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Everything posted by oma

  1. I'll have to wait final release to use rosaces cause as you may know with beta version most of my effects did not work! Mumble mumble (thinking ) is that gonna evolve into a ballet scene? swan lake? I doubt it, I might be artsy fartsy but draw the line at ballet. although having said that it could be a challenge. and you know me I like a good challenge once in awhile. we will just have to wait and see where that one takes me. right now its just practice of textures.
  2. Hi just dropping by to have a look. nice gallery, the wallpaper with the city scene is my favourite. ciao OMA
  3. search term is page curl this is the tut by madjik viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4317&p=115690&hilit=page+curl#p115690
  4. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks @The_Lionhearted I'm already thinking of how I can improve this one. I think the drawing part is finished as far as I am capable of drawing at this point. I need to learn some photo editing skills now. That is something I've not done too much of. And of course there is the dreaded text, and some sort of hieroglyphs on the orginal to complete yet. so skull three will be in the pipes.
  5. did you go down to the bottom of the pictorium page and look on page 2. don't worry it will ebb and flow move around as people comment on others works and then you add something new and it will come back to the top again. keep drawing and adding but be careful that can backfire as well if you start putting in just rubbish to bring your gallery to the top people will tend to skip over it next time they come to look. and dund dund dund to the bottom it will sink. :wink: do good work, add good/great work often. practice at least 10 pictures per actual post. remember around here quality wins over quantity. same goes for post counts, high numbers don't necessarily mean importance. You have a nice gallery by the way, and I look forward to seeing some real fine art work coming from you . ciao
  6. there are quite a number of ways use outline is probably your easiest. look under effects >object. OMA
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Miguel, one of the church choir directors asked me to attempt something for the cover of the small cd the childrens choir is putting out. Its likely only sales within the church, but you never know could lead somewhere.
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    "Where will you be when the doors open?"
  9. not too bad snowfox could use some sharpening, a bit blurry. here is one I've been working away on for awhile, the question someone asked me was "where will you be when the doors open" this is something I've thought about and this is my interpetation of the doors opening. enjoy full size version in my gallery, on page 2, follow the link in my sig.
  10. nice gallery, of them all I like the glass table one best, If you work on those table legs this might just have a shot at being your best picture ever. lovely work and I look forward to coming back to view your gallery often. ciao
  11. How did I miss your gallery before, :oops: its postively marvelous! I really like this one just a brief explination please on how you did that. ciao
  12. start with madjik's plug in rosace about 4 or 5 different ones and twist and bulges, milky ness from glow. does it remind you of a ballet costume? :wink: hint :idea: hint
  13. oma

    Pyjo's gallery

    Hi, great gallery, all the pictures are really well done. but just have to say I love the flower one its so pretty and joyful. look forward to checking back here often. ciao
  14. I actually like the spin off one. that's got lots going on there. here is one I've been working on I like the milky textures. phantom plasma
  15. excellent gallery. I like the lone nebula but actually love the one create something. very very appealing.
  16. Hi Bugster, welcome back missed you around here. Need my pesky little one checking in once in awhile. I know you've not been drawing too much lately but time to take up the pencil and paintbrush again. look forward to seeing some great art from you in the near future. ciao thinking of you
  17. Olav great stuff so far. my favourite, I like them all but think the helmet is great. Of course the buttons those colors wow! I just want to reach into my screen and push. great gallery so far. look forward to visiting back and seeing more from you. ciao
  18. well since you did try to search here is quick answere. use this tut viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4841&hilit=cut+out+the+easy+way. save as .png open your desert scene up along top under layers import from file bring in your boat.png that ought to get you started. the hint here is you will use layers. :wink:
  19. @livewrong811 trying to figure out the old fashioned way of perspective for stairs. I want to be able to do it on paper not just using 3d. even using 3d you have to be calculating decreasing stair sides, depth of stairs etc and centre points of stairs. Anyways I've finished and added the picture to my gallery. so you can check it out there or in my DA Gallery. both links below my sig. ciao
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    100% paint.net I do not own a tablet. Evil in the Night II Larger size on DA No doubt there are small errors in this picture and it comes no where near the quality of the inspiration piece. This was inspired by a question asked on the PDN forum about being able to draw a Drew Struzan Type of picture based on the picture of Indiana Jones and the Kindom of the Crystal skull. Inspiration here .I am exceptionally proud of it. I only started drawing in Jan of 2007 and could only do stick men back then. This shows I've come a long way. It is not my usual style, dark evil doesn't appeal to me, but as a challenge piece its was a good choice. Here are a few shots of work in progress on Indiana Jones. enjoy if you have a chance please have a look thru my gallery on DA.
  21. nice wither I've always admired your work. good addition to the art on our pictorium. well here is one from me. Its been a long haul on this one. not my regular style, very challenging. I'll add a link in my gallery to the larger size on da
  22. like the last image you added. do you have a thumb of the orginal for comparison, that would really be nice touch. I truly have no idea how to do image adjustments on my new digital pictures and having old vs new and a few hints would help a lot thanks
  23. humour I don't beleive it ....excellent like the new add to your gallery!
  24. Oh I really love how you've set this up now. by putting those thumbs side by side it just makes it look so professional. excellent!
  25. excellent read. I'm going to have to re read this several times. and refer back often until I get the basics ingrained in my noggen. echo above comments more tuts /articles like this please. ciao
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