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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. @ Goonfella, Wow ! Amazing image. Jupiter looks just like Jupiter ! The moons are a nice touch. Beautiful image once again. @ 0(-.-)0, Very nice image. The atmosphere is very well done. The planet is a little too sharp looking. It would look a little softer through an atmosphere. Maybe add some cloud formations as well. Very light, soft and transparent.
  2. Oh I get to choose? I didn't know that ! This is the first thing I've entered on here. Who to I tell when I decide? Oh man, what to do ?
  3. You mean a domain? Yes, I guess. I was thinking that his IT staff could put the files on a shared drive making it easier to get to from each of the PCs. Could they write a batch file that would copy the files into the Effect folder for him? I'm not a network person, but on 30 computers, that would certainly be worth a box of muffins.
  4. Wow ! Thanks everybody who voted and everyone who entered ! These are the things that makes this forum great.
  5. Are the computers on a network? You could get a few of the plugin packs (they have several grouped together) and it would make for a quick install if you get your IT people to help. Maybe buy them some muffins one morning before you ask them to do "one little favor".....make sure you get enough so you get one too. Muffins are important.
  6. Then you can flatten it and save as another file format, like .png for example. That way you will still have your original .pdn file you can go back to and make changes or "borrow" parts for another piece. Good luck !
  7. forbiddenrose, you can also use the Roll/Rotate wheel in the Rotate Zoom tool in the layers menu. It can be a little tricky, but more precise. Good luck and great image !
  8. Thank you Simon, and thank you for the wonderful plugin. Scorpio, if you could post an example of the image that you are working on, maybe someone would be able to help you better. For example, say I have a background that I want to add some characters to but the background is in multiple layers. Save your image and flatten it (do not save it flattened and then hit ctrl z to un-flatten it later). Select all and copy it to a new image. Open the Custom Brushes Mini and choose a bright contrasting color and paint what you want on the new image. Then with the magic wand select the parts you just painted and save them to a new layer. You may have to run feather to clean them up a little, or not, and then you can paste them as a new layer into your original drawing that you have unflattened with ctrl z. Then you can use the color filter (or one of the many other color modifiers) to change the color to what you wish. Sorry for biting you earlier. There seems to be a new trend on this forum to be rude to other people. While some members don't care, many of us do and it is not acceptable to be rude and make comments like you did. Please be respectful of the other members and you too will be treated with respect. If you choose not do do so, then you can be assured that you will be treated rudely and get bitten again. Maybe the next time it will be by someone with bigger teeth.
  9. How cute are those guys? Those are really good ! Here are a few suggestions, copy your outline layer so you don't lose it. Then use alias then feather on the outline. If that is too much and removes too much of it, try a Gaussian blur at a setting of 2 or 3. Then if you want more, maybe try one of the blend modes like overlay, glow, or screen. Then maybe adjust the transparency in either the layer properties or use the transparency tool in the adjustments menu. Wow keep up the great work. I love dogs ! I think your shading is very good, but if you want to do better, do a Google image search on the breed of dog you want and look at a lot of pictures of that dog and pay special attention to the hi lites as well as the shadows. Good luck ! And post your results so we can all enjoy them !
  10. I'm working on one (or trying to), and your image is far from lame. I really like it ! I like your work.
  11. See reply below. Thats much nicer than what I had planned to say. But yes you are correct, it has been requested many times and I'm sure that all efforts are being made to create this feature. With that being as it is, Scorpio, I take great exception to your comment "I know there's a "mini" one out that someone has made as a plugin, but to be fair it's not brillient is it?" Actually it is quite brilliant. And it's very useful. Maybe if you planned your images a little better and spent more time learning more PdN tips you would realize there are ways to achieve what you want with the tools you have available. Maybe since you are so "brilliant" maybe you could offer to write a plugin that is more "brilliant" than Custom Brushes Mini, which by the way is one of my personal favorites. The members here that know me know that I usually don't bite other members, but in this case I thought a good bite was called for. Maybe reading more of the topics would have clued you into the fact that this topic has been discussed at great length. This is a free program, maybe the greatest free program of all time, but I can tell you that it is not free to Rick or the other people who develop the plugins and work hard on this forum as Admins or Moderators. They spend their time and patience on this project and as everyone knows, time is money. That is time they spend away from their families or other aspects of their lives so we can have this great program to enjoy FOR FREE. Maybe you should be a little more thankful and humble in your comments in the future.
  12. That is the best idea in the history of forever. Ever. I cannot believe I did not think of that sooner. Thank you so so much. I owe you 48.5 cans of . And to barbieq and butterfly, thank you. I probably don't deserve as much praise I disagree, you do deserve a lot of praise. Great stuff ! I predict there will be an influx of 3D text imitating what you have done. < possum trots off to get started> @ Helen, great idea ! WOW I never thought of that. < slaps forehead, has little effect, guess you can't slap sense into some people> Sure it would be hard on more complex things, but for that area that just ruins an image because of the AA, it will be worth the effort. Again, you are brilliant ! A big cyber hug for you !
  13. If you are using XP that might fix your problem. The last set of fonts I installed I had to restart for some reason.
  14. This is an answer I gave on another topic but I think it will steer you in the right direction.
  15. What a cutie ! I can see your problem, a lot of curly hair ! Just start out with the cut out technique with a larger area than you want and then through the use the eraser tool and the magic wand and alias and feather you will get there. Good luck !
  16. Goonie, that is one of the most amazing images on this forum ever. **** runs off to nominate it to the Galleria ******
  17. @ Yellowman That is just :shock: Beautiful, amazing, breathtaking ! Maybe a tut on that ? Please ? Pretty please ? @ EscapistAngel, Wow, I really like that. Very Tech ! Kind of The Matrix looking kind of thing. Great job. @ Kemaru, Very very nice. Great color (looks much better at full size than the thumb) and you didn't over do the zoom blur ! Great job. @ Lance, Really nice. Clever but could use some color. I think you are right about the AA in the use of the outline object to get the 3D effect. I have had better luck with motion blur and duplicating the image as much as needed but even then I still have to clean it up a little. @ Aguba, WOW ! Beautiful stuff ! Makes me want to give it a try. I looked through the guy's gallery that you mentioned and it's pretty impressive, but I think you are on the right track to catch him. Some work on technical issues like the AA and I think you will have it down. Maybe a tut is in order? I agree with Lance, you should look at the metalize plugin, I think you will like it once you play around with it. There is also a new blend modes plugin that you should also check out. Sorry, I'm not at my laptop and do not have it on this computer so I can't remember what the correct name is. Anyways, it does some really cool stuff that you might find helpful. You can also get some great advice from Yellowman, he is one of the best 3D artists on here and has been a huge inspiration to me and maybe my most patient tutor. Keep up the great work, glad to have you on the forum !
  18. Orange slice is brilliant. Glossy oranges with a wonderful dents pulp ! You are so clever ! I would have never thought of that ! Beautiful !
  19. "feature disparities in the Text tool between GDI (XP) and DirectWrite (Win7/Vista)." Thank you Rick. Text looks much better !
  20. You could try this, viewtopic.php?f=34&t=28790 or the tut in the PDF here, viewtopic.php?f=34&t=29324 You should have this one anyway. Very important information in the PDF that you should know. Hope this sets you in the right direction. Don't get discouraged, make a copy of your original image and work on the copy, not the original, try it several times and you will see that you will get better with each try. Good luck
  21. Have you tried Point Warp? It's worth a try. Or maybe Power Stretch?
  22. short for drawing, .dwg is the file extension for an AutoCad drawing file. (Or did you already know that and now I'm looking really stupid and will be nominated for some pwnage award next year?) :shock:
  23. Well that's an interesting look. Ok, you could get the blue icy part in a number of ways, maybe a combination of clouds in white and lite blue, add some noise and blur with your choice of blur plugins. As for the skate marks on the ice, I would use Custom Brushes Mini ( here; viewtopic.php?f=16&t=30118&hilit=Custom+Mini+Brushes ) and try out one of the many brushes that people have posted. Just do a search on Custom brushes to find the thread. Or you can start here; viewtopic.php?f=12&t=32739&p=305468&hilit=post+your+custom+brushes+here#p305468 Good luck, post your results in the Pictorium so we can all see it.
  24. Thanks Simon. I love the Custom Brush mini ! I use it all the time, brilliant !
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