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Everything posted by oma

  1. Thanks Oma, Still I did not guess how you did it, it looks pasteled but I think you did not use pastel, may be color adjustments plus something else? I did use pastel and still didn't like the colors so did another layer of original picture and oil paint overlay. @madjik new plugin coming? under textures? love the little space ship. OMA
  2. edited out by OMA think I have it now thanks to Jannettsue. although I'm still not happy with the greens and that's mainly because green is my favourite color and I like all the variations. except lime green. :wink:
  3. like this one especially the leading. how'd you do that?
  4. photo manipulation well its not 100% paint.net because i used a photo but I took the photo myself so I guess 90% paint.net. :wink: edited to show original per topezia request below
  5. bolt bait thanks for the new updated plugin I've a question about the pastel it really mucks about with my colors is there anyway to get it closer to the actual color of the original picture?
  6. run inksketch on picture make duplicate copy run color to alpha default settings on top copy and then color tint or color flip. merge down.
  7. good tut might I make a suggestion for when you re do per David's request. explain a bit more about the panelling move. I'm familiar with using this plug in but some of the new paint.net users may not understand how you select and move/shift using it. to get the final results. also maybe just jot in the hex codes for the browns you used. ciao OMA PS it looks just like my wood floors.
  8. @olav now that is quality! A++ like that immensely
  9. jerkfight those red walls are right in fashion now on the home decorating front I'd leave them if I were you. one thing I noticed is you might just pop in a 45 degree miter edge on your window frames. this will give a more realistic look. and I see you redid the floor looks real good. especially the color. I'm watching for a tut on this from you as it is especially awesome. @sabrown100 haven't seen too many of your art pieces but sure read a lot of comments and crits from you. what gives?
  10. are you sure you don't have a camera in my computor room and a direct link to my brain. I was just thinking the other day something like this would be so awesome. and well here it is. great work and I'm sure it will be one of my fav's as I'm a distortion plug in addict.
  11. @jerkfight that's coming along. one thing you might consider is to not have all the wood boards ends lining up in a straight rows. in the real world they wouldn't be laid this way, it would cause buckling . otherwise this a great picture.
  12. maybe you could start with the plug in splashes for your shapes?
  13. excellent I'd already tried making the same picture several times but I'm not that handy using 3d shape, I mostly draw my shapes and shade. I had figured out most of it but didn't get the uncheck part correct. thanks off to the drawing board once again to retry hopefully with better results this time. you don't even want to see the mess i made of the last couple. ciao and thanks once again for the explanation.
  14. @vista that magnifying glass is real nice. I especially like the text how did you do that portion under the glass? and @tourist now that kiln brick is excellent how did you get the three holes in the centre? great work here is my submission for the night its called " Moby Dick" , (the book I just started to read this week) now I'm off to bed to read a few chapters. ciao all
  15. each sketch will be differet but for this one if you want to just intensify the red use hue saturation under adjustments. think you set top slider around 3 for the red and then move the saturation button upwards. you could also play with curves luminosity and get some good results. @dc conviction great use of the brick in that wall. as above poster said if you can change the grout to a bit more grayed tone this would be absoultely spot on
  16. thanks Matt as always a very easy to understand answer. PS I hope I can contribute something here to this section at least as I just love patterns.
  17. quick question. where do you place the scriptlab file in effects folder or do you all keep a separate file ? OMA
  18. looks better if you clik it fast quick try at doing etched glass i've got to perfect the tree but its coming. :wink:
  19. ummmm kind of makes me think of how I made a solid object glass looking doesn't it. way back when Ash Vern and a few others helped me with my first tut.
  20. nice picture for first one but you know what impresses me the most about your post is that you now have learned about how great using layers is. will look forward to some great works from you being posted in the pictorium.
  21. yes! magnificent always could use distort type plug ins. have some amazing results already will be back to let you know what I come up with. Possibly tomorrow as I've birthdays partys to attend tonight. ciao OMA
  22. @Madjik nice one here is my play with effects for the day "glowing gates to heaven"
  23. well done and thx for ur work as you know in the pm i gave you :wink: For those of you who don't know what on earth is happening, it started off with me posting my worst fractal ever in the fractal discussion thread and then oma offered to modify it and now it much much better Compared with the original, this is a really edited one which is worth it coz it looks cool! http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff15 ... 03-219.png the original
  24. so rhona is there any tut you need modified in some manner to teach a specific point of your classroom unit. there are many people on this forum willing to help you out. and make suggestions for you to write your own tut to demonstrate a specific principal of art. :wink: :wink: that way you know its kiddie friendly.
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