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Everything posted by oma

  1. I 'd love to see how you handle a wallpaper or larger picture. something in the lines of the it has a strong cleaness to it, very pleasing to view. Oma's throwing down the gauntlet you've got the basics mastered in those sigs lets see you step it up a pace. ciao OMA
  2. oma


    what do we have going on here! not often I jump in my seat but this one is really great! Perhaps a little explination of how this was done. :wink: I guess you took the comments in the off topic to heart. Stepping it up a notch for us all. :wink: ciao OMA
  3. ahhhh such lovely work. my fav actually is the little red spider. you made a scary critter look so cuddly cute. I'm glad you reconsidered doing a gallery, you have some nice work. ciao OMA
  4. oma


    I'm thanking you that is major. its not often my jaw drops but this one what can I say but wow! even in the unfinished state it qualifies for galleria. and I made that pledge not to hit the exclamation mark every time I visited the galleries. wonder if BoltBait would have a fit if I nominated this in its unfinished form. no rush ASH but I really can not wait to see the entire image.
  5. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes I have heard of Fenton glass . do you require any photos? I've the collectors edition identification guide 1907 to 1939. I did at one time have a collection of jade green Most of those items were from mid 1930's. I sold the collection off at auction. Fetched a fine dollar I must say. Most were picked up at estate sales in the late 60's. Boot sale is same as the american garage sale. I know you are working on that abalone shell sort of reminds on of Fenton carnival glass for the luster. ciao OMA
  6. just dropped by to check your abalone texture. I'd have to go with Ben the second one is best of the three for textureization. I have a feeling you are going for a sheet of green abalone, most people will not really recognize there are so many colors in real life. That's why I'd say go for more whites/offwhites in greenish tints. You have the swirls down now you need the irridesants. and shimmers. ciao OMA PS I'd go form more of this sort of look http://www.flickr.com/photos/omnia/180477917/ especially the large piece in the background.
  7. oma


    wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!! the glass man is taking shape. you should put some screen shots in as you go along. just like OMA ..... oooops I am OMA actually I'd love to see some of the behind the scene work on this one. Its shaping up to be a real show stopping masterpiece. stunning. ciao OMA
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @yellowman thanks you very much for comment. " angels dress" this phrase I must remember I would love to call a picture that. In fact it has just touched off an idea. inspiration :idea: I'm glad you enjoy my doodle it reflects very much my emotions. @ Possum Roadkill I'm glad you came by my gallery to check Heaven's Bouquet closer. I loved the texture and colors and I'm glad I placed it in my gallery now. The people here are just so great at making one concentrate and take an image to the next level. I've never tried abalone shell, I just gave it a quick try, not sure the colorization is correct. I'll have to study more. this must be first time I ever use smudge.
  9. no problem Rick I can live with the work around just felt it should come up sometime in the future. will look forward to whenever you can get it done. as you say it is low priority. ciao OMA
  10. yes! thanks ASH that will aid me tremendously. Although I still feel putting them all in one method would be nice. It just feels incomplete UI somehow. the others have precise adjustments, the zoom is a slider that is rather fiddly. but once again thanks for the work around I knew someone would come to my assistance. ciao OMA
  11. I have absolutely no idea if this is possible or is on the radar already. one thing I'd definetly like to see in the future versions would be to add a box for the zoom amount similar to how you have type in boxes for angle, twist, pan x and y etc. I often use the zoom feature and its sometimes difficult to get exact with slider only.
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    smiles right back at you Janettsue. I was just thinking of digging out your email addy to write you a wee note to see how things were going with you. I'm glad you stopped by, hope things are all well at your end. . ciao OMA
  13. I can see this going in as a texture on some futuristic spaceship interior . fancy walls portholes etc etc. very nicely done. ciao OMA
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Sokagirl you march right back there and get that gallery going again. just joking. I see it wasn't until Jun that you created one if I'm reading your posts correctly. and you only had worked on some sigs. I seldom change my sig so I seldom comment on sig galleries. best way to start a gallery is do a few tuts ,,,, stick your results good or bad in there. maybe start something other than a sig and work on it a bit at a time. with some updates. I try to check all the galleries out but don't always leave comments. It takes time to build a good gallery but most of all it takes practise. A gallery almost forces you to concentrate and do better and better. so go to town do some little pieces everyone has to start somewhere. I think of it this way you start out with the so so work and it can only get better right? ciao OMA
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @thanks Welsh blue. now you know what is strange. I actually collect antique murano glass, mostly the gold flecked ones. also collect antique chalet style glass vases and glass paperweights. there is always loads to see in my abstracts. "my idea is get the hook in them with the color and shine and make emm look around and consider how to do something similar " If someone walks away with just one idea that's fantastic, and I consider its a wonderful picture. thanks for making my day with your comments. @Souka girl well hello there. I'm glad you found your way to my gallery. Remember I've been here since early 2007 and I only ever use this program. so I've had plenty of time to learn, not that I've learned it all. even today I learned something about doing thinner lines using :AntiAliasingOff: ,, it just takes practice and not being afraid to try things out. do you have a gallery? @Boude I'm sure glad I'm not your mother. You are always banging that head of yours and popping your eyes out. I'm glad you liked this one. thanks for looking everyone I enjoy doing the art and I'm glad someone enjoys my efforts. ciao OMA
  16. excellent. you know I never knew that. I so seldom change the line off aa. just love this program there is always something to learn and try out. ciao
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks its actually a good salvage of a so so doodle more than an incredible piece. It does have a nice pleasant feel to it though, must have been the frame of mind I was in as I listened to the music. Sarah Brightmans CD. (Winter symphony) I know its supposed to be summer but I was remembering that last concert, the stage production was remarkable. I loved all the great background screenwork. something I was thinking about as I doodles. I'm looking forward to buying her new cd that's supposed to be coming out any day now. Hope she has another tour, I'll definetly spring for tickets if it comes close by. ciao OMA thanks for looking.
  18. oma

    Sharp 7.25.11

    :wink: you should call this "The Big Bang of creation" is that dents I see in there? what else did you use? lightrays? looks much better in this size as compared to the thumb. :wink: ciao OMA
  19. no problem always time to learn. no half pixels yet as far as I've ever found out. unless the gods of computor are holding out on us. ciao OMA PS I'm an old grandmother so coming at computors from the other end of the life scale. most of this is all very different for me as well. :wink: did you happen to figure out where to change the size of your picture? along top where is says images>resize
  20. less than one pixel? think about that statement please. you might try making your image 2 times as large as you require then scale it down by 50% perhaps that will help . depends on what you are working on.
  21. yes this was written several versions of paint.net ago. other methods and variations have rendered it obsolete method. ciao OMA
  22. nice ones guys I really like that one by Breathe. it certainly does remind me of a substance like plasma. @ Funkey nibblet (cool name) :wink: That is really nice. looks just like light at the end of a tunnel. @Himself nice one I can see the polar inversion in yours for sure. :wink: so here is one I've been working on thumb here large version on pg 54 of my gallery. scroll down its near bottom of the page there are also a couple of the earlier pics of it on same page near the top. Heavens Bouquet
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    not yet Helen but I was thinking on it. I might just try out that tut yellowman posted. looks real interesting. anyways I took ASH comments about the jaggies and went a bit further on my doodle work above. it still may hit the trash. Heavens bouquet version #3 well since I took this puppy this far past doodle stage I decided to keep going. fixed that annoying tear along top edge of shell like piece and added some extra white flowers so it looked more like a bouquet. and just a touch more pearlly
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Sea shells! Lovely colors. But the Jaggy edges gotta go. jaggies ......... polar inversion+ I know I'm good but I still can't rewrite a plugin. and not for lack of trying.... some AA would be lovely addition to polar inversion + especially on the outer limits of the plugin. I debated for quite awhile if I should just chuck it away in the trash or post it. I posted as I liked the colors. my original comments were.
  25. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Possum Roadkill thanks very much for the lovely comments and stopping by my gallery. @Flip not a dandelion. or at least I never drew the dandelion. It would be almost never I use outside renders, I like to draw all of my images from total paint.net or in a pinch from a scann of something I've drawen myself in my sketch book. I didn't take too many as you go shots on this one its more just computor doodling as I was listening to music. here is one picture I did keep of deep down background.
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