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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma


    Hi DarkShock, very nice gallery. I seldom comment on sigs but wanted to let you know I really like the current sig you've been sporting. I smile everytime I see it. of this gallery my favourite part is your tracing section. That is wonderful work. I enjoyed my visit and stop by often. I don't always leave a message but I do look when you add new work. ciao OMA
  2. oma

    Sharp 7.25.11

    love the latest spacescape you just added. The stars are wonderful. Green planet are you sending us all a subliminal message? ciao OMA
  3. very nice gallery so far. the buttons ala Darkshock style are really nice looking. and the wallpaper is very nicely done. keep them pictures coming. ciao OMA
  4. welcome back from holidays. hope you had a good time. look forward to seeing your comic book lady. the lips look great. ciao OMA
  5. I like those flowers. nice and smooth. I also had a look in your photobucket and see another flower I thought was very nice. great job. ciao OMA
  6. ohhhhhhh hummingbirds. That is wonderful! I really like this concept. great job. ciao OMA
  7. you have a very nice gallery started here. I like your little car conversion and the countdown box. Those were both great tuts and you've done a very fine job on both. I seldom comment on sigs but i like the sig you made using Polarinversion. :wink: mainly because i love that polar. ciao OMA
  8. I'm not a fan of twilight but think you did a magnificent job on this manip. excellent work. ciao OMA
  9. I like the direction your artistic expression is heading off in. The first one in your new section I can see some great works coming from that one. try to take it further with some multiple layers. this is the background ..... now you need middle ground and foreground. ciao OMA .
  10. very stylish and clean looking work. great gallery so far. look forward to seeing more from you. ciao OMA
  11. yy10 love the nose! looks really like a charcol done picture. actually this is very impressive! RHoward are you sure that's your workbench it looks suspiously like my mess of a desk. LOL! well done. very creative.
  12. nice new sig absolutley brilliant glass work. ciao OMA
  13. Oh those little peas just make me laugh so much! love those buttons. and it is such an organic picture.
  14. Oh Sokagirl what a little sweety you are. such nice images. I truly love the lantern. actually I love everything in you gallery. I'm so glad you stuck it out. excellent excellent excellent. ciao your friend OMA
  15. even thou you explained how you did some of this on the other forum, I'm still shaking my head how you got from start to finish so darn quickly. Absolutely outstanding. An inspiration to the newer Paint.net users of what practise and determination can achieve in this program. ciao OMA
  16. oh that little catterpillar is just so good. Helen you amaze me with your ability to do these little critters. Always so cute, always so shiny. great ciao OMA
  17. :shock: a his and hers duet. lovely job on those .
  18. lovely Janettesue the swan is just so sweet. I like the colorization of this piece . It always reminds me of those cartoon cells you sometimes see selling for mega $$$ great job as always ciao OMA
  19. ahhh my little bot, you do wonders with this program. love the frisbee. ""ifrisbee"" pdn joke. took me a moment but it clicked. great job as always.
  20. soakagirl that so looks like an black lung advertisment against smoking. good exploration of the plugins. theonlychad provide a link to that tut please. ciao OMA
  21. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=30876 this has been discussed several times ... here is one of the most recent links.
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @InteractiveBuddy, well welcome to my gallery. The door is always open. I hope some of my images inspire you to pursue this program. It is an awesome program with many many possibilities. @Shadow of Tears I'm glad you stopped by. I know its a slow loading gallery, but I hope worth the effort once you get past the front gates. The horse is just about finished. and thanks you so much for the nice comments about the little baby glass elephant, and the work I've done on my frames for the video. My goodness you think I need a job in graphic design..... I retired from working almost 14 yrs ago now, certainly wouldn't want to go back to earning my bread and butter at this late stage in my life. Although a job in graphic design would be interesting. Maybe in my next life, first job I would be trying for would be at Pixar. Thanks for taking the time to drop by and leave a message. I always love to hear from the people that visit. @AFleetingGlimpse thanks you for the nice comments about the Peony. I hope you enjoy this one as well. 21536
  23. yoooow now that is so downright scary I'd say a bat wearing a beany hat not butterfly . :wink: not sure what to say on that one at all. certainly different. ciao OMA
  24. not knowing what you are working on? but does not the rectangle tool set to filled work in this instance. You can maintain it to a perfect square by holding the shift key. perhaps that is not what you mean but could provide a work around for now ciao OMA
  25. @topezia ! hope you have been having a great summer. miss your witty remarks around here. I like your little black kitty. such a lazy fellow. looks like he swallowed the canaray and lapped up the milk. I love the eyes. ! ciao OMA PS don't wait so long to drop in and join us again.
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