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Everything posted by oma

  1. @RHoward the edelweiss is nicely done, it still needs a bit of work but has much possibility ,. did you check my palm leaf tut out? viewtopic.php?f=15&t=26626 those petals on edelweiss look much like the leaves I show being done 100% paint.net. just a bit shorter and bit wider. the tut may give you an few ideas on texture. I note you scann this flower, in my pink I did not scann that one I draw in paint.net. some things in my gallery like the elephant I did or the ballerina I scann. mainly when there are too many complicated lines for my hands to manage with just mouse. check my gallery some time. I make note there if line tools or scanns for each picture.
  2. thanks you that flower needs lots of work but the idea was in the back of my mind on a possible method for future work and I just wanted to get it down before I lost the thread of the thought. frontcannon I never use stock. if I don't draw it in paintnet I scannfrom what I draw in my sketch book here is wip this 100% paint.net I know stem is bad. just wanted to capture the idea for the flower petals while still fresh in my thoughts. ciao
  3. :wink: can't say I like guns but this is not a bad looking drawing. all those little tiny pieces make me think you've spent loads of time perfecting your work. great job. will watch for the updates. ciao OMA this one is just an idea perking away in the back of my mind. The Light Within
  4. you require vignette plugin part of Ed Harvey pkg. viewtopic.php?p=205800#p205800
  5. have you tried it? many just beyond beginners have and show their good results. buckle down and get to work. just joking try it. it will help you learn a few little tips and tricks. go slow I try to explain every step so beginners don't get lost. if you don't get it first time that's fine. just try it again later. ciao OMA
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you for nice words. no not bad eyes you have. that was first pass line drawing only. I never draw a horse before. already wip 2 picture is looking better. facial features look better. and still much work for body to do yet. I only start study horse features. now I go back and work on picture I do other forum before ASH gives me boot. ciao OMA sorry english not so good today. I find it is worse when I feel tired.
  7. you can however get a pleasing picture from it. take picture apply adjustments sepia it will give a black background and white image. if you then apply adjustments invert color. you get a nice image from this point on you can change it to black and white. or use isolate line art and get just an outline you can recolor by hand.
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you WelshBlue. the larger version of that one is on my DA site. I'm not sure how to do linkable thumbs to DA so you have to clik the link in my sig to get over there. The actual title is If Life went on forever, I'd visit, Japan and Tibet . it is 100% paint.net . Inspiration ....its on my bucket list but likely be the ones I'll never get completed. the horse well lets just say that idea has been in the back of my mind for ages. but I need a much better line drawing. would be easier if I had tablet. Using line tool and ovals takes forever, add that to I've never drawn horses well lets just say I must research the animal more to get the movement correct. ciao OMA thanks for looking at my gallery
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @possum thanks you very much. I draw when I'm happy I draw when I'm sad. the middle two pieces are interesting ones. the little baby elephant is shaped from a glossie using multiple layers of polarinversion and the rectangle selection push and pull and many transparent gradiants. (glossie was made in my own OMA method ...lots of depth and many colors) the other was a take on a jewel idea. its called off kilter. @goonfella thanks you very much. means a lot to me to hear that. @yellowman, LOL! I laughed when I read your message. do you recognize your vase tut. I always take tut beyond where you leave off. glad you like. I often have more than three or four items on the go at a time. one I'm doing for ages is on other site. Still a real bug in my side, and will be ages before it even surfaces in this gallery I'm sure. but I wanted to show this line drawing its one I've had idea of for awhile this is the first pass line drawing will absolutely go thru much more even change pose before I settle on picture. for those that have been mad at me because I do not use smudge this will likely be the one I use that plugin on. I told you I was waiting until I had something worthy of the plugin. well this might just be it. I will perfect line drawing and after the new version of paint net is in beta stage and pyro updates smudge it will be worked into this sort of picture. 20953 20967 some asked to put more life into hair. I hope this is what they meant. if not let me know. ] 20991 21016 21080 idea stage for background first pass of background sitll requires work 21815 hopefully this one is done. fixed nose, redid some of those tree leaves. changed up some of the variations of green foilage in the bushes. redid the far off shore of trees, added a beach along there moved it back for better perspective. worked on the sky. added many dappled sunshine and shadow spots. lightened that back leg a tad so it doesn't look like a too dark shadow. I can't remember who PM'd me for a close up of the eye but here you go. ciao OMA ps this is the very first time I draw a horse. pss no tablet only line tools and ovals psss I use first time smudge for some major parts ..... mostly blur painting...it goes quicker covering larger areas and blends are a bit finer.
  10. thanks you Chris its not a bad sword you made. I think a plainer background a bit darker would help with the focal of your overall picture. one thing to keep in mind just make the top blade a teeeny tiny teeeny itsy bitsy thiner than what you currently have and you will have more definition for the shine. I know you said you didn't think yours was the best but really it is more than perfectly good ,,its great. . I know its a long tut but wanted to give some of the newer just beyond beginners the feel of really working on an image. I'm sure glad you finally tried this and hope you learned a few little tips in the making of your nice sword. ciao OMA
  11. you will find it under twist zoom It was one of madjiks plugins. I just checked and he only has it as part of his plugin pkg. this is the link to the download page. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21592 ciao OMA
  12. look forward to seeing what you come up with, should be a treat for us all to view. stick with it. ciao OMA PS that new avatar and sig are really pleasing to the eye.
  13. absolutely thrilling to see this type of classy work. and I definetly love the polar! ciao OMA
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Helen.
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    all explinations are on my DA site.
  16. nice work! especially the inlay abalone shell work on the guitar neck. great start on your work in progress. will be a smashing image when completed. ciao OMA
  17. red one could so easily be worked into a close up close cropped picture of a hibiscus style flower. just add the centre portion. tricky part to watch wil be the forshortening the stamen. :wink:
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you jerkfight. the white flowers are done with mirror over line on a circle. draw the line across a corner only not thru the middle. use lots of additive as blend mode on a shiny. (you also get nice flower petals shapes using a kaldescope low number of angles and mirror over line. ) once you have a nice petal just assemble it same way I did the leaves in the palmleaf tut. a layer each petal swivel and merge. ciao
  19. don't rush there are lots of steps post it when you finish. :wink:
  20. Remarkable improvement in just a short while. very good job. ciao OMA
  21. oma


    " d" my fav. went over to DA to see a bigger version. definetly more glass like and shiny. another new method? or just another set of gradiants and more blend modes? ciao
  22. @Kutoto I see you finished. very nicely done ... it was great chatting with you by PM. and I'm happy you learned a bit more thru this tut. @Remii9512 yes it is rather long. mainly because I added loads of little hints and pictures for the newer users. I think newbies deserve a chance at seeing they can make quality if they take their time. I tried to share some of my little tips. @Skitzo well that was a mouthful. hope you try the tut. ciao OMA
  23. I like the name change. You go to town make lots of pretties. I'll check in again may not always leave comment but I'll be looking. ciao
  24. oma


    hope that's not a true expression of your state of mind at the present moment. as I tiptoe off into the corner trying not to make ASH angry
  25. I was wondering when you were going to update. I like the latest although I've never really been a fan of dark images. That's just a personal thing as I have a hard time really seeing what is going on in there. what I can make out of this one I like, I'm glad you are exploring xor blendmode. not too many people get proficient in its use, and its a very powerful tool. ciao look forward to more updates. OMA
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