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Everything posted by oma

  1. I agree with Kerry that sunset one is beautiful. is it done from scratch or a photo modification? you know some of the small items can be displayed side by side. instead of long lists. I asked about it in the general area just the other day . viewtopic.php?f=12&t=23482 very lovely gallery. look forward to seeing more! ciao
  2. thanks that does help a bit. I just had my grandson look at the picture for me and he says "OMA...that picture you are working from has way more than 5 steps. that's probably why its not working out" darn dark images! back to the drawing board. Question : MODS do I remove picture now or just make it a thumb.? ciao
  3. @tourist love the paintbrush. that's great! was there a tut for that, I missed it if there was. link please.
  4. Maybe you should have a limit to the number of full images you are allowed to display - the rest would have to be thumbnails smaller than a certain size. noooooooo Sabrown100 I veto this one for sure! I respect everyone here and think they have the brains to use common sense. Really look at your art work does it merit full mega screen size or smaller version and a link to DA? does everything you ever done need to be there. I've been tracking the pictorium entries, and have seen maybe just a handful that shall we say might have been better displayed in smaller format. Who am I to judge, maybe those people spent hours and hours on something and feel its magnificent. As they go along most people will go back and downsize old images as they learn more skills both in picture creating, and maintaining a gallery (how to thumb, how to link etc. etc. ) just some thoughts. .
  5. lovely gallery so far. I look forward to seeing some more fine artwork from you in the near future. . awesome scrapbook page. ciao OMA
  6. its almost impossible to vote on this, exceptional work, actually I happen to like the one by renrob. She reminds me of a 20's flapper. good job all around but think I'm picking renrob's. ciao
  7. lovely very lovely indeed. its so soft looking like a " Claude Monet "painting.
  8. so I'm stumped drawing stairs not my strong point ...for some reason I just can't get my head around this. I know I've to match bottom to top in perspective cross centres, but I keep ending up with the top of the bottom step too deep in order to get them steeper do I raise up the perspective line above eye level? widen side perspective? need to do 5 steps fairly steep. must start in same position as current bottom one in example below and end on platform just below the skull. and that's the next question how do I work that platform in at top? is it add another step above top one and erase out everything escept the top of that step? sure hope that's clear.
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks the book tut its really just the basics as I didn't keep notes when I was making mine, but I think you've enough experience to be able to follow along and improvise when you need to... ciao and thanks for looking.
  10. oma


    Ash that Aqua Flower finished? or are you still heading in some potential direction? My mind is just screaming over that one, the directions I would atempt to take something like this in the abstract. Please a tut on the water portion. I'd get on my knees and beg but I'm pretty stiff this morning and I'd probably have a heck of a time getting up again...
  11. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Mods if this isn't ok to put here just let me know it can be moved or deleted so from probably one of the worst tut writers here is basics of the book. several people have asked about the book (PM's, on DA and an email) so here is a real quick mini tut. its only covering the basics of getting a similar type book. No doubt using 3d by MKT you can do much the same, but this is how I did it without the plug in. This was never intended to be a tut as I didn't jot anything down as I went along. So for this I had to pull some shots from mockups, and some from my trash bin....... The main questions I get asked is about how did I make it look so 3d and about how it looks so dreamy. The depth in the book was from all the different shadow layers, and the end glow was mostly photo and curves, and some local contrast enhancements. Please do no ask me what settings I used for the dreamyness as I did 5 steps forward 10 back , 2 forward 3back etc etc. working on three different pdns for the book changing as I went along, until I was pleased. One thing you should note is you should take great care on where your light source is, it should be same direction as the picture in the book. all light was from the upper left corner, so all shadows fell to the right and down when doing the pages in the book. So from my trash bin, some partials pdn files and a few screen shots I'll try to reconstruct the basic book. I did have to put in some mock up pictures as the book was three pdns going at the same time. I tend to move back and forth between all three at the same time. so I had to try and write this as A) the cover the pages C) the picture sure hope you can follow along. A the cover. PDN #1 1) you need a big canvas size to accomadate the tilt. I used 1500 x 780 draw a rec 800 x 416 gradiant on this rectangle a leather color. 2) I knew the picture and pages were going in on the right so the left side was going to be a bit bare. I knew I needed something for the dream bubble to come out of so I did a rosace (separate layer) to cover that section. 3) the band is one of those things that came about after I was almost done. I undid undid and undid part of my 10 steps forward 5 back thing. for ease you should add it in now do it on a transparent layer if you like how this all looks go ahead 4) flatten 5) now use layers to tilt it back. the only setting changes are 90 under twist angle and 30 under twist radius. make a note this is same tilt everytime. 6) the book looks pretty slim so on yet another transparent layer I drew a line in just a slightly darker color than the book cover along the entire bottom edge and added a small dot along the bottom where the spine of the book is if its looking correct thickness go ahead and merge only the line and dot to the book cover 7) time to drop shadow. make a duplicate layer the drop shadow is done twice on the bottom of the two layers. sorry I had to mock up this picture for you as I didn't keep a copy of the original untouched. B the pages PDN #2 1) use same size canvas 1500 x 780 placement about where on the screen the right side of the book is. 2) make a page don't go too light and not too close to the cover color. this should be one half the book less a little bit 3) add a transparent layer do a varicose plugin wide strips 4) wand one of the strips move the selection to the edge of your paper 5) then go back down to the actual layer of your paper and cut away, this bit is tricky as you have to for each side of the paper cut off do selection on varicose layer move selection and then come down to paper to actually cut. I deleted the varicose layer at this point as I didn't need it any longer. 5) do a small drop shadow on the page layer. 6) duplicate that layer of paper move your selections so the page show just a bit along the outside edge add a few pages this way so it should look something like this now. 7) flatten the pages together. 8) duplicate the flattened layer 9) tilt one layer back 90 under twist angle. 10 and drop shadow 11) leave the other layer as is. not tilted not drop shadowed this will be needed for along the bottom edge 12) on the un tilted layer move it 90 degree angle and down a few pixels so that you can see a stack of pages along the bottom 13) get rid of the excess using eraser on the untilted layer. C the picture layer PDN#3 1) picture should be same size as the pages. same place on screen as the pages . Optional was the page curl . I thought that was an extra that gave even more depth. there is a tut in the tutorial section for that already. I modified that tut. Made my curl smaller so it didn't cut so much of my picture out. 2) a drop shadow under the picture. (optional) 3) text as ususal do it on a transparent layer so it can be moved around and changed. it was outlined several times. I did aa on my text in this picture but the close up shot in my first post was taken prior to that step 4) added on yet another layer a band of x down the centre with a drop shadow to be the binding. 5) if you are please with it merge 6) tilt same settings 90 under twist angle 7) drop shadow. now its just paste the one on top of the other each in a separate layer in case you have to move them around a bit. cover on the bottom layer , then the pages on next layer and then picture. if the placement is good merge together now go ahead and use photo or glow or darken with curves, this is your book so this was just a quick mini tut. thanks for thaking the time to read it sorry I didn't take any more screen shots as I went along. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  12. we've had a similar conversation about UI here where those - and + could possibly show the actual x/y coordinates
  13. ""correction "" OMA has the PDN and is going to suggest some things for Blooper to do.
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I have wow! I better check that out thanks for letting me know.
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes all 100% paint.net. give me a bit I'm planning to put up some screen shots on that book in the making, I kept the pdn. I'm still trying to organize my gallery. thanks for looking and commenting also try to go over to my DA sometime (link in my sig) have a look around there's work there that I never showed in the pictorium.
  16. well I say you now need to do one big old whole full major size picture of gears, that little old bitty sig size was just the practise run. don't make me send you to the corner! :wink:
  17. Ha Ha no problem its your art work afterall. Tell you a secret my grandson once handed me an all black sheet of paper in a nice frame, and I hung it on the wall as he'd done it in art class. It wasn't until a few days later I had it down for a good look and figured out what what the snickering was about. So I get the teenage phase thing.
  18. glass mimic is my all time fav. won't say much here as I watch most of your work over on DA. ciao OMA
  19. oma

    marc's Gallery

    like your first sig, welcome look forward to coming back to your gallery and viewing your progress. ciao OMA (that's German for grandmother)
  20. that was a good first try. welcome I like that text, the aa will make it really a lot better and yes your sig is goo size per the rules 500 wide 150 high. you might like to read the rules not too long of a list but it certainly makes things run smoother viewforum.php?f=20
  21. ha ha funny sig David. did you try mine. it actually works and I actually figured out how to put a thumb in my gallery with a link to the larger version on da using this method. oh I am so on a roll. wow! go ahead everyone click on the two links below my sig and check my galleries out. ciao
  22. Hi shadow, not too bad. I especially like the one you are using as your sig. its nice and bright and clear and easy to read. keep up the good work ciao OMA
  23. good showcase of items. most are a bit dark for me, (remember grandma has bad eyes) but what I see is well done. and you have a good sense of style. look forward to seeing more in your gallery each week. ciao OMA
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I also like drawing fish and birds. Large view this one has been in the pictorium previously. and will be undergoing some changes, it has now become a work in progress. The plan to add some more marine life.
  25. thanks I did change it a bit as I thought is was looking odd size wise. and thanks all did you note I now have 2 lines under my sig! :wink:
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