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Chad's Gallery- 4-26-10 Sargon's tut result pg1


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Thanks for the input yellowman you are always spot on with shadows and such :D

Also thank you helen and barbie :D

here is something that i was inspired to make :D so much 3d art lying around i decided to jump in and see what i can do :D

the name is explained by the picture :D



"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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Very cute! The background sets off the button beautifully & the colours are great. Love the font too. Only criticism - & I could be wrong - is the highlight, think the shape isn't right? Maybe too elliptical?

Changed your sig again? Should be an award for that! Congratulations on your awards too. Didn't vote for you as troll but did for Rookie. You really deserve that one. Well done, buddy!

D'you know you crack me up with "good day to you, sir"? It really tickles my funny bone. They do get what's coming tho!


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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@ barbie i am glad i can make someone laugh lol. Also i guess the highlight could be too eliptical :D. Thanks for the vote too :D

@sokagirl thanks :D

@ oma yeah i am feeling the pressure now lol i am also thinking about things before i post them like what would oma,sargon(yellowman),goonie, welsh, lance, barbie, and the others say about this and that. I am spending more and more time on every image i do :D. I hope i can up the standard this year as well.

And on that note i unveil the next piece in my line of 3d logotypes and wallpaper series.

Crank Up The Volume



"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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@ barbie and bijarni thanks i am glad you guys like it :D

@ oma i think i broke the knob on it :lol:

@ possum i don't think it looks too professional myself lol :oops:

@briamoth lol its okay mate :D thanks for stopping by :D


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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I really do ! I'm not just saying that. I looks like it should be an ad for a product line or an event. Like "Chad is coming to Madison Square Garden and tickets have already sold out so I stole this poster and I'm gonna hang it on my dorm room wall", kind of thing. Seriously, I think it is very professional looking. I know it's simple, but some times there is elegance in simplicity.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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@ csm that would be the font called neurpool i think. You can find it on dafont.com

Now that his question has been answered here is my latest work i call it Underneath The Stream It was a work inspired by oma. I traced the fish from a stock image but everything else is 100% by me in pdn. All the texture work, bubbles, and the painting of the fish. As i work on my drawing skills i will not have to used stocks for the general shape anymore

:D. I hope you guys enjoy.



"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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Very nicely done chad. Now that we've traded a few PM's I think you can see the oval shape required to draw the fish, so next time around you will likely not even need to trace it out. But as the exercise was to develop using textures in your images for realism you've done A++.

great work. keep on practising those drawing skills. :wink:

ciao OMA

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What a great image! There is so much that pleases the eye. The textures, the bubbles, the plant life & of course the fish. The piky colours in & around his mouth are so spot on.

I hope to see from like this from you. Wonderful image!


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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