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Candy Text


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Plugins needed:

1. Diagonal Lines
2. Outline Object
3. Text Mask      from here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/111330-unfinished-plugins/?do=findComment&comment=550999

4. Drop Shadow

5. Bevel Object

6. AA's_Assistant


I used 'pooplatter' font from here: https://www.dafont.com/pooplatter.font


Fill Background with black color then add a new layer and fill that layer (White) with white color.

Add a new layer (Stripe) and run Diagonal Lines effect with the following settings:

Run Outline Object with the following settings:
Now you must to have that:

Merge layer down (Stripe + White) and run Text Mask effect with the following settings:
Now you must to get that:

Duplicate the White layer (I gave it the name: White - eroded text) and in that layer run the AA's_Assistant 17 times to get an eroded text.

Median is part of Noise submenu.
Before that, make the layer underneath invisible to see the effect of your actions.

Run Drop Shadow effect with the following settings:

Make visible the underneath layer and run AA's_Assistant 3 times.
Select White layer and run Bevel Object effect with the following settings:

Final result:






Inspired from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v72VmVmR6cw

Edited by klaxxon
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Very nice tutorial @klaxxon  :star:   I really love the technique used. Wonderful adaptation of the PS tut.


It's a bit of a weird font...I don't really care for the e's, but most of the other letters are nicely rounded.


It's almost summer, so I thought I'd go with this:




Thank you!  :)


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Really good tut and excellent outcomes. This gave me an idea on some adaptations. The outcome is outstanding, but I won't post it because it was done in gimp. If anyone is curious, you can see it HERE.

Edited by dipstick
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Love your outcome with gimp @dipstick.  There are so many variations.


Klaxxon's technique gives you a cleaner, sharper highlight.

Mine, from Plastic Text is more blurred, but both look good.  Many different ways to achieve highlights!  😉


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<3 @Pixey

Like usual your new outcomes are great!  Thank you for sharing this with us! :cake:  :coffee:

<3 @Woodsy!


OMG! Like usual your new outcomes are great! Thank you for sharing this with us! :cake:  :coffee:

Edited by Seerose

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.




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My Outline effect is filling in my entire page instead of outlining my text.  It doesn't show the color wheel option while I'm adjusting the outline, either.  I installed that exact plug-in about a month ago, and it worked at first.  I'm wondering if I have a setting clicked that I can't find. 


How I did it-- first attempt:


I added a layer on top, Pasted my text on that separate layer, clicked outside it with Magic Wand, tried Outline.


Second attempt:  


All that, and I Inverted Selection and tried Outline.


Am I doing something incorrect?  The layer with this text on it is Transparent all around it.

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Hi @LITMirror22.  The Outline Object plugin is only used on the 'stripes' layer. This gives you the thin pink stripes on either side of the dark red ones.


It is not meant to be used on the text layer. You should not even have a text layer yet. After you flatten the two layers to get get your stripes background,

then you are using Text Mask as shown in the above tutorial instructions. If you need further help, please ask.  :)


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I love this method of shading!! It'll definitely save a lot of trouble from manually airbrushing things in.


Word of advice to save at least some time and CPU processing for some people who run on older setups as I once did: You can also set the Morphology plugin to "Erode" about 10-20 times for the same effect as repeating AA's Assistant on a manual basis.



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