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Everything posted by oma

  1. the latest two additions are really nice images. I especially like the hourglass one . Not that the planet one isn't good its a great image, I just like the hourglass better. But I wanted to comment actually on the planet with the green zoomers. That is original and I think a real interesting concept that you should explore some more. I can see loads of possibilites in there. ciao OMA
  2. There isn't anything noobish about this gallery at all. You have a fine style started. The things you've been experimenting with in these sigs will go a long way once you start to do full size images. great job. ciao OMA
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    playing around 100% paint.net now if I could only remember all the steps. 23360
  4. the plugin by simon find edges works quite well changing colored pictures to black and white. perhaps that may be what you require. note the higher the tolerance the less edges. you may find you need to go in an close up some lines with the line tool. But it should take most of the peskyness of line drawing away. this plugin is also real good for cutting out images for those of you that like to do just sigs. . it removes the distraction of the colors and lets you focus on just where your lines should be drawen for cutting. ciao OMA
  5. make sure the layer you are typing on is above the blue layer in the layers window .
  6. they were on separate transparent layers so you can move one picture over another and they overlap. the shadow also helps give that illusion.
  7. :wink: I took some of my older pictures and resized them. added each picture on a separate layer and rotated. added shadows. big Tip position every single picture on separate layer First then go back and add the shadows. that way you don't end up with one shadow going one way and another shadow off in a different direction.
  8. depends on each plugin. I've tried some of them out in the beta and they work fine. generally after Rick has put up his finalized version of the new paint.net (not alpha version or beta version) the plugin writers make their changes if required. So you may not need to delete any it all depends on which ones work after the internal paint.net changes are finished. ciao OMA
  9. from this topic circle from centre viewtopic.php?f=12&t=21189&hilit=circle+from+centre look down at BoltBaits post here is what he wrote would this method help you? OK, here's how you can do it: Add a new layer. On that layer... Use the Gradient Tool with Radial Gradient . You can then draw the circle as you described (from center to outer edge). Magic wand the transparent area with a tolerance of 0. Invert your selection (Ctrl-I) and press the backspace key (flood fill). Feather as necessary. Wipe hands on pants.
  10. this was written several versions ago many steps are no longer valid. I have the images but not likely to add them here again. if you want glass tut's try some by yellowman making vases or the one by Helen glossies. both of those use newer methods. ciao OMA
  11. there is this older tut on making a disco ball if you can not get that cut out modified to your taste. might be just what you need. keep in mind it is an older version tutorial so some steps may be more simplified with the newer plugins etc. but it will most likely give you some ideas. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3518
  12. think of brushes not as paintbrushes but a multiple variable sized color changeable stamp. and you get more the idea of how brushes will work in scrapbooking. good for doing sweeps of same image in a picture. ciao OMA
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    "Textures just a matter of time" 23120
  14. Possum love that use of semograph. its something not too many people use. something to experiment now using that plugin would be a combination using alpa displacement and rotate/tilt. You can get some real wild shapes and images. axel that's a magnificent image. looks like magic smoke. did you make your own brushes? here is one that I finally finished "Textures just a matter of time" larger size is in my gallery ciao OMA
  15. I probably shouldn't really comment as I'm still using the old version of paint.net (not the beta) but CommanderSozo's comment peaked my interest. when I use dents plugin (not that often) but when I do I generally always adjust the stretch, and turbulance etc. it will probably take awhile for me to work around those items if they are missing from this new paint.net version of dents, but I'm sure a combination of another plugin or two will cover it. ciao OMA
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen. if you look upper top right behind the history on the whispers wip. you can just make out an abstract I've in the works. As I go along from that I've been taking some screen shots. I hopefully will post them on fans site with some little explinations of why I moved and shifted some areas and used certain effects. That I hope will give you a little closer slowed down look at the thought process behind these complex images. ciao OMA
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Nemo and soka girl. I do put a lot of effort into every piece. some are great end products many hit the garbage bin with out another set of eyes viewing them. good or bad pieces, that appeal to just me or many, not one of them is a one effect hit this button and voila I'm done piece. ciao OMA
  18. my guess is the writer may mean "detours technology."
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    idea I've been working on Paisley shapes. 23074
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    sometimes I go into them with an image in mind or rather a feel and a rough idea. this one was based on someone being in the hopital undergoing many tests. so I needed softness of little quiet whispers in a hospital room. as I said before blurs for uncertainty. I wanted many soft colors for love, and I needed something that looked like it was being viewed under a microscope. something very very fragile. I do three different type of abstracts. 1) is straight emotional,,, like whispers where I just let go and start with a effect. This one started with circle text saying Love totally unplanned except for the concept mood required at the end. 2) is the type where I have a nice colored shaped piece and I play around with effects and making combinations of the shape with other similar pieces. . 3) is the thought out from start to finish. Those are usually the pattern pieces that end up being the basis for the #2 type. ciao OMA PS sometimes I draw on paper after I finish the picture in paint.net. but not often. They just don';t seem to have the same feel and color vibrancy. that's because I haven't mastered painting.
  21. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks you Possum. and Goonfella. Goonfella the ideas I seldom have to think when I do an abstract. I put on some nice music, open the program and just let my mind wander. Its almost like I'm not even there the colors and images just seem to reach thru my fingers to the screen. I didn't keep screen shots of Whispers as I went along but did near the end do a screen shot of the last portion (maybe 1/3) of the history for future ref. so for those that Pm'd me and asked on DA here is just a little sample of all that went into the Whispers image. sorry when I get involved in doing an emotional feel image I seldom stop to take screen pictures. edit PS I just noticed my views were 23032 reads the same backwards and forwards. edit #2 and for the person that pm'd me yes that image on the right top hand is another abstract I've been working on. Its lacking something so will be possibly making an appearance in the near future. I feel the colors are incorrect on that one so its not for display yet. .
  22. it looks heavenly! great job does look fairly realistic. I don't often tell anyone to darken an image but the blue might be just a bit to vibrant, but than again that depends on the look you are going for. If its a celestial emotional piece that blue is perfect. If its a realism piece, when you look at the night sky, its more inky purple. ciao OMA
  23. very nice gallery I like especially this one it i very easy to read gets to the point of just who's work this is and is creative. I look forward to viewing more additions to your gallery ciao OMA .
  24. the latest is pretty good. a bit dark for my tastes. I like to see more of an image (old eyes, bad eyes) but from what I can make out you've put a great amount of effort into this one. ciao OMA
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