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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you abstracts are my favourite style. I just love the colors and combination possible. here is one I've been working on off and on for weeks. just finished off this morning. I know its way overworked with releif but I still liked the colors so I kept it out of the trashbin ....at least for a little while lets just call it an experiment gone haywire. and if someone wants to use the frame please feel free to do so. right clik and save as to your computor. just remember to give me credit for the frame its the best part of the whole image above.
  2. :shock: by gosh I think you've done it. great job on the glass! ciao OMA
  3. welcome welcome if this is any indication I see great new paths in art opening up in your future. wonderful and creative first images. ciao OMA
  4. :shock: now that's a picture. you really took my words to heart back at New Years didn't you, when I said lets all beef it up and make this a year of outstanding art! Well you've set the bar extremely high for us all with this one. wonderful job Helen. ciao OMA
  5. oh what a shame I know how much you were looking forward to the summer camps. As you say oh well maybe next year. ciao OMA
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no problem Hamish I wasn't sure .... it didn't sound like you but then again I wasn't truly sure as you've only been here a short while and I hadn't really gotten to know you well. I get so many pm's I thought I must have missed something along the way and you were miffed I hadn't answere a question you had. glad its resolved. friends that get you into hot water that way are worth investigating further just how much friends they truly are. remember keep your passwords save and tell your friend they could just as easily apply for their own account for viewing pictures in the future . no need to share an account. that way he will be responsible for his own actions and words in the future. ciao Oma @Helen I know you love pink its an easy hook to bring you into my gallery for a wee chat. too bad I can't offer you a soda drink and a piece of lovely pie I baked today thru the screen. @yellowman glad you liked that image...... is the color pink growing on you yet? maybe I try yellow image next time. must put on my thinking cap and figure out a good one to work on.
  7. welcome to the forum! hope to see some more of your great pictures in manip's.
  8. great texture I'll have to remember that method. it reminds me of a tapestry fabric. ciao OMA
  9. love the banners you have especially that first one. to get a bit more depth to the text and stand it out a bit more perhaps you could experiment with the dropshadow plugin. take care and keep up the good work. hope to see some additions to your gallery over the summer months. ciao OMA
  10. oh my I'm very sorry for being so late coming to your gallery. I missed seeing your little girls picture until just now. what a beautiful child. and I love the manip that you have done using her in that pretty garden. makes me think of fairies and enchanted daydreams. great job. ciao OMA
  11. oma


    congrats of the pieces entered into the galleria. I can't remember if I thanked you for the glass vase tut over on the other site yet. if I didn't great great great big thanks. that was excellently done. :wink: ciao OMA PS """ I think I'm going to refer to you as ""Gallery guy" """" because every picture you all here I love and want featured in the galleria. :wink:
  12. well you are off to a great start on your gallery. my fav here so far is the green distorted wave. I love the coloration of that one, its soft gentle and sweet. It is nice to see that you also tried the different blend modes within the polarinversion plugin instead of just the defaults. It is experimentation like this that will lead you on to even greater pieces of art. ciao remember I'll be watching your progress, vist the galleries often but don't always leave comments. OMA
  13. OUT of the Deep is a real nice abstract. I can just feel the depth here. good work as always. ciao OMA
  14. not sure how I missed viewing your gallery before. but very nicely done. I seldom comment on sigs but some of these are exceptional. now I've found my way here in Arny's words "I'll be back" ciao OMA
  15. what plugins did you use? nice work you should get bored more often. ciao OMA ps tell Andre that was a lovely picture
  16. Hi welcome to the forum! you show loads of promise. I'll be watching from the sidelines to see how you progress. ciao OMA PS what's your favourite color?
  17. absolutely stunning work you've been adding lately. you have to be one of the best at making those 3d letters. hats off to a real pro. ciao OMA
  18. oma


    great job on that one ASH one of your best glossy glassy so far. I'd be interested in how you did this one as well. I can recognize some of what you've done but not all. I can hear Lance banging his head as well. ciao OMA
  19. Hi Helen I'm just getting back into the swing of things just dropped by since I've a few moments to leave some comments in the galleries. I love the latest images you've added. . doggy is so darn cute and those little marbles are exceptional.! ciao OMA
  20. actually I don't think the perspective is off by much. its that reflection that's throwing me. sending you pm direct. so you know what I mean. ciao OMA
  21. very nice thanks for sharing your work with us. I've tried it out quickly and find I get nice results. I did find its much better if there is lots of texture (releif) in your picture before using. also some real good results if you use textures + conditional hue saturation then the plugin. ciao OMA
  22. that's really good Boude. especially with not using 3dshape plugin. perhaps some white highlights will make it appear even more glass like. similar to when you do glossy buttons. ciao OMA
  23. not long until summer school starts. I like your nice new siggy! coloooooorful and cheeerful! don't forget send some of the kiddies artwork for us to view. ciao OMA
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