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thanks Chad. I've a still 7 more items on my must try for 2010 list. No doubt there will be little stray away diversions as I learn or practise new techniques for each. so drop by any time. always something on the go. :lol:

Sokagirl that little bunny is just so adorable. :lol:bunny.gif we really need him for our smilies. :lol:

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I don't often show you all my abstracts but here is one I've been working on.

One of my daughters and I sometimes get into real deep conversations, about how life is such a journey, and what would be at the end of life. Would there be a crossing over to the other side? She often thinks in terms of light rays, and me I imagine beauty and sparkles, an explosion of colors, and peaceful joy.

"Crossing to the other side"


ciao OMA

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I like it. This piece really makes you think. As always, I might not always post here but I will be inspired. I think you have the best abstract pieces in PdN, welsh has the textures, Sozo has spacescapes, and lots of people have amazing realistic pieces.

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thanks you Chad , Helen, Sokagirl, Csm725, AFG, Yellowman, and Welsh for nice comments on Crossing over. "Life is such a journey"

Bryan1998 sorry if I gave you bad dreams with that scary dragon.

:lol: Welshy black and red?

no I think more in the terms of this

"Welsh Warrior"

with your own little portal to the stairway up. not down.


ciao OMA

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks you for the nice welcome back. It feels good to be up and out of bed, although I still get very tired and sleepy from the meds. I'm finally back in remission right now so hopefully I'll get a bit of art time in.

I missed my computor and playing with the colors on the screen. So many things to try yet I don't know where to begin. :lol:

ciao OMA

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well I finally felt up to finishing this one.

thanks to Welsh you clarified how I needed to do the rocks for the cave floor.

I enjoyed doing this image but find I'm still not too fond of dark and brooding. :wink:


well I'd already flattened that portion of the tree back around mid/ end of Jan so hopefully this works out. So I did a backwards variation of what Helen suggested. drew some new leaves and lightened them and added in over top and added some very faint shadows. had to wand in and feathers some areas of the sky so the tree didn't loose the sparse ness in the left side.


and some releif just because those leaves still looked too flat. :lol:


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thanks Possum its not my favourite image, even if each individual component in it was challenging. I love the sky and that's what originally attracted me to doing a mystical art piece. The overall darkness of the rest of the piece is what I find puts me off, its a sight thing with me, dark and not enough contrast I find hard to look at on computor screens. Did you find the skull and sword in the clouds? I liked how they turned out quite a bit.

I did like the practice of working with perspective on the bridge/wall. Learned quite a bit on that this image. The dragon was time consuming but enjoyable. overall my satisfaction of this image would be around 8 or 9 for execution. 7 or 8 for perspective and about 5 for color. too much black/dark

ciao OMA

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The sky is sooo magical! And everything else is superb, extraordinary, fantabulous, out of this world, and stupendously awesome!Wow! The patience that you have is far too great than we all have here. :shock: :shock: :shock: There's a tiny suggestion I'd like to make. Just a teeny, tiny, bitty, eensy, weensy....well, you get the point. For the tree's leaves, copy the leaves on a separate layer beneath the ones that you have now. Darken them a bit and reduce the size just a bit. Repeat the same thing (Add new layer beneath, darken even more). That way, the leaves/tree will have a little more depth.

I forgot to comment on the tree's bark; did I say that it's amazing? :shock: The dragon beside the blinked at me three times and waved it's tail, too. *rubs eyes* Nope, the dragon did it again. It's real, isn't it? :shock:

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

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