to join this conversation but Sabrown why are you doing this plugin effect when there are other better frame making ones already avail? madjik's I've been using for ages and it by far tops what you've offered here. unless your screen shots are not in any way offering what the full potential is on this, I can not even see my self downloading and testing. ciao Oma
  13. Oma scrambles for her book on xml and html. would you beleive I think I do understand a bit of that with out even researching it further. except of course that section near the end which is just all numbers. I'm going to make the assumption they would be coordinates. well off for my book see I've some studying to do. This actually makes more sense to me than the C# book I've read 4 times now and still don't quite get. pyrochild you said you were how old? It still amazes me how very sophisticated you young folk are.
  14. thanks OMA is doing the happy dance. things are begginning to get clearer, and I'm understanding and remembering more each day. .
  15. Pyro I understand every thing about that code ( I think) except is the rx value for the rounded corners?
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    bingo lots of layers ding ding ding you win a prize. I didn't keep any pdn work on this one. so I might be able to do the texture close but not right on. I can work up something, will take a bit to reconstruct this one. it was total play, as I was frustrated with the kids. hubby's is always asking them "well how deep of a hole did you dig yourself this time." or something similar trouble is always a big old hole. beleive me they were in one deep massive more than ankle deep trouble. I'll see what I can do about a mini tut.
  17. geeeee and I spent all that time drawing my guy from scratch. look at the one in my gallery. I suppose I could pop my picture in there. link is in my sig.
  18. I offer one free help just because you did try looking thru the tut section. its hard to find this one unless you know the search term. it was transparent layers. here is a tut that explains what you need to know. Its not a great tut but it does show how the person got rid of the white background. save as a .png not a .jpg viewtopic.php?p=21658#p21658
  19. very nice Andrew, I've always loved Natashia. and you added your polars. lovely! I'll be checking back quite often to see what else you come up with. OMA
  20. good gallery, I'm not much into blood but that is very well done. was it 100% paint.net? if so I'd like to know your method as well. my favourite is the grey one. very fluid movement to that one. your gallery will be another I shall visit often, just to see how you are progressing. ciao OMA
  21. wonderful gallery, love the fan, could just about feel the cool breeze. The tree has a very innovative set of leaves, now that is imagination at its best. The 3d letters are also extremely well done. this is one very fine gallery showing a very diversifed grasp of using this program. I will enjoy checking in from time to time just to see what else you come up with. ciao OMA
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    my all time favourite effect has to be polar inversion. but its not just push the button once and have a picture. multiple polars, inside outs and a host of other tricks and turns, blends and merges. this is my POLAR GALLERY a new one "polar pretty" I'll be adding here as I go along. I will dig out a few oldies I still really like and place the thumbs here shortly..
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    This will be my INTERESTING TEXTURE AREA just an interesting picture some play time "Just how deep of a hole did you dig yourself now?"
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