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Everything posted by oma

  1. oh I know you weren't directing it at me. just wanted to point out there are ways to do things and other ways to do things. the outcome of anyone's intended art is only limited to their ability to draw, or cough cough cough cut and paste a skull and ability to use the programs plugins to max effect. maybe it could be a challenge event other forum. or a group effort over there. I'm in as I've a few ideas already. ciao OMA ps this looks quite a bit like metal more than crystal. :wink:
  2. no didn't forget that one at all Lance it was a remarkable picture by ASH . As jmc has 2 posts only and appears not to be to familiar with just how powerful the program can be in the right hands I offered up my more tame example. If he/she is up to the art drawing and dedicated to learning the plugins and effects this picture is more than acheivable. I'm looking forward to jmc tackling it or something similar. I hope jmc opens a gallery and lets us see some in the progress shots so we can all follow along, and a place for the forum members to offer advise and hints to help him/her accomplish this ambitious picture. ciao OMA
  3. pyrochild I'm looking forward to being able to load my own made images to the shapes plugin. I've ideas spinning away in my head already on some abstracts I'd attempt using it. ciao OMA
  4. Sokagirl lovely new sig there. just stopped in for a look around and see you've posted some new images. you are definitely on a roll now. ciao OMA
  5. as I said on the other forum. that flower in the glass like orb looks amazingly like the glass antique paperweights I collect. very well done. ciao OMA
  6. bamboo room is quite the image. what an undertaking. I really like the feel of that piece it would look great hung in my home. ciao OMA
  7. that helmet is coming along real nice. I lean towards the middle one as the most realistic looking. just because there is that depth around the eye opening. ciao OMA
  8. I posted on the other forum. but just wanted to say here again incredible! work. great work and I just love how well you draw. ciao OMA
  9. I did a skull quite awhile back. see page 1 of my gallery and page 13 where I tell a little about making the Indy picture. viewtopic.php?p=162517#p162517 viewtopic.php?p=210026#p210026 maybe some of that will help. it all depends on you drawing skills, and the effort you put into it. but you should be able to get something fairly close if you take your time and use effects. ciao OMA
  10. its probably one step you are doing incorrectly along the way. when I get back from holidays we can walk thru step by step by pm. I'll be able to tell from there where you are running into trouble. it will give me a spot where I need to explain in the tut more clearly. in case others are having same difficulty. the number of other newbies that have finished it sucessfully tells me its just something I've written you are interpeting differently. could be as simple as being on wrong layer or using wrong settings. the colors I'm not sure how you got bad colors? but when we walk thru it together we will certainly find out. ciao OMA back end of month.
  11. its probably one step you are doing incorrectly along the way. when I get back from holidays we can walk thru step by step by pm. I'll be able to tell from there where you are running into trouble. it will give me a spot where I need to explain in the tut more clearly. in case others are having same difficulty. the number of other newbies that have finished it sucessfully tells me its just something I've written you are interpeting differently. could be as simple as being on wrong layer or using wrong settings. the colors I'm not sure how you got bad colors? but when we walk thru it together we will certainly find out. ciao OMA back end of month.
  12. its probably one step you are doing incorrectly along the way. when I get back from holidays we can walk thru step by step by pm. I'll be able to tell from there where you are running into trouble. it will give me a spot where I need to explain in the tut more clearly. in case others are having same difficulty. the number of other newbies that have finished it sucessfully tells me its just something I've written you are interpeting differently. could be as simple as being on wrong layer or using wrong settings. the colors I'm not sure how you got bad colors? but when we walk thru it together we will certainly find out. ciao OMA back end of month.
  13. its probably one step you are doing incorrectly along the way. when I get back from holidays we can walk thru step by step by pm. I'll be able to tell from there where you are running into trouble. it will give me a spot where I need to explain in the tut more clearly. in case others are having same difficulty. the number of other newbies that have finished it sucessfully tells me its just something I've written you are interpeting differently. could be as simple as being on wrong layer or using wrong settings. the colors I'm not sure how you got bad colors? but when we walk thru it together we will certainly find out. ciao OMA back end of month.
  14. its probably one step you are doing incorrectly along the way. when I get back from holidays we can walk thru step by step by pm. I'll be able to tell from there where you are running into trouble. it will give me a spot where I need to explain in the tut more clearly. in case others are having same difficulty. the number of other newbies that have finished it sucessfully tells me its just something I've written you are interpeting differently. could be as simple as being on wrong layer or using wrong settings. the colors I'm not sure how you got bad colors? but when we walk thru it together we will certainly find out. ciao OMA back end of month.
  15. also make sure you are not typing text on a layer under a fully opacity layer. text should generally be last thing to be done on the very top layer.
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    not so much free time. seems after I retired I need a time tech book even more than when I was working. when you hit old age free time tends to come between doctor visits and blood tests. but thanks I'm so looking forward to visiting the badlands. We have tried for the last 4 yrs and always something has come up and we've had to cancel hotel reservations. (which I might add are near impossible to get during the summer months.) I sure hope there is a dig on when we are there. I'd certainly like to try my hand at fine brush work even if it is only dusting away particles of earth from bone fragments. ciao OMA 22245
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    what's that saying " great minds think alike" It certainly isn't the first time we've been on the same wave length art subject wise. You should go ahead and draw your dragon, we have such different styles I'd love to see how yours turns out. besides you draw much better than I do I can always pick up some tips from your version. I'm thinking a little simple tut on a dragon with plenty of room for individuallity when I return from holidays. It should be something I can expand on the blur painting concept, as I've been asked about that quite a bit in the last month. So I guess I'll be doing dragons for awhile until I hammer it down to more simplified textures and line drawings. your next topic is likely very safe from me thinking and doing it. but you better watch out for Lance and Welsh. they tend to be on same wave length as us. ciao OMA
  18. great. I did figure it was edge detect but wasn't sure where you went with the technique. I've done two passes of additive on edge detect in some of my works but not 3 or 4. will try on some photos after holidays. thanks for sharing ciao OMA
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    husssssssh she might be on the forum.
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @jerkfight thanks you I'm glad to be done that one before I left on holidays. I think the changes to the background suit the horse picture better. @BoltBait. LOL! that is so funny wonder how you knew I was working on an animal with a horn. see below it has a horn and its multicolored but it is not a unicorn. @one more level and Kemaru think what does OMA usually do ..... she blur paints. LOL! just straight blurs and stretches. (carboard tut I showed this in old version) @why thanks Janettsue. (ps owe you an email hope your trip was a good one, will write when I get back from holidays. hopefullly we have nice weather) @Goonfella thanks you. I sure wouldn't want them to rename the galleria. I'm far from the best at drawing around here. i can name at least 10 or 15 others that draw way better than me. But I will say I'm pretty fearless about the subjects I tackle., always working outside my comfort limits. that's what I think impresses most on the forum. I try things others don't even think about. LOL! anyways I'm off for holidays very shortly so here is a little last min picture. maybe a simplified version tut when I get back. LOL! that's if I can condense it down to managable steps. few errors I can see off hand but I'm rushing now, have to finish cleaning the fridge and rearranging the freezer down stairs befoe I leave on holidays. couldn't leave this one with errors. LOL! fixed he will be aa next version after I get back from holidays. there is a really fine version over on my DA something a bit different. if you decide to look at that one check out the pendant and the link to the big version of the pendant. 22176
  21. :shock: your output of images just gets better and better. Lovely work ! ciao OMA
  22. I've a real major one in the works but it will not even come near completion until end of Sept. I'm off on holidays end of next week. (going to the badlands to see the dinasour bones) ciao OMA
  23. :shock: now that is creative. love that book and the page writing is a real special touch. great job! an epic picture. :wink: ciao OMA
  24. Leif that's a yes sooooo much for me as well. I actually like the flying windows. I can bring them in close to where I need them and hide when not in use but as you say quick Fkey for hide all and reset all would be a great asset in using the program. I resently downloaded the free version of artrage just to try to broaden my computor skills. they have a nice system of hide and unhide buttons. plenty of realestate drawing area. but the program isn't near as good as this one. LOL! ciao OMA
  25. that's really quite effective. I'm not much into photo manipulation so would mind explaining the process of doing this. ciao OMA
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