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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. Thank you, Max. Congrats on your 'Rookie of the Year' win!
  2. New Pictures Posted! My SOTW entries so far: This one won first place:
  3. Thank you everyone! A great set of entries. @Eli...I wondered what was going on with your bear, but he is so cute! @Red...that crown looks just marvelous on you...congrats on your title. I'm thinking hard for a good next topic..... Cheers to all!
  4. Toe_head, where were you 10 or so years ago?? This is awesome!! I could see carrying around a small tablet or notebook and doing everything on the screen. If I could give you another rep, I would! Many thanks.
  5. Ha! There's my iso paper. Looks very good. Eli would like this. Thank you, toe_head2001!
  6. Thanks, Rick! That explains why my thumbnails went haywire for awhile.
  7. Teddy and his drink all made completely with Ellipse/Circle shape tool and the Line/Curve tool. Teddy's sunglasses are stock image modified slightly. His 'beach towel' is a portion of one of my photographs.
  8. @Seerose....Fantastic! It's great to see you making use of the shapes created in the Shapes subforum! They are useful.
  9. @DrewDale, barbieq, mottoman and Red...thank you. I'm actually shocked that I came in 2nd place, this being my first time. Congratulations barbieq on your win! All entries were excellent. I'll have to enter more of these, it was fun!
  10. NEW PICTURE POSTED! Warm Holiday Wishes to Everyone!!
  11. Your compositions really make me feel the e-x-p-a-n-s-e of space. They also convey the cold and loneliness... They evoke feeling.....well done, Drydareelin!
  12. I finally got to do the tut! Here's my result, Limon... This has many, many possibilities, depending on the picture you choose. I used this pic, which I made years ago in Incendia, a 3D fractal program... Thank you, Limon.
  13. Thank you Max! Cheers! Thank you Limon! Your comment is much appreciated!
  14. I updated 'Cookies for Santa' wallpaper. The gkids loved it, but they don't have a discerning eye like we do. It bothered me, so I had to fix it. Thanks for stopping by!
  15. The True Meaning of Christmas 100% PDN. The angel is a shape I previously made but did not post in my Christmas pack.
  16. I love all your pics, Cc4FuzzyHuggles! I especially like the 'fruit splash'. It looks so refreshing!
  17. Skullbonz....I just love the 'Heart Pendants'! They remind me of filigree glass bottles and you could just 'pour' the heart essence out. Very lovely work!
  18. BBQ, I just love all your wallpapers! You have a distinct style going on. I would be proud to have them grace my computer.
  19. Thank you, BBQ! I realize now that I lost my depth when I rotated the cookies to match the perspective of the rest of the picture. So......I have very thin, crisp cookies (biscuits)!
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