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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. Collagemaster, I see you're enjoying my flowers shapes pack! Very nice picture; I like the Dents plugin, also.
  2. Mind-blowing Ishi!! That is a most detailed image and the textures are wonderful! I could see myself strolling down that street! Keep up the great work!
  3. MJW, I'm rep'n you here for your work on Red's Aardvark plugin....great work!
  4. Great plugin, Red!! Take a trip on the flower side....
  5. Very nice BoltBait! The effect is much more detailed and realistic. I applied the 'Dream' effect to image 2 after 'Oil Painting +'. I really like it! Images from windows operating system, public folder. Same settings applied. It affects the image differently in the second set. I assume it's because that image has more black in it to begin with. Very pretty!
  6. Seerose, you never cease to amaze me! Beautiful, beautiful images! I'll catch you tomorrow...all out....
  7. I knew overscroll would be a huge plus for many people! Thank you, Rick!!
  8. Nice new avatar, dipstick! Wonder where the eagle came from???? And it's blinking!
  9. Eli... That looks like something out of Alien! How creepy!!
  10. Kenny Rogers...yes, I see that. Must agree with everyone...looks so much like a real painting...bravo! The Vote-Vote image...hahahahha.
  11. Welcome @CRayChosen1! Interesting photo manips. Yes. you definitely have your own style...keep up the good work! Looking forward to seeing more.
  12. The mean streets of Lynxster, PA... Background pic - http://www.texturepalace.com/ ....heavily altered in PDN
  13. Fabulous Seerose!! Really bold, vivid colors!!
  14. Confirmed fixed! Thanks MJW...you're the best!
  15. Hi MJW! I see many possibilities for this plugin, however, I was playing around with it and noticed this: It works beautifully when the stripe angle is horizontal. If you apply any kind of angle, you get what's shown above. Any way to fix it? Other than that, the plugin is great. Thanks so much!
  16. Love, love, love the 'overscroll'!! I don't know how many times over the years I've wished I could scroll "just...a...little...bit.....further....." when working on a project. This is a great new feature. Thank you, Rick! Need to play with it some more...but after work.
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