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Everything posted by oma

  1. I have quite a few pieces in this gallery so this index is not the all inclusive list. It is an index of the main ones where I learned new techniques or tried new styles. Or ones I just particularly like and enjoy looking at. Note: in the banner above many of those are older pictures from prev. pictorium. Larger versions of most of them are on my DA. If you see something in the index below that looks interesting to you I encourage you to view the actual page to see the full size versions. There are many small details not captured in the thumbs. In many cases I've tried to include work in progress shots. Also there are many little tidbits on how I've done things a certain way or how I'd do it in an easier manner the next time around on similar pictures. Over the time I've been here I've done 100's of pictures. You will find some of my better ones over on my Deviant Art Gallery (the link is in my sig) . When I have time I plan to add a section to this index of Oldies but Goodies. That I hope to change once a month, digging back into my store of early OMA Paint.Net art. There are a few there that will give some of you a real giggle over, and some just pure blind begginers luck that I'm still trying to figure out how I did them. So for now if you have time pour yourself a cup of java, pull up a chair and flip thru the pages of this gallery. Let me know what you think, be honest but be kind, remember I only started learning to draw in Jan 2007. If you have questions ask, I'll try to answer. Older pictures I may not remember so well exactly what I did, but ask anyways you never know, my trash bin is always full of old photo screen shots, and they may help you out. using this index clik the show button to see the thumbs. then just reclick the hide button again to close the window . hope you enjoy ABSTRACTS This is my favourite type of artwork. I love it so much because I am able to express in color feelings and emotions. Hidden Content: Hidden Content: PEOPLE This is another thing that intrigues me the ability to draw facial features with a more realistic feel. I'm still working on likeness and coloration but can see my accuracy at facial structure improving. Hidden Content: BIRDS, ANIMALS, FISH Hidden Content: FRUIT, FLOWERS, PLANTS Hidden Content: TEXTURES Hidden Content: SHINY, WATER, ETC. Hidden Content: MISC Hidden Content: MINI TUTS IN MY GALLERY Hidden Content: THESE TUTS FOUND IN THE TUT SECTION OF OUR FORUM I don't do many tuts, but have posted these ones in our tutorial section of the forum. Hidden Content: my work I classify as 100% Paint.Net and if its not 100% Paint.Net and there is an outside scanned picture it will be something I've hand drawen in my sketch pad. It would be very very rare for me to use renders. I just like the work to be mine. The good and the bad. Speaking of bad take a look at the next section. I think you might really enjoy some of these. WE ALL HAVE SEEN THOSE SCENES IN SHOWS WHERE THE CHARACTERS MAKE MISTAKES ........ AND WE ALL LAUGH ......... WELL HERE IS MY TRASH CAN SECTION have a good laugh at an assortment of bad ones I dug out of my trashbin Hidden Content: ciao OMA
  2. I like the first one a lot. Was this a picture you took yourself? a little thumb of the original would be nice, so we can see what you've changed. The other two well I'm not too much into reskins. I don't know a thing about how they are done so can't really offer much in the way of constructive crit . Aesthetically they are a bit soft/blurred for my taste. I've bad eyes so can't make out too many details. Good start to your gallery and I look forward to seeing more from you. ciao
  3. snow! seems to me somewhere along the line I've asked for a tut on this one. did I miss it, or you've not had a chance to do one yet. nice gallery and great intro of yourself. .
  4. learn to use the search box upper right hand side type in cut out pictures. you are going to find a tut comes up on doing that called cut out pictures the easy way version 2. always the first post will be the lesson plan on how to do something. really that search button will teach you more than ever. all these types of questions have been asked and answered oodles of times. ciao OMA
  5. I just answered this topic question for someone else this week. in this topic. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=23326 if you read down thru the Entire thread you will find the steps to layering which is what you need to do!
  6. clarification of what frozen byte said you are lucky the mods are busy at the moment they generally lock threads with generic titles. you should read the rules here is the link viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446 I'm sure its #6 you need to look at. for now maybe just edit your post and change the title. but quick answer is up top screen right side is the search button. your search keyword should be something like layers. many topics there a combination of a few should get you off to a good start. ciao OMA
  7. pip ? are you sure you are in the correct forum. isn't that something to do with Windows movie maker? or is there something specific you need to use in your pip?
  8. glad to see you back this is a really great picture. I especially like the square pixel looking boxes in some key area. good job.
  9. Nothing in particular - I just really want a chance to get feedback from the community on my artwork that is normally ignored when I post it here - and also an easy way to keep track of and comment on other users' projects. sweety you have to post pictures in the pictorium to get feed back. I just checked you have 23 pages of posts in the general discussion area, I;ve looked back to page 10 so far. and don't see too many pictures for us to comment on. I did see a reskin which I'm sure was talked about in that forum. but other than that well...I can't comment on what's not there.
  10. gee sabrown for all your gab about the upcoming pictorium and when and what time its opening. I'm thinking you must have one major art project on the go you want to show off to us all. I'll be watching for your gallery. :wink:
  11. this tut shows how to make 3d text. perhaps combining with Ash ring tut metal you can come up with something. viewtopic.php?t=5625
  12. do you know how to check you pm's I'll send you thru a quick mini tut. OMA
  13. do you mean a chekered box is covering up your picture? go over to the right side do you have your layers showing? make sure the one with your A background picture is checked when you flatten it that checkered layer should go away its see thru , transparent, did you read this post http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/L ... Modes.html Rick explains about layers in this one. worth a read thru.
  14. save your cut out image "b" as a .png file in my pictures now in paint open "a" your background. up at top in layers import from file "b" make sure its a png and not pdn. or for copy and paste. I'm almost certaint it is actually impossible to copy and paste the checkerboard pattern. you probably are on the wrong layer when you do your copy in "b" make sure you are on the layer with the cut out if you wish to do it that way.
  15. Try to keep the preview below 800x600. You can link to a larger image, though. I believe it'll be listed in the rules...if it's not, I'm going to add it right now. They'll be too late. :-) Either Dan or myself have that distinction, I don't recall who. thanks David, for the record sabrown I meant my first post to my gallery, I'm not keeping track of who posts which picture first or how many posts you have to your name. I look for substance not quantity. My first post is a nice one. ciao
  16. might have missed this pardon me please if I did but is there size recommendation for the new pictorium personal galleries. I'm working on my first piece to add to it. and its a doozie . thanks
  17. Madjik what were the settings you used for second example? love that image. PS I finally got the plugin to work was using 3.3 beta 1 not beta 2. its awesome plug in.
  18. thank you for the new plug in madjik I'll be working it into my newest work "Once upon a time" ciao and thanks as always for great plugins.
  19. to the behind the scene team thank you. I am not giddy but look forward to the new format.
  20. madjik wow can I beta test for you sometime. this looks awesome! can not wait.
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