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I tried making myself a new sig and I was wondering which one you guys thought was better :?




If ones to big ill use the other :wink:

Both of the sigs are within the size guidelines. I like the second one better. It's a bit more colorful and defines your user name a bit better ... Don't want to obscure yourself now do ya? Think about adding a border to the second one .... just a suggestion. Nice work :)



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Some one requested that I try a syringe a couple weeks ago, I have been a bit busy.

Reflection and shadow of the syringe need a bit work, Other than that, very nice. :)

And you are missing something for the metal/crome. I'll let you think about it before I give the answer :D


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Some one requested that I try a syringe a couple weeks ago, I have been a bit busy.

Reflection and shadow of the syringe need a bit work, Other than that, very nice. :)

And you are missing something for the metal/crome. I'll let you think about it before I give the answer :D

what in your opinion does it lack?

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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Thanks Blooper & Ash

Ash: It reminded me a little of your icecube, and it just seemed like a picture you'd make.

Vern: The angle doesn't seem quite right, and it's a bit too blurry. But the rest looks awesome!

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Thanks Blooper & Ash

Ash: It reminded me a little of your icecube, and it just seemed like a picture you'd make.

Vern: The angle doesn't seem quite right, and it's a bit too blurry. But the rest looks awesome!

The angle is all roughly the same I used the same settings for all of it. As far as blurry goes , man this was a PITA, Ill put the effort into syringe 2 if I make another. :lol:

actually soz it could use some marble on the surface of the metal, and numers for doseage and then te blue from the bottle..

why dont I give you the PDN ash and you make it whatever you want, I am frustrated by it at this point.

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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Here's a visual aid:


Reflections on highly polished surfaces are rarely one dimensional . There is always a shadow and a reflection and often a compound reflection. that shadow reflection is simply too bold.

I dont know if you realize it but there is a randomness to it all like shine and refraction in glass. There is never a consistent output from the input unless the environment is the exact same every day.

I just figured out what your line meant,,,,, and your observation isnt accurate as the shadow reflection is a Gblurred syringe image and is 100% consistent to basic shape.

What makes it seem off is that I rotated it to emulate shadow reflection as that would actually appear to "V" out from the needle tip. The wet floor effect plugin really is a detriment to the thumb grip on the stem.

I really feel as though the plunger in the tube is a bigger deal for its inaccuracy, best that it does is approximate , figuring out how to do all of it was time consuming and tedious.

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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