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Error Opening .PNG Files

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I'm new to Paint.Net and have tried searching but I guess I don't really understand what I'm looking for.

I'm trying to open a picture to edit, but I get an error ("There was an error opening the file")

I click "More Details" and this is what it says:

Application version: paint.net 4.2.9

WebPFileType.WebPException: The file is not a valid WebP Image.
   at WebPFileType.WebPFile.Load(Byte[] webpBytes)
   at WebPFileType.WebPFileType.GetOrientedDocument(Byte[] bytes, ExifValueCollection& exifMetadata)
   at WebPFileType.WebPFileType.OnLoad(Stream input)
   at PaintDotNet.FileType.Load(Stream input) in D:\src\pdn\src\Data\FileType.cs:line 522
   at PaintDotNet.FileType.Load(Stream input) in D:\src\pdn\src\Data\FileType.cs:line 522
   at PaintDotNet.Functional.Func.Eval[T1,TRet](Func`2 f, T1 arg1) in D:\src\pdn\src\Base\Functional\Func.cs:line 158


Thank you for any help!


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Hello @Lizasaur and Welcome to the Forum :)


I think you saved the image you are trying to import in the wrong format.  If you can go back to the image you want and save it as a .jpeg or .png then you should not have trouble uploading it.


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I'm going to take guess here, and say you have file extensions hidden in Windows Explorer.

So, your image file is probably named something like MyImage.PNG.WEBP,  but the .WEBP part in hidden.

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(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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6 hours ago, toe_head2001 said:

I'm going to take guess here, and say you have file extensions hidden in Windows Explorer.

So, your image file is probably named something like MyImage.PNG.WEBP,  but the .WEBP part in hidden.

I opened up properties and you're right! It is a .webp

Does that mean I can't open it? Or is there a trick to getting it to work?

Thank you so much :D

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38 minutes ago, Lizasaur said:

I opened up properties and you're right! It is a .webp

Does that mean I can't open it? Or is there a trick to getting it to work?

Thank you so much :D

If it's a real WebP file you should be able to open it with Paint.net natively I think. You could also try to install this extension for Windows 10, it lets you open WebP files natively in the "Photos" app:

If it's not real WebP, maybe a PNG, remove the ".webp" in the end of the file name so it only says "<name>.png", then try open it with Paint.NET or Windows 10 built in "Photos" app.

Edited by olavrb
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It appears that Windows 10 has the ability to open and write WebP files since Build 17692.1004.

(I think that you have to install the Microsoft store WebP extension codec)

I just looked at Microsoft's Paint on my computer (running  version 1909 build 18363.657) and it can handle WebP files,

so Paint.NET running on a current version of Windows 10 should do the same.



Edited by HyReZ


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Paint.NET's WebP support is via @null54's WebP FileType plugin, which has been bundled with the app since the 4.2.5 release. WIC isn't used, so @HyReZ's comments about Win10 aren't relevant. Other file types, such as HEIC and AVIF, do go through WIC and do require Win8 or Win10 with the appropriate codec installation from the Store.

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3 hours ago, Lizasaur said:

I took the .png out of the file name and the error is still happening 😕


Try removing the .webp extension from the filename, it may be a png file with a .webp file extension.



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The definitive paint.net tool for identifying mis-named image files is this one: What's It?

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