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The Pictorium! Post your created or edited images here!


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Since my posts have been ignored a number of times. I will repost.

Since I was at the Bottom of the Page, I will repost my creation:

This is something I created to imitate Crazy Man Dan's Style....



It similar but his was just a little better quality



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My lack of comments asks that I repost.
These are my 3 latest creations. The planet is 100% Paint.NET. The 2 fractals were done in Chaoscope then edited in PdN.

th_Chaos2.png th_Chaos3.png th_planetscenev1.3-1.png

I commented on you planet!

Commander, that's incredible! It's beautiful!

Please post the full size on dA!

v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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My lack of comments asks that I repost.
These are my 3 latest creations. The planet is 100% Paint.NET. The 2 fractals were done in Chaoscope then edited in PdN.

th_Chaos2.png th_Chaos3.png th_planetscenev1.3-1.png

The planet image is really nice. But, I noticed the light source on the upper-left planet or moon is coming from the opposite direction. Odd, don't you think? O.o

I noticed a few other issues with lighting. But other than that, its amazing.

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Wow Chris! That image took forever to load, but i can tell you, it was well worth the wait! Amazingly done, what'd you do the landscape in? Ben, that's awesome as well! Good work guys!

If you want a more detailed view of my art, please visit http://www.hurdofchris.deviantart.com

I will, for one.

Thanks everyone for comments on my pics! *feels loved*

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@ someone2016: From the thumbnails, I like the first one most. The second seems a bit... thin.

@ AndrewD: I like it, but could do with a bit more brightness, or a blue-y hue to the grey?


My dA - 2 New Images (Oil Painting of face & Exploding Planet Starscape - 18/11/07) & 1 new Haiku ("Love: I Remember" - 21/11/07)

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@ someone2016: From the thumbnails, I like the first one most. The second seems a bit... thin.

@ AndrewD: I like it, but could do with a bit more brightness, or a blue-y hue to the grey?

I'd prefer it myself if it was brighter, but it dosen't capture the tone right, so I just kept it how it is.

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