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Everything posted by oma

  1. how frayed? image example if possible would help. like the edges of an old worn flag that's been flapping in the wind a bit too long? or the nice even edges of grandmothers ginham checked table cloth? ciao OMA
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @thanks you yellowman transparency of skin is just pure illusion. if I was to draw something behind it you would see it is total opacity. good catch on the twist. that took about 10 passes to get correct tail . one time too much twist, hit the back arrow and try again sort of thing. I didn't realize that the different size sphere and placement mattered so much. I knew it mattered but not by that much. learn something every day. Add into the equation I wanted that light portion coming from the top to reflect off top of the twist. I think that portion took the longest to get just so. @Possum Roadkill yess Goonfella drew me in with that cosmic energy of his lovely space scapes. you should recognize some of the steps to shiny what we spoke of in PM's about the ablone shell is in there. @Goonfella glad you liked that abstract! and the horse is coming along. the circles are just the under work. to remind me there needs to be a knob here and a rounded portion there sort of thing. If I was to do a sculptur I'd mound up the playdo in those areas and start scraping and adding from there for a 3d model. once I get a bit better at a new program I've been trying to learn I may retry something like this. (google sketchup) ciao OMA
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Cosmic Energy 21110
  4. great work possum. see you've been playing with the droste plugin. :wink: like the colors. lots of shine. here is an abstract called "Cosmic Energy" (thumb here full size in my gallery pg 58)
  5. well well well what do we have here? my but that is creative use of a tut. I really like that! excellent adaptation! and I really like that you have managed to incorporate some ideas from other tuts as well. now I'm off to look around the forum. ciao OMA need to look for your gallery.
  6. actually like them all just like the avi best. :wink: ciao OMA
  7. starting point I only spent 5 mins on this and it has no design at all but it you want some shapes to start with try some of these things. ciao
  8. welcome to the forum. look forward to viewing your gallery often. by the way I like that nice avatar. ciao OMA
  9. stunning! what a great tut. thanks for sharing this with us all Helen. You are definetly the master at the glossie. I must try this !!! ciao OMA
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Welsh that is just so funny... you are just lucky I'm not quick enough at drawing to do an old nag horsey for the swap. LFC4Ever & Lance..... yes way too shiny. Looks like this horse has been into that fancy shampoo Ash was telling whisper2u about in the image hospital . I'll have to think on how to tone it down some at the end. likely some sort of dither or some other little tricks . pg 56 updated the horse a bit. started leg shading this part is going to be the most difficult .
  11. what can I say! when I call for more great art they come out of the woodwork told you all you never knew when a newbie would rise and shine and provide exceptional artwork. actually I had e mail from Nemo and my way and Nemos are pretty similar. i missed one step out on his method he's missed one (or two) on mine. It will be certainly interesting and great to have another artist join the growing group of talent here on the forum. ciao
  12. oh now I like that texture. and the little hoses are just a nice touch! can't wait are you going to work this into a space ship? ciao OMA
  13. love that latest. what a pretty angel. ciao OMA
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I'll lend you the horse if you loan me that sharp shooting gun.
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen I'm just about to restart the main . I made mistake on that main as I flattened before putting in highlights and low lights so its been unchecked not trashed yet, I'll reserve it for reference, its not as good as I'd wished hopefully with a bit of practise next attempt shall be better. and I'll for sure remember the shadow. how in the world did I forget that? . I find the smudge is a bit too slow for coverng larger areas. I tend to get better results using transparent gradiants over blurs . . But definetly then smudge it will be a plus to use it for the wisps. that's where the plugin will really shine in this type of picture. @goonfella thanks I'm generally a very patient person, although I do have my moments. LOL! it is the challenge that makes this program interesting. @nemo I took a look at your rose its so itty bitty I can't see it proper. LOL! it has the hallmark of a remarkable picture please make it larger. ciao OMA
  16. my eyes are dim I can not see what a pleasant rose this will be. bigger! pleassssssse. ciao OMA
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks it is still pretty raw looking , but not bad for first ever horse. I'm not fussy on the colors but just checked color burn will darken to the shade I need. so will keep to this pallet for now. ciao thanks for looking and especially leaving a comment, always so many lookers but not too much voice heard. OMA
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    update horse page 56 the main is a bit finiky yet. I'm thinking I will restart that with finer hair strands, and keep it out of the eye area more. I spent a lot of time on the eye and see the smudge of hair is covering it up. ciao OMA
  19. ? update coming soon please. I like your work and would love to see more. ciao OMA
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Helen. I also sometimes graph or sometimes just free hand arm extended and use pencil site lining. most times circle and shape method for animals. it is easiest I find for the perspective and movement of animals. requires more anatomy knowledge though (which is why it takes me longer do animals, I have to study more on animals). have to get the right knobby knees placement and all. ciao OMA
  21. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @cazaron thanks you comment about horse. this one i find difficult to do. so will take me much time. maybe it becomes one I leave for long while before finish. @frontcannon ....I like abstract the most but do find it very emotionally draining to do at times. I put a little bit of my heart and feelings into each one. To display for all to look is like opening my most inner thoughts to the public, makes me feel very vunerable. The work in my sketch pad is what I need to develop there will come a time shortly when I will be totally bed bound and will not get to my computor as often and the pencil and paper route will be my main outlet for expression @yellowman as I told cazaron will be awhile to finish horse. I will try to make to high quality, but not sure if will happen. I thanks you for comment on pink flower I make little flowers for you. I know you like yellow best. ciao OMA
  22. congrats on writing your first plugin. we had a plugin called color mixer is this similar ? I don't really have much time to try it out at the moment. ciao
  23. welcome to the forum! that grass is wonderfully done. I'm looking forward to see what else you come up with. excellent start on your gallery. ciao OMa
  24. lovely I like the one on the right best but both are wonderful. ciao OMA
  25. another bot! on the forum. great job Helen! these glossies are getting better and better and better. ciao OMA
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