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Image Hospital: Help With Image Problems Here!


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very early WIP (work in progress), I was just thinking if any of you guys had any brilliant idea's, any idea's would be appreciated.



History repeats itself, because nobody was paying attention the first time.

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Boude, that, imo, is gonna turn out really cool!

Hmm. I don't really like the gradient, maybe making it more angled (corner2corner) will help.

Maybe put a soft gray slash across the canvas too to give it something else to look at. I'm not sure what you're trying to acchieve, but just experiment.

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The gradient was just to get a background, when I finish it I'll make a real background. by the way the black is the doodle and the white was made with the line tool.


History repeats itself, because nobody was paying attention the first time.

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I am not very good at making myself cool sig / avatars (last time i tryed to make it... the outcome was.. worse than ****) so mayby some profesional guy can help me upg my avatar/sig to make it look nicer and teach me how to do it ? Of corse i am giving pdn files to start with..... Its just i mainly know what i want to get but dont know how to do it so i experiment... but........ hehe Any 1?

//uhh.... its more than half way done... it just need to be finished/blended or something like that...

i am talking about this:


the "girl" should be more.. hymm u know like a part of the sign.... becouse as u can clearly see she doeasnt fit.. i mean its obvious that she was just pasted on the background... and i want to change that... for example :

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-and mayby some custom effect that would make my sig look better [ i tryed to experiment but... its hopeless]

and this:


i want this avatar to look similar to my sign... [ i have no ideas atm how to do it.]

uhhh.. i dont really know how can i explain my problem further...


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or msn xeo_reload(at)wp.eu

if possible :P

[PDN files in PW only]


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Well, you started out with a blue background as compared to your render that's red (-ish). This creates a little aesthetic conflict. It doesn't look right. Maybe if you also make other layers with your render pasted in and blur it/frosted glass/zoom/[insert other effects here]? I, myself, am having trouble with my render. It looks out of place. It's like "Ooooo, splatter, splatter! Wait, a pair of cats? What the hell?"

Any help? Thanks, guys.



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@Meowmeowi I know that it would be hella easier if the bg was red or the girl was main blue etc.... but it wasnt meant to be easy, i has to be beautiful...... besides ... look at the hitman example.. hes black clothes and bald and thoes fires /effect are so well made that it really fits isnt it ? the hitman guy doesnt look like a part of other image.... and i bet it would be hella easier to make hitman sign using black clous/fires ...

besides i am kinda gfx noob.... ill tell u how i work....:

I render some fractals [random totaly] i add some lines, dots, sphares, clouds... other crazy things ..... then i run totaly random effects... and once after 1000 times the effect look cool. . . . . in other words.. even the sig background was made by accidental usage of effects.... i do not really know what am i doing xD Thats why i need a step by step tutorial how could i make my sig look coooler and the girl to fitt a litter more . . . . .thats why i am here xD

@Meowmeow i addedd some Random effects and i anded with that: (in few color variations xD)

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from my opinion it looks a little better xD

Btw i made some few variation of signs... there they are:

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suggestions any 1? i tryed as hard as i could to make them fit nicely to the background like in the previous examples but it still doesnt work :( Any help ?


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I have an issue thats been driving me crazy. I have a PDN made animated sig in gif format that has white blotches where it should be transparent, apparently a .gif thing. I found a converter to change it to apng but Photobucket and other forums that I have tried support that format. Is there another format I can convert to so this anomaly will be gone ?

Here's what I'm talking about.


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I have an issue thats been driving me crazy. I have a PDN made animated sig in gif format that has white blotches where it should be transparent, apparently a .gif thing. I found a converter to change it to apng but Photobucket and other forums that I have tried support that format. Is there another format I can convert to so this anomaly will be gone ?

Here's what I'm talking about.


Unless you want to pay big bucks for a .png animator that I'm only half sure even exists... You'll have to go flash to get rid of the white, Good luck learning how to do flash :D Otherwise what you would need to do is make a selective 256 color pallet and use your sig with that, .gif only supports 16 bit transparancy :D -.-" So you'll need to make it work with 16 bit



Power comes to those who least expect it, Ambition comes to those who want it. Sometimes Ambition rules the Powerful, many times Ambition Is Power. Remember that Frodo, that ring could have been yours!

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@Meowmeowi I know that it would be hella easier if the bg was red or the girl was main blue etc.... but it wasnt meant to be easy, i has to be beautiful...... besides ... look at the hitman example.. hes black clothes and bald and thoes fires /effect are so well made that it really fits isnt it ? the hitman guy doesnt look like a part of other image.... and i bet it would be hella easier to make hitman sign using black clous/fires ...

besides i am kinda gfx noob.... ill tell u how i work....:

I render some fractals [random totaly] i add some lines, dots, sphares, clouds... other crazy things ..... then i run totaly random effects... and once after 1000 times the effect look cool. . . . . in other words.. even the sig background was made by accidental usage of effects.... i do not really know what am i doing xD Thats why i need a step by step tutorial how could i make my sig look coooler and the girl to fitt a litter more . . . . .thats why i am here xD

@Meowmeow i addedd some Random effects and i anded with that: (in few color variations xD)

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from my opinion it looks a little better xD

Btw i made some few variation of signs... there they are:

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suggestions any 1? i tryed as hard as i could to make them fit nicely to the background like in the previous examples but it still doesnt work :( Any help ?

What I'd do is take the BG and:...

1. Duplicate Background (render must ALWAYS be seperated from BG)

2. Take both layers and make Black and White

3. Take both layers and use curves to make a cool red color

4. Take the upper layer and put it over the render, and the lower one below the render

5. Run noise or something else on the upper one, run motion blur or another affect on upper layer

6. Take your color pallet click "more" and put transparancy down to 4

7. Take your erraser and erase until you can see your render the way you want to see it

8. Change your layer's color mode to something interesting *negation and darken are persional favs*

9. If you don't like it keep playing :) Always know your effects. I reccomend getting a couple C4Ds, about 5 plugin packs *boldbait... pryo's... madjik's... are my fav :D most bang for buck*

10. Never stop having fun


Power comes to those who least expect it, Ambition comes to those who want it. Sometimes Ambition rules the Powerful, many times Ambition Is Power. Remember that Frodo, that ring could have been yours!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oma, for the nose, keep the same principle as you did for the eye. Add a little bit of black or a darker brown. The best thing to do is look at some more pictures of rabbits. It doesn't matter which way they'll be facing, just focus on the nose. For the "sad-looking" foot, just make it furrier and make it slight darker because it's farther away. To tell you the truth, I think it looks good. :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
this post intentionally left blank.

not really asking for help just an opinion. wasn't sure where this belonged. does this even remotely look like a good texture for the flower?

I feel I'm getting closer to a texture i can add as final stage on plants.


one on left before texture one on right is supposed to be fuzzy velvety petals.

what do you think

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I offered a suggestion for the bunny legs, but then deleted it when I noticed that you'd finalized the picture the same day. I didn't want to seem picky. :D

I like the texture on the flower! It seems more realistic, but it doesn't quite suit the green.

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i saw the bunny notes before you erased, but as I had moved them already in my picture I decided to leave in the revised postion. . i did take a screen shot of the page and filed it away with my other notes so next bunny I'll try something like that. Maybe by then my drawing skills will be up for those. :wink:

you commented I like the texture on the flower! It seems more realistic, but it doesn't quite suit the green

? by the green I'm going to make assumption you mean the top portion of flower and not the background. I think you are correct on that. I was just too lazy to cut that portion out on the test. In next drawing of fuschia plants (different species) that will remain shiny not velvety. its just actual outer leaves that are the furry/fuzzy velvet texture on the real plants, the the inner petals are totally smooth not fuzzy at all.

so I think I have this down now. few more tests and parameters to figure out and I'll start more ambitious flowering plant

and if I'm up to it maybe a different bird.

ciao thanks for looking .

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I'm working on a signature for another site, but I'm kinda lost as to what to do next. Well, I know what I want to do next, but I guess I'm just not quite sure how to go about doing it. So I was hoping I could get some suggestions from you guy's, or possibly what I could do different.


That's the picture so far, what I'd like to do is make the, "CD" stand out more, but I'm not quite sure how to go about doing that.

I also have the CD without the effects added on, and one with out the outline either, so I can always use those, if you have an idea that needs it without the effects.

EDIT -- I am also fairly new to the program, and somewhat new to the whole, computer art/photo-editing area. So this is obviously not gonna be anything amazing.

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Yes Minto it looks much much better, next time try to start your project with a large canvas size (not less that 800 pixels in the smallest dimension), and when you finish, size it down to the size you want, this method will give a very good result for sharp smooth edges like this :AntiAliasingOn: not like this :AntiAliasingOff:, you know what I am talking about , right? The borders or outlines of the CD text.

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Yes Minto it looks much much better, next time try to start your project with a large canvas size (not less that 800 pixels in the smallest dimension), and when you finish, size it down to the size you want, this method will give a very good result for sharp smooth edges like this :AntiAliasingOn: not like this :AntiAliasingOff:, you know what I am talking about , right? The borders or outlines of the CD text.

Oh, yeah I know I could still fix that if i wanted (layers 8D) but I kinda like it. I may go back and change it

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone,

I created a header for my webpage, but I can't seem to be able to upload it to the site. Someone said something about having a template from the site. I have no idea what they are talking about. Thought you guys could assist me...

URL text

I made my website on webs.com....my website is teamheart.biz...I just want to add this



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aye aye everyone!

I made this poster for my band (we're From The Basement), we'll be doing the first part of Torngat [linky], along with June Tools, and so I designed this poster to advertise (it's in french, I know :roll: )

I would really need critisms, help on making it as appealing as it gets! [staying inside the rules, though]

any thoughts?



"Ah, i love it when huge pineapples try to take over the world, it makes me sentimental :')"


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I think the underlying design of your poster is great, but there are some layout issues.

There are some basic layout rules for this type of poster.

1st, group your information (ie time/place, band name etc) These groups should be distinct and should each have a level of importance that reflects there dominance on the poster. For instance over half you page is taken up with detail that while necessary, isn't going to 'sell' your event. There is also no gap between this info and your En Spectacle splash. There is virtually no contrast, grouping or whitespace for the bottom 2/3 of the poster making it less inviting to read. Once someone has decided to go to the concert, they will take the time to read about the time and place so these can be made smaller.

You have a clear right justification for the bottom part, try extending it right to the top, making Torn Cat much larger (this will be possible if you make the detail smaller). This should add strength to your design. If it looks no good, it is easy enough to move it back.

The area I really think needs changing is the plain text, as per the ideas above.

I will try and demonstrate what I mean here, but I am not sure if this will display properly as there is no preview and very limited text and layout options.



June Tools

En Specticale

Venredi le 17 June 2009

In the next few lines

Put in the place and time

I can't remember what they were

But you get the idea

This can be quite small

as anyone wanting to go will read it

I hope the above looks the way I intended, but basicaly you need to look at your lack of white space, size contrast and grouping. I think the background, fonts and logo look great.

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