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Chad's Gallery- 4-26-10 Sargon's tut result pg1


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The flow of lightning is what I have to criticise the most :?

The very light lower part of the image creates so much contrast, the night scene is barely visible :(

And what are these light plates in the left side? Tombstones?

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yeah they are tombstone's and yeah i know it needs some work :? it is a bit dark but if i make it too light it doesn't convey the mood i want it to.


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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here is the updated version of The caretaker's house


also here are two versions of an abstract that i have done recently

version 1


version 2


haven't named them yet because none come to mind lol.... could use some help on that one.




"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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I am very consistent but i don't update everyday maybe every two or three days. Its only the weekend when i normally update everyday :lol:

What can i say i am a pdn junkie :D

edit: lol at me triple updating my gallery today.....

well i finally did something with the flower i made

:D, I would like to thank oma again for the idea on how to make the grass... I tend to absorb everything i see, like the blob ahahaha!

here it is Dreaming of spring





"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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i will test that out and i will address your concerns on the caretaker's house yellowman

here is a random thought Techno penguin time!!


lol i got bored and decided to make a gif. I know it sucks but meh doesn't the penguin look creepy.


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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yeah lol... as i said i was quite bored lmao.


Here are two of my newest works that i have been messing around with... First one was a request from one of my friends...

Flower's ecstasy


Keep the ball rolling


edit: to prod welshy into making his log cabin i cut down some trees for him ahaha!

i call it getting ready for winter





"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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:oops: thank you sokagirl you are always so nice :D... i took some advice from yellow man and tweaked the image a bit. Please tell me what you guys think.


click for full size :D


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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Wow! :shock: :shock: I don't even know where to start. I love all your new images. The flowers are amazing andyour abstract is beautiful. I absolutely love the log cabin. Wow! That's just incredible. It's so perfect. Nice job!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
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