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paint.net 4.0 beta build 5168

Rick Brewster

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The second beta build for paint.net 4.0 is now available! We're getting very close to the final release now :)


To install, you can either 1) use the built-in updater from a previous 4.0 build, or 2) use the built-in updater from v3.5.11 if you have "Also check for pre-release (beta) builds" enabled, or 3) download it directly at http://www.getpaint.net/files/zip/preview/paint.net.4.0.5168.12074.install.zip


Special thanks to volunteers on the forum for the new languages, and corrections to existing ones! http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27847-official-translations-for-40-via-crowdinnet/


Here are the changes and fixes since the last beta build (5152):

  • Added new languages: Dutch, Finnish, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Fixed many typos and clumsy translations in various languages
  • Fixed the main window growing taller and flashing black after being minimized and then restored
  • Fixed the tools committing their changes to the image when trying to exit the application (waste of CPU/disk)
  • Fixed the current layer not being preserved when using one of the Image -> Rotate commands
  • Fixed keyboard shortcuts not working in some cases if the mouse was positioned over the toolbar
  • Fixed some inappropriate text wrapping in drop down boxes in German (the text is now clipped with "..." instead)
  • Fixed the Recolor tool's shortcut mistakenly being 'e' instead of 'r'
  • Pressing 'A' now cycles through the shapes when the Shapes tool is active (Shift+A cycles backward)
  • Fixed mouse input centering for the brush tools when antialiasing was disabled
  • Re-enabled Ctrl+D as a "commit" button
  • Moved the "Finish" button (green checkmark) to the end of the toolbar and included the "Finish" text so that it is easier to aim at
  • Fixed some font previews rendering as gray instead of black
  • Fixed a crash that was most easily reproducible by copying an image from IE11 and then clicking on File->New Image
  • Image close buttons are now appropriately styled on Windows 7
  • Fixed a dangling progress bar after running some effects
  • Fixed some drifting color value problems in the Colors window when changing Hue, Saturation, and/or Value
  • Fixed a crash caused by 3rd-party visual themes that try to use fonts that don't exist
  • Fixed a crash when toggling a layer's visibility while using the Move Selected Pixels tool and then undoing
  • Fixed a crash when opening an image due to not being able to create the thumbnail for the File -> Open Recent list
  • Fixed a crash on startup due to the user's My Documents folder not existing
  • Changed the canvas background color to gray when using the Blue theme
  • Fixed an error whereby committing an action, changing the active layer, undoing, and then redoing would cause the action to be redone on the new layer instead of the one it was originally drawn on
  • Fixed shortcut keys not working for toggling line styles and caps for the Shapes tool
  • Fixed some styling issues in the Settings dialog in the Tools section
  • Fixed some delayed crashes with some effect plugins which would happen when trying to do an action afterward
  • Fixed a crash caused by pressing Escape while drawing a shape
  • Fixed many plugin compatibility and crash issues


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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Just a small warning. I installed the update and tried to test if the switch between GPUs works better (Issue mentioned in the Glass border thread). This killed the system somehow. In the moment I'm just able to use this W7 laptop in safemode because atikmpag.sys crashes even if the driver is disabled.

midoras signature.gif

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It may be important to other people, but can layer visibility NOT create history entries, or at least have an option to disable that? Also, it finalises any tools such as gradient and paintbucket so i if i want to remove a layer to test some color matches i have to undo twice afterwards because the tool was commited.

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at least have an option to disable that?


If everyone who asked for an option got it, our options box would look like this:





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The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Everything is coming together very well.

Few issues tough:

1: Text tool leaves some artifacts when writing a text and deleting it again. The artifacts go away as soon as you move the text around but well still a minor bug I guess. (See pic one)

2: And the second one is a bit more important. When changing to maximum text size and moving the text around, the text gets jacked up (well obviously because of the tiled rendering of the canvas) but this impacts my i7 3.4GHz quit a bit. All 8 cores get 100% usage while moving the text. Is that a bug or just the way this is going to work? Funny thing is that the 1920x1080 background image doesn't even cause a quarter of the usage while moving around. (pic two)

Diddeli do



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Just a small warning. I installed the update and tried to test if the switch between GPUs works better (Issue mentioned in the Glass border thread). This killed the system somehow. In the moment I'm just able to use this W7 laptop in safemode because atikmpag.sys crashes even if the driver is disabled.


If the driver is crashing then that doesn't sound like a bug in paint.net!

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Well. Maybe some other feature then. When Paint.NET has a dialog open that is awaiting input, it does not accept opening new images through other applications or explorer. Now i know that is by design, but perhaps it could be done so they are added to the list as a background process?

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Hi Dear,

Thanks for the updates. But now it is not detecting clipboard content from Firefox! But the clipboard is not empty as I can paste the same in M$ Paint! But when try to paste on PDN it says 'the clipboard does not cantain an image'. Same for both Release candidate of FF 27.0.1  and Nightly 30.

I uninstalled and reinstalled PDN - but same error.

Also I noticed the followoing - when I click on any link under blue colored '?'  on the right (say plugin) - it shows up the PDN link then 'class not registered' . Same for all other sub options like  forum,  PDN website etc.


Edited by darenhoff
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I get the following Exception, when copying an Image in Thunderbird to clipboard and trying to paste it into a new Image (Ctrl+Alt+V):

System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.

   bei PaintDotNet.Actions.PasteInToNewImageAction.PerformAction(AppWorkspace appWorkspace) in D:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\PaintDotNet\Actions\PasteInToNewImageAction.cs:Zeile 81.

Best regards,
Lars Knickrehm

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But now it is not detecting clipboard content from Firefox! But the clipboard is not empty as I can paste the same in M$ Paint! But when try to paste on PDN it says 'the clipboard does not cantain an image'. Same for both Release candidate of FF 27.0.1  and Nightly 30.

I can confirm this. No pasting from FF 26, FF 30 Nightly x64, Waterfox 27.0.1. Image size is not recognized and "clipboard empty" message pops up.

MS Paint handles the pasting just fine.

Works with Maxthon and Chrome though.

Tested with jpg and png

(possible solution: kick the IE support out and make FF work again ;-) )

Edited by McLoo
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It wasn't actually a matter of "IE support". There seemed to be some really spooky memory corruption bug in how WinForms does any clipboard stuff. (WinForms is the UI toolkit that Paint.NET is built on)


In any case, what I said at http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27968-cannot-paste-directly-from-greenshot-to-paintnet-40-anymore/ should be repeated here so that everyone can find it easily:



A bunch of clipboard stuff is broken in the latest 4.0 beta. It's at the very top of the list to be fixed.


It's kind of ironic because I fixed one really nasty bug, and it broke a whole bunch of other things  :)


For now, if this is critically important for your workflow, I would recommend sticking with v3.5.11 for the next week or two (until the next beta, in other words).


(I added the italics stuff to the quote so as to generalize its context for this thread)

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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I'd like to report an issue with the installer.


In a non-English Windows, the installer is pointing to C:\program files. It should be pointing to the generic path %ProgramFiles% , which will make sure it gets installed in, say, C:\archivos de programa if it's environment is a Spanish Windows.

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Maybe interessting for the copy-paste bug:


I tryied to work around the copy paste bug by pasting first into MS Paint and then copy from there.

This works except for a weird resize issue. when pasting the size is reduced an the containig image gets resized.




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It's a very minor issue, but installing this beta (build 5168) on a en-GB version of Windows sets the default Paint.NET language to 'portugês (Portugal)' in the Options window. The UI, however, correctly uses English.


Oh, and by the way, an en-GB translation would be pretty cool too!

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It's a very minor issue, but installing this beta (build 5168) on a en-GB version of Windows sets the default Paint.NET language to 'portugês (Portugal)' in the Options window. The UI, however, correctly uses English.

This happened to my installation as well.

The UI language being Dutch, the language selection menu actually pointing to Portugese.

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I've been using this recent beta of Paint.NET 4 for a week on Windows 7 Professional x64 (Italian) and am pretty much satisfied with how it's been working for me so far, except for one issue that isn't present in Paint.NET 3.5: when I try to paste some Japanese text into a text area, I see question marks characters instead of ideograms. My system is properly configured for dealing with the Japanese language and actually if I type Japanese characters directly into a text area in Paint.NET using Microsoft's IME, then ideograms are shown as expected. Any idea?


EDIT: the issue affects any unicode characters pasted in Paint.NET... some even seems to get transliterated, for example Ŵ is shown as W and Ō is shown as O. Out of curiosity I tried by pasting the same text in the name property of a layer and unicode characters are properly shown there.

Edited by nrk
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hi rick, i noticed what i assume is a bug in the layer properties.


if i click on the slider, then use the left and right arrow keys, they decrease and increase the opacity as i would expect, but the up and down arrow keys appear to be inverted, ie up is currently decreasing opacity, rather than increasing it.


although if i click on the numerical box and use the up and down arrow keys, they are increasing and decreasing respectively. basically, it's inconsistent between the ui elements.


i also have a feature request.


is it possible for the dialog windows to remember their last used positions? i ask because when ever i open the layer properties for example, i first drag it out of the way of the image i'm working on. doing that multiple times in a session slows down my workflow.

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Hello Rick,


for 4.0 I was really hoping for Photoshop-style picture scrolling, where I can move an edge of the picture to a center of the screen and even further. I want all four panels to be there, but they are in the way all the time, turning off and on again is pain in the butt... :)
And I have one bugreport, I tried the latest beta on Win 8.1 Pro in VMware (see Diagnostics). (VMware, beacuse 4 replaced my v3.5.11 even I didn't want that). I was just doodling "nothing" and horizontal, vertical and later diagonal spikes appeared (instantly), see pic below. I didn't draw anything that touches the edge of the picture, just the rubbish in the middle. Hope you find it helpful.


Edited by mikiqex
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I've observed a strange behavior. When I copy an image in another application to the clipboard and click in Paint.NET on File->New the Dialog normally suggests the width and the height of the image in the clipboard. This works for me with MS Paint and Gimp but not for Photoshop CS6. When I copy a picture in Photoshop to the clipboard and create a new one in Paint.NET, the suggested size is one pixel wider and one pixel higher than the size of the picture I've copied to the clipboard. When I keep this suggested size and create the new Image, the background has the color white as always. When I now paste the image from the clipboard, the pixel row at the bottom and the column at the right side get transparent.


I've attached a screenshot with 800% magnification, which shows a test image after I've pasted it.




Since the other graphic programs handle the size of the PS image in the clipboard correctly, I think this is a bug in Paint.NET 4.0 beta build 5168.


Best regards,



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