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Everything posted by oma

  1. oh oh the short answere is .... go read the section covering that plug in the author of the plugin shows an example. you use same principals hint eyedrop the skin tone and follow for your alpha color. :wink: and i tried it out you might need to do two passes to get all the skin tones. again ask your specific plug in questions over there so everyone has the answeres avail to them about this plug in use in one spot. makes the search function work better all around. ciao OMA PS welcome to the forums hope to see some pics of yours up in the pictorium soon.
  2. yes sorry should have mentioned that as I've so many plugins I sometimes forget not everyone has downloaded them all :wink: the plug ins are here. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21750 viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22215&hilit=alpha+to+color How? not sure how to explain it. I just instictively know what sliders to move.. play around with it for a bit. the tolerance is important it seems to control the range of the color you've selected. perhaps more is explained where you download the plugin. check that thread and ask your questions there about using this plugin. that way all the answeres are maintained in one section making it easier for the next guy coming along to review how to use the plugin. .
  3. open picture make two layers orginal bottom duplicate top on top layer color to alpha plug in set the sliders these numbers top to bottom 100 299 100 100 91 191 131 0 0 now you should be left with just the green portions on this same layer where you have the green only use color tint 301 128 at this point merge down and resaveas your gif.
  4. For Vista :wink: dup layer on top layer rect to polar additive then flip horizontal flip vertical inside out use majority set at one color flip. merge sinwaves amplitude 500 angel 322 all others default glow radius 2 brightness -38 contrast 68 large one on my DA for awhile so you can see the details.http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... a-76783769 Vista could you leave me link on my DA under comments so I link back correctly.
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong but teachers usually have worksheets and a teaching plans in place covering the basic drawing techniques, IE perspective etc etc. , so I'm not sure she wants us to teach her class. :wink: I would think what rhona is probably looking for are some good tuts where her students can sink their teeth into using a computer program to demonstrate they understand the principals they've been taught within the classroom. At this point it would be good if rhona rechecked in and told us exactly what principals of art she is currently teaching. Then she could be directed to appropriate tuts that display those concepts. I'm sure she would need review these tuts herself to understand the steps and ideas and taylor to suit her students abilities and requirements. It would be a good idea for rhona to be familiar herself with the program in order to field questions from her class.
  6. just playing around like the fractal feel to this one. 100% paint.net
  7. get what you are saying I made the head first one pdn as there were over 150 layers before I started merging them together down to about 70 layers or so to keep in a PDN. I also made a flattened image of the head in png dropped into a new image. the one you see here each arm was done separate PDN's and same thing flattened image of each arm was dropped into that same new file. this is the work so far in my deviant art file for this image. all the false starts and try outs etc etc. just the sections I kept. LOL!
  8. that floor is amazing. and those chairs I think you are becoming magnificent at using 3d shape plug in. wonderful work.
  9. wonderful Olav. especially love the torn border edges that does look real. here is my work in progress only about 1/2 hour to spend a day right now on my pictures so its taking me way too long. but thought you all might like to see how my little man is coming along. started the shirt this morning . :wink: you all can see the full size version on my DA (deviant art site ) http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... t-76739742
  10. just a bad .jpg scann the one I keep on my working layout is in png. and I move it around as required. but I like your's much better although sometimes the half moon shape is easier to manage. and I like the fact mine has two grids each side. ie" 10 degree line one side I can see automaticaly the 10 mark the other side. actually .... I think I'll keep both in my OMA supplimentary tool box they both shall be well used.
  11. I often make my own little tools and find this one for finding and drawing angles a gem. i scanned mine and made a png file. drop it into a layer of my picture and I've a new tool to use. some of you might find using something like this works to get your angles correct when you draw.
  12. yes thank you sabrown100 as Myrdin says I'm aware of the changes in the pipe line for brushes in the 4. versions just wanted to refine the type of brush I'd like. its a pretty broad statement when someone says they want brushes, this is a specific style of brush that might require extra work within Ricks revamp. As I said I'm willing to wait until version 5 or even 6 just wanted Rick to leave an opening for this type of thing in the future. this post was actually more to check if anyone else has a workaround for the moment. from the answers it appears the method I'm using although slow work is probably the best for the particular paint stylewhen doing my portrait pictures. thanks everyone.
  13. so have been experimenting with idea from pyrochild. not going to work gives much too muddied colors you need to lay down color outline with white then outline again second color. and blur. not near as good as just laying down color one blur new layer and then color two. oh darn how I wish it would have worked. although must say I've seen some interesting results with what I've tried using the outline tonights experiments and those things will creep into my work at a later date. another method another use.
  14. hey I knew someone would think of a work around for me, I'll try to perfect this method and use for now. keeping fingers crossed an actual double load brush will be possible for the brush revamps in the future. thanks !
  15. no more like the top one in this picture the red and yellow brush. http://www.craftytraditions.com/resize1 ... axsize=125 I'm thinking its not possible at all but its something I would love so much. what the heck we all keep asking for brushes but never explain just what type we need. something designed like this would be a super brush. and I'd gladly wait for version 5 for any brushes if I knew something like this was in the works.
  16. @topezia nice image you have there. love the gradiant backgrounds of the sky and I love the wee little squirrel chewing on the acorn. Hilarious.
  17. yes just a pipe dream I'm sure. You never know those fellows developing this program might just have some tricks up their sleeves for version 4 +. thought I'd just get my wish in there before they really get down to business revamping the brush system and let them know what the peons want. .... :wink: ciao
  18. it would be nice if whenever any of the tools come into the radar screen to be worked on if it was possible to load a paint brush similar to like when you do actual tole painting. a color on each side of the brush giving instant gradiants along a brush line. maybe someone has a work around for that type of thing already and would share.
  19. very impressive especially like the soft brushes just gave that a try out and think it might give me a bit better control when I have to make like wrinkle or laugh lines or more tiny spot highlights on those faces. I'll try some of this within the clothing on the next step of my Indiana Jones inspired work. LOL! amazing stuff you paint.net guys never fail to come up with new tricks for me to learn. :wink:
  20. The Bold and underlined selected I don't get.. You think I need to buy a book to draw in it? And As you can see I updated my signature, maybe the next new signature I will useing vector style.. P.S are you dutch no I think you need to look at a book to read about perspective a bit more. that cup of coffee is real good drawing but looks like it might be tilted to far forward. go over to the local library see if they have this book by Ernest R. Norling Perspective Made Easy. its really a good easy to understand and follow book about the laws of perspective. tell the librarian the ISBN # 13-978-0-486-40473-8 she'll know what to get in for you. beleive me quick read thru of that and your already great drawings will start to really have that 3d quality. PS I'm Canadian/German ciao
  21. no money no tablet. can't justify the expense its all straight mouse work. and i don't even have a fancy mouse, no scrolly wheel or anything. catch you next round maybe you all will be doing something I'm familiar with. ciao OMA
  22. @scoopvideo thanks that is very nice of you to say that that cup of coffee is looking mighty good. you use many of the same ideas of shading as what I use in the face. light, medium, dark areas forming solid mass on a 2d plane. keep at it, your work is really coming along. do you have a good book on perspective? either pick up a cheap on at chapters or your local book store. that will go a long ways in helping you out , the library is always a good source for books like that as well. I'm especially liking the vector style drawing of you. very well done. you should use it as an avatar.
  23. no,no,no, im sorry if you thought i was accusing you oma, thats not what i was trying to say, i just mean in general no tracing, im not talking about your specific art works, ive seen your sketches, etc. i no you dont trace. my apoglogies if thats the impression you got. apologies accepted as that was the very distinct impression I did receive. as Ash has pointed out to me when he read this it was not aimed at me specifically so I'm relieved in more ways than one. I certainly wouldn't want to be accused of cheating on a picture when I say its 100% paint.net, and wouldn't want to jeopardize the success of your contest. I still won't be entering this round as I just can not see myself drawing a dinosaur. I have absolutely no frame of reference to work with. ciao and sorry for the confusion OMA
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